10 secrets of Hollywood stars: how to drive a man crazy with a perfect smile?

Scientists have proven that a smiling person evokes more sympathy than even the most beautiful but gloomy top model. Moreover, employers are more loyal to those with healthy and beautiful teeth. Such people give the impression of being more responsible and efficient. And Dutch researchers claim that with a smile a person always looks younger than his age. How to achieve an ideal smile and what to do if nature has not endowed you with beautiful teeth, says Ilgam Vagifovich Mamedov, leading orthopedist and chief physician of the German Center for Aesthetic Dentistry SDent in Moscow.

The smile looks symmetrical

The basis of a beautiful smile is symmetry, that is, one half of the lips should be symmetrical to the other. When smiling, about 40 different facial muscles work, but they are all trained differently, which is why the smile often turns out to be asymmetrical.

Facial muscles can be trained with simple exercises (these exercises will not only make your smile perfect, but will also help avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles and improve diction).

  • Purse your lips, pull them into a tube and hold them in this position for a few seconds. Then relax your lips. Repeat 5-8 times.
  • Close your lips tightly, stretch them forward and try to make a figure eight with them. Then relax your muscles. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  • Stick out your tongue, clasp it tightly with your lips and hold this position for a few seconds, then relax the muscles of your lips and tongue as much as possible. Repeat five times.
  • Stretch your lips into an unnaturally wide smile, and then relax them. Repeat five times.

Physiognomy - the lower lip is larger than the upper lip in women and men: what does this mean?

For men, large, large, well-defined lips indicate openness, self-confidence, and charisma. However, some features need to be taken into account.

Physiognomy - the lower lip is larger than the upper lip in women and men, what does this mean:

  • If the lower lip is significantly larger in size than the upper lip, this indicates non-compliance, persistence, and obstinacy. Such a person will never give up the laurels of championship, and does not like to lose.
  • That is why you need to be careful with such people and argue less often. Conflicts with them are a lost cause, since nothing will be achieved. A person will always prove his superiority and superiority over you.
  • The same applies to women, but there are some subtleties. Representatives of the fair sex with lush lips are distinguished by sensuality and love experiments in bed. Therefore, if you are in doubt about whether you should meet a girl or not, you definitely need to flirt with her.

Beautiful lips

The smile looks sincere

They say that stars have been training to smile correctly for years, and some have their smiles even “put on” by image specialists.

To independently find the very shape that suits you completely, you need to train in front of the mirror and, of course, visit the dentist at least once a year.

By the way, on the Internet there are many photographs of stars before the dentist has worked on them thoroughly. Believe me, their smiles were very far from ideal. Demi Moore once admitted that she invested more than $12,000 in her teeth.

However, nothing will help you if your smile is insincere and forced. A positive attitude, cheerfulness and openness to the world will make any smile irresistible.

Liv Tyler

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How to determine a sincere smile?

Do you think this is a sincere smile?

When we encounter faces in everyday life, our brains instantly compare their geometry with thousands of others we've encountered before to retrieve the appropriate expression from memory. Next, we evaluate the context—is the smile expected? Finally, automatic facial mimicry allows us to put ourselves in the place of the person smiling.

Niedenthal cautions against overemphasizing context. “It is important to give up the belief that the smile you see in a situation that does not make you smile is false. It may be authentic to a person in that culture or situation.”

There are other signs too. Conscious smiles may be too sharp or too long, or disappear quickly, or appear long before the phrase they are supposed to accompany. A confident smile is more than squinty eyes and shiny teeth.

Physiognomy - small lips in women and men: character

It used to be thought that thin lips were characteristic of stingy people, but in fact this is not the case.

Physiognomy - small lips in women and men, character:

  • Thin, small lips, which are distinguished by a wide slit, indicate that a person always sees something bad in events. That is, he is a pessimist.
  • In most cases, such lips are found in women and men who are distinguished by their gloomy and taciturn character.
  • They don’t like to talk a lot, even in the company of friends it’s difficult to get a word out. Very often such lips indicate excessive tension, a person is not at ease.

small lips

Physiognomy - large lips in women and men: character

Full, lush lips speak of sensuality and excessive sexuality.

Physiognomy of large lips in women and men, character:

  • Almost all women dream of lips like these, so it’s no wonder plastic surgeons have a lot of work to do.
  • Lately, lip augmentation procedures have become very popular. If your lips are natural, quite lush, full, this speaks of a sultry beauty who loves the attention of men.
  • She tries in every possible way to attract men, often goes on a diet, does fitness and loves herself very much.
  • Such women are the dream of men, but they are not very good housewives and wives. Such women love the attention of not one man, but several, so you shouldn’t count on loyalty.

Beautiful lips

Physiognomy - short upper lip in women and men: character

The most unusual are the fair sex, who have a short upper lip. This structure is not very common, but the owners of such sponges are emotional, so they stand out among the crowd. They value themselves highly and often suffer from increased self-esteem. Uncompromising in achieving success and goals. These people will move mountains on their way to achieve success. They adapt well to any conditions and can find a way out.

Physiognomy - short upper lip in women and men, character:

  • They change their minds infrequently, despite the fact that they can adapt. They often think about mistakes and correct them. People tend to be introspective and often study psychology. They do not achieve success in their personal life very often, because they are characterized by increased sensitivity and libido.
  • They often have many affairs that end in failure. They are very easy to win over, they are trusting, which is why they often suffer. If the corners of the lips are raised upward, people are prone to various affairs. They never suffer from attention deficit disorder.
  • It is believed that women with such lips are excellent lovers and are ready for sexual experiments. A man with such lips has a lot of girls, whom he changes quite often.
  • The person is kind, sympathetic, but not constant. If the corners of the lips are not drawn, blurred, the person has a weak character. They are prone to manipulation and are easy to lure to their side and manipulate.
  • Such people are very naive, which is why they suffer and get into various troubles. If the corners of the mouth are outlined, then the person is romantic, intellectual, and emotional. Such people love to analyze and never make frivolous decisions.

Beautiful lips

Physiognomy - large lower lip in women and men: character

People don’t always have both large lips, or vice versa, thin ones. It happens that the upper lip is very thin, while the lower lip is quite plump.

Physiognomy of the large lower lip in women and men, character:

  • Such people have a concentrated cocktail of emotions and an explosive mixture. They are usually quite hot-tempered. From people with lush lips they inherited a love of pleasure, sexuality, and emotionality.
  • But the upper lip also affects the person as a whole. It is precisely because of their thin upper lip that they do not allow themselves to relax, and are often on the verge of making a mistake, but do not make it.
  • Therefore, such people are very careful, although they are not averse to having fun. Physiognomists advise not to trust such people, as their mood often changes. They can be very stingy, or, on the contrary, they indulge in carnal pleasures and spend money at the speed of sound. This is not the best option for a partner; you need to be prepared for the unexpected.

plump lips

Physiognomy - plump lips in women and men: character

Similar studies that connect character with facial features appeared a long time ago, back in the time of Aristotle. Since then, many have tried to connect a person’s character with the features of their eye shape, smile or face shape.

Physiognomy of plump lips in women and men, character:

  • Now many companies that are engaged in sales are trying in every possible way to increase the sales of goods. That is why they also resort to the intricacies of physiognomy and its study. It has been proven that people with lush, brightly defined lips, even if they are not very large, can make decisions for quite a long time.
  • They are not used to doing things rashly. Therefore, if you approach such a person in a store and begin to impose your help, he will most likely turn around and leave. Conversely, people with thin lips, which are practically invisible, are prone to analytical thinking and the implementation of certain algorithms.
  • Such people rarely come to the store just to look and ask the price. Most of the time they come to buy. That is why it is much easier to persuade such a person to buy, and he will not think for long. This is not due to the fact that he makes a rash decision, but because of careful consideration when making purchases.

plump lips

Physiognomy - thin upper lip in women and men: character

If the mouth is asymmetrical, for example, one corner is higher or lower than the other, then you need to be careful with such people. The person is very kind and sympathetic, curious, and easy to win over.

Physiognomy - thin upper lip in women and men, character:

  • Most of these people are pessimistic. They expect bad things from almost everyone and tend to become depressed. People who have very full, protruding lips have a capricious character and want to have fun.
  • For the most part, such people do not want to do anything; they almost never have work. They spend a lot of time on self-admiration. Mostly such women become kept women.
  • Men either drink themselves to death or find a woman who is ready to sponsor them. It is necessary that the person who is nearby takes care of them and provides for them.

Thin lips

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