Teeth whitening White Smile: reviews, dentists’ opinions, description, pros and cons of use

In this article we will look at reviews of White Smile teeth whitening.

A snow-white smile is one of the components of the image of a successful modern person, since through a smile you can not only express emotions, but also win people over. However, not every person can boast of beautiful white teeth, and darkened teeth cause a lot of inconvenience. In the modern world, when people's professional activities occupy most of their lives, the requirements for appearance are becoming more and more stringent.

A healthy and beautiful smile is an indicator of the good condition of a person’s teeth and mood. Therefore, we can safely say that everything in a person should be beautiful, including teeth. This kind of smile is considered a sign of a successful person. It helps to make and maintain new connections and feel free in society. It is easier for a person with a beautiful smile to inspire trust in the interlocutor, and it is much easier to achieve success both in his personal life and in business. Conversely, those with darkened teeth smile very little and strive to hide this physiological defect all the time. Thus, nowadays it is practically impossible for a person to do without a snow-white smile. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to get rid of such a problem; the main thing is to choose the right whitening agent. According to reviews, White Smile teeth whitening is very effective.

Features of the procedure

This innovative technology has gained great popularity due to its safety for enamel. Express teeth whitening White Smile, reviews of which are presented in the article, is a system of specific effects on the pigment of teeth using a special gel and a lamp that activates it.

This medication contains sodium perborate at a concentration of 16%. This substance has a much more delicate effect on the tooth surface than the commonly used hydrogen peroxide. The effect of a special lamp is based on the so-called cold light, which also helps ensure the safety of the medical procedure.

Thus, the process of releasing active oxygen occurs, which penetrates deep into dentin and tooth enamel and promotes the gradual dissolution of various age spots and darkening, removal of pathological plaque and lightening of dental surfaces up to six tones in one session. Reviews of White Smile cosmetic teeth whitening confirm this. In what cases should this procedure be performed?

Franchise Description

White&Smile’s individual formats are a profitable solution for both beginners and those growing.

The business can be launched either as a separate studio or as an additional one. option for the Beauty industry. Example formats:

- as an independent direction - in beauty salons - in manicure salons - in cosmetology - in SPA centers - in fitness clubs and Wellness centers - in dentistry

A few words about the company:

White and Smile, LLC is a recognized leader, included in the golden TOP 100 best franchises of 2016! Cosmetic express whitening technology was developed in France in 2011. Start of sales in Russia in 2013. Opening of our own production in the Russian Federation since 2016. Delicate whitening technology has already spread to 26 countries around the world and continues to conquer the planet. Every month, 10 new studios are opened under the White&Smile franchise, a positive image and a recognizable brand - all this makes White&Smile number one in the market. Are you with us?

*Additional information and a full presentation are available upon request.

Indications for use

You can count on a positive result from this White Smile teeth whitening technique only in cases where the darkening of tooth enamel is caused by normal plaque from smoking, eating foods, as well as from tea and coffee. If this happened as a result of taking certain medications (for example, tetracycline), low-quality fillings, fluorosis, or damage to tooth structures, then the effectiveness of whitening may not appear.

The main indication for White Smile express teeth whitening is darkening of tooth enamel, which occurs as a result of natural household factors.

Features of teeth whitening using the White Smile method

Let's talk about another new technology in the field of cosmetic dentistry - White Smile teeth whitening. A detailed description and advantages of the method, reviews of it among clients and a lot of other information will be provided below.

The joint development of French and Italian dentists has led to the creation of a safe, fast and fairly simple method of lightening enamel. Since the gel used does not contain hydrogen peroxide or other dangerous substances, the session does not even require the participation of a doctor.

Features of the procedure

Innovative technology has gained popularity by ensuring the safety of enamel. Teeth whitening White Smile (read as White Smile) is a system of influencing pigment using a special gel and a lamp that activates it.

The product contains sodium perborate in a concentration of 16%, which is much more gentle on the tooth surface than the commonly used hydrogen peroxide. The effect of the lamp is based on the so-called “cold light”, which should also ensure the safety of the procedure.

Thus, active oxygen is released, which penetrates deep into the enamel and dentin and gradually leads to the dissolution of age spots, removal of yellow plaque and lightening of the tooth surface up to six tones in one session.

Indications and contraindications

You can count on the promised result only if the darkening of the enamel is associated with normal plaque from eating foods and smoking. And when this happened due to taking certain medications (for example, tetracycline), fluorosis, low-quality filling, damage to the tooth structure, the whitening effect may not appear.


When cosmetic teeth whitening using this method, as with any other lightening techniques, there are some contraindications:

  1. Children under 16 years of age. During this period, tooth enamel is at the stage of formation; it is most vulnerable and prone to destruction from external influences.
  2. The presence of braces in the oral cavity, which is a direct obstacle to any such dental interventions.
  3. The period of pregnancy and lactation, since during this time completely unpredictable reactions can occur even to the most harmless medical procedures.
  4. The patient has some diseases of the gums and teeth, which must initially be treated so that the whitening effect of the gel does not damage the structure of the teeth even more.
  5. A variety of dentures, fixed and removable, fillings made of artificial materials, which are not a direct obstacle to whitening, but the gel will not have the necessary effect on them. As a result, after a dental procedure, there may be a significant difference in the shades of foreign objects and lightened teeth.

If after performing this medical procedure the patient notices some unpleasant sensations, this means that not all contraindications to bleaching have been taken into account. The safety of the procedure has been proven by the experience of many people who have tried this method of express teeth whitening.

Mechanism of action

The safest type of hydrogen peroxide compound is sodium perborate. It is this substance that is used for dental procedures to lighten teeth using White Smile technology. This is a specific powder or powder that, in the whitening gel, breaks down under the action of an LED lamp and releases a safe amount of hydrogen.

The main advantages of the technique are:

  • the speed of the dental procedure, which lasts no more than an hour with all consultations and preparations;
  • instant result, which provides lightening of tooth enamel in the smile area by about six tones in one visit;
  • the absolute safety of the technique preserves dental health;
  • the dental procedure is painless and does not cause discomfort;
  • accessibility at cost and a minimum number of medical contraindications.

How is whitening done?

The entire dental procedure does not take much time and is quite simple to carry out. To do this, a specialist just needs to perform some basic manipulations:

  1. Using a special brush, light surface plaque is removed for better accessibility to dental tissues.
  2. An initial diagnosis of shades is carried out for subsequent comparison of the effect of bleaching.
  3. In the smile area, the medical product is evenly distributed over the surface of the teeth.
  4. The gel is placed in a special individual mouth guard and the mouth guard is fixed on both jaws.
  5. An LED lamp is directed to the desired area and turned on. It should be left for about 20 minutes.
  6. Then he removes all the instruments, after which the oral cavity must be rinsed to clean it of any remaining gel.
  7. The resulting color of the tooth enamel is compared with the original shade, and the patient is given some recommendations on how to consolidate the positive result.

What is White Smile whitening?

  1. The White Smile teeth whitening method is fast , convenient and effective , in which new technologies combined with a whitening gel give the desired enamel shade .
  2. People have gradually become accustomed to caring not only about oral and dental hygiene, but also about aesthetic appearance.
  3. The product has been tested and has all the necessary compliance documents.
  4. The innovative technology was developed by French and Italian dentists, and is also certified and approved by the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Is the industry leader 2022 , which can be found in Europe and the CIS. The company is ranked 14th on Forbes magazine's list as the fastest growing franchise in its industry.

An important point is that the products do not contain commonly found components: hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide , which are often included in analogues.

Hydrogen peroxide can thin out tooth enamel, which is completely unfavorable.

Important! Experimentally, scientists have found a replacement for peroxide. The gel is based on the principle of releasing atomic oxygen. The main component of the drug is sodium perborate.

  • Under the influence of the cold light of an LED lamp, a splitting reaction occurs between a hydrogen molecule and an atomic oxygen molecule, which falls on the surface of the enamel and penetrates into the dentin.
  • Next, it attaches to the pigment molecule and makes it water-soluble (atomic oxygen does not react with other chemicals).
  • The water molecule then washes the soluble pigment out of the enamel structure.
  • Thus, the pores of the tooth enamel are cleaned and the dark components are discolored.

How many shades can be lightened?

The effect of whitening cannot be determined in advance with accuracy. Every person is individual and the result of White Smile manifests itself differently for everyone .

It is worth noting! Depending on the desired effect, there are 3 types of whitening:

  • Express (2-4 tones, 20 minutes);
  • Classic (4-8 tones, 40 minutes);
  • Extra (8-12 tones, 60 minutes).

For maximum results, it is recommended to choose an Extra or Classic session . To repeat the session and maintain the result, Express is recommended.

Each person determines for himself how many shades of whitening are needed.

In the center they provide a convenient palette of tones.

It is possible to get an individual consultation with a specialist , and it is free of charge . You can attach the sample to your teeth and decide on your choice.

Indications and contraindications White Smile

Whitening lasts from 3 months to a year, depending on oral hygiene and nutrition.

Note! A common indication for use is darkening of teeth due to the use of coloring products.

It is known that coffee, tea, wine and cigarettes accelerate the darkening of teeth, so after eating foods that contain coloring pigments, you should rinse your mouth. also affect the color of teeth and the dark natural shade .

is contraindicated :

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • up to 16 years (tooth tissues are not fully formed);
  • if you have a large number of crowns, fillings and other prostheses;
  • while wearing braces.

Also not recommended for people with highly sensitive teeth .

Advantages and disadvantages

Basically, the technology has pleasant advantages. The main thing is not to stumble upon a counterfeit product, because the desired result depends on the quality of the drug.

You should know! Dentists recommend not to get carried away with such whitening and not to resort to it quite often. It is necessary to re-apply to the technique only after 6 months.

Similar treatments can make enamel weaker and affect the consumption of hot and cold foods.

Stages of the procedure

For this popular service, you must register in advance at the appropriate center and fill out a personal questionnaire.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. first of all, specialists in the studio determine the initial degree of whiteness of the teeth using a special scale;
  2. Using a cleaning activator, plaque is removed;
  3. A mouth guard with whitening gel is placed on the jaw, protective glasses are placed on the eyes, and napkins are applied to the clothes;
  4. The LED lamp is directed with cold light onto the area to be irradiated (the gel, under the influence of the lamp, penetrates the tooth enamel and breaks down the coloring pigments);
  5. After removing the mouthguard, the oral cavity is rinsed to remove any remaining gel.

The minimum lamp exposure time is 20 minutes , the maximum is an hour. After just 20 minutes, a whitening effect of 2-4 tones is achieved (depending on individual characteristics).

During the technology, specialists turn on the TV or music for a fun and relaxing pastime.

For your information! Some people try to carry out this process on their own at home. The result depends on following the instructions, care and diligence. To begin with, it is better to consult with specialists.

Recommendations after the event

After the procedure, it is contraindicated to smoke, eat or drink “colored” drinks for 2 hours. You can only drink plain water.
In the next 48 hours, a “white diet” is recommended , in which it is necessary to limit the consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, juices, sauces and vegetables that can stain tooth enamel.

It is not recommended to consume fermented milk products and products containing natural acids. The longer you abstain, the more effective the result.

If you consume coloring products due to ignorance or forgetfulness, you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste.

Interesting fact! Girls should refrain from using lipstick and lip gloss for 3 days after whitening.

Subsequently, to maintain the resulting shade, it is recommended to use special products at home:

  • enamel whitening powder;
  • strips for sensitive teeth;
  • strips for teeth that are not prone to sensitivity;
  • bamboo toothbrushes (with carbon fiber);
  • bioactive mousse;
  • hyaluronic gel mouthwash.


Below are some reviews. If you have something to say, leave your review below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

Good whitening is carried out without pain or discomfort for my sensitive teeth. After filling out a personal questionnaire and measuring the tone of the tooth enamel, sitting in a soft chair, a painless procedure takes place. Once in the evening after whitening, my teeth ached, but in the morning I didn’t feel it anymore.

Whitening in dentistry is more expensive, so when I came across this procedure, I was pleasantly surprised at the affordable price. The procedure is safe, delicate and comfortable, and most importantly, it does not damage the enamel.

Duration of effect after whitening

The duration of the result may depend on habits, lifestyle, foods consumed, etc. If you follow all necessary hygiene procedures and proper nutrition, the effect of lightening can last for 6 months or even a year.

If you need to maintain the effect of teeth whitening much longer, you can use the following recommendations:

  • careful adherence to the rules of oral hygiene;
  • eating only light-colored foods that do not have coloring pigments;
  • refusal of drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, red wine;
  • smoking cessation;
  • in addition, you can use home teeth whitening systems - pencils, strips, special kits, toothpastes, etc.

The more attention you pay to this issue, the longer the patient will be pleased with the cleanliness and shine of his smile and the less often he will have to turn to professionals for such procedures.

Reviews of White Smile teeth whitening are mostly positive.

Vivid White Smile - cosmetics reviews

>>The whole truth about home whitening.

home whitening technique has become widespread . Since its introduction to dental practitioners in the late 1980s, it has become popular as a method of conservative treatment for discolouration. This technique, very common around the world, involves the use of plastic trays and whitening gels based on carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, and is used to lighten living teeth if the discoloration is not excessive. It allows you to remove stains and darkening caused by food coloring, tobacco, etc., as well as lighten the individual color of your teeth . They will look whiter and have a natural shine. You can expect a color change of 2-3 tones. The final result depends on the structure of the teeth and the type of darkening. On the first visit, the patient must undergo professional teeth cleaning , photodiagnostics, determine the initial color of the teeth , and take impressions for making trays. On the second visit, the trays are tried on and donated; the patient should be introduced to the rules for using this bleaching product and a day of examination should be scheduled. At home, he independently fills the trays with gel and wears them for the time determined by the doctor (from 1 to 6-8 hours a day). The mouth guards are worn until the desired result is achieved. The maximum effect occurs after 2-3 weeks, however, with fluorosis and “tetracycline” stains, the desired effect may occur after 2-5 months. To maintain the result of whitening, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis once a month (for one day or night), and after a year to repeat the procedure, but for a shorter period (up to 1 week). During the whitening tooth hypersensitivity may occur . Then you need to apply fluoride preparations and remove the aligners. In case of another complication - weakening of the adhesive bond between the tooth tissues and the filling - dental treatment with fillings is necessary, and restoration can be carried out no earlier than a week later. If your gums are inflamed, you should check the edge of the tray. However, there are always patients who are unable to treat themselves at home . Others do not want to wait several weeks for results. In addition, many have distinct tooth , such as those caused by tetracycline use in early childhood. Such changes are very difficult to bleach using traditional methods. For all of the listed categories of patients, there is in-office or mixed ( home + in-office) whitening . In-office whitening is performed in cases where discoloration is very pronounced (pulpless, “tetracycline”, “resorcinol” teeth). The essence of the technique is to use exclusively in the doctor’s office a more concentrated gel or solution (30-35%) with the protection of the oral mucosa with a special rubber membrane-cofferdam. In addition, the dentist may use a laser or special lamps to activate the whitening agent. Laser whitening technology includes the use of argon or diode lasers, and allows you to obtain a lighter shade of enamel without harming its structure and chemical composition. You should know that the laser does not whiten teeth , it simply accelerates the oxidative effects of hydrogen peroxide. Since its high concentrations are used, the oral cavity must be carefully prepared for the procedure. This system effectively whitens stained teeth in a relatively short period of time: most patients are treated in one visit, averaging 2.5 hours. Mixed (combined) bleaching, as a way to maximize the whitening effect, involves the use of strong carbamide peroxide-based substances in the clinic as an addition to home treatment. The combination of both systems allows you to achieve optimal results. In an office setting, internal whitening of one tooth if there is trauma, complications of caries, amalgam fillings or silver pins, if endontological treatment has been previously carried out. For such bleaching, you can use 10% carbamide peroxide or 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with sodium tetraborate “extempore”. It is most advisable to use the ready-made product “Endoperax”. When performing internal bleaching , high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, heat and light are contraindicated. The sequence of operations for internal bleaching is as follows: close the root canal tightly to the apex, be sure to do x-ray control; brush the tooth and determine the color; make a depression in the root canal and leave a swab with a bleaching agent in it; Cover the tooth with an airtight bandage for 3-5 days. Check the results at your next visit. If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the doctor achieves the desired result. The final treatment of this tooth (placement of a filling, pin, restoration) is carried out no earlier than a week after the completion of bleaching. It should be noted that internal bleaching can lead to fracture of the tooth crown or root resorption at the gum (high concentrations, temperature, lack of lining). Due to the fact that not in all cases it is possible to carry out bleaching (there are contraindications, which were mentioned earlier), they resort to artistic restoration of teeth - restoration of color, transparency, tooth shape using the latest generation composite materials or to the manufacture of orthopedic structures - crowns, ceramic laminate (veneer). Thus, the final decision - whether it is necessary or not, whether teeth can be whitened - can only be made by a doctor. And provided that all recommendations of dental specialists are strictly followed, patients are guaranteed a “Hollywood smile.” Typically, after whitening, teeth return to their original color within 2-5 years. To maintain the achieved whiteness for a long time, proper dental care is very important. With really good hygiene, regular professional cleanings and periodic whitening, you can have a white, sparkling smile for as long as you want.

And you want results in just 2 days...

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique has the following advantages:

  • quick effect;
  • whiteness of teeth;
  • safety.

According to reviews from dentists about White Smile teeth whitening, the disadvantages include:

  • presence of contraindications;
  • gradual, albeit slight, weakening of tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening White Smile - rules of use and contraindications

Under the influence of various coloring pigments, which are found in almost any food and drink, teeth lose their natural shine and become darker. However, most clinical cleansing procedures have many disadvantages.

White Smile teeth whitening is the safest and most effective method available to everyone. The unique technology allows you to restore the natural beauty and healthy appearance of your teeth in just 20 minutes.

Modern methods make it possible to carry out a cosmetic procedure at home.

What is the White Smile system?

Teeth whitening systems The Smile, My and Glo were developed in 2011 and have international safety certificates for cosmetic products.
Thanks to the special technologies used in production, the drug can be used without visiting a dentist. READ ALSO: “White Light” teeth whitening system at home: instructions

The latest technology in the field of cosmetic dentistry was created through the efforts of the largest European companies White&Smile and InSmile.

The main difference between the White Glo express whitening system and other methods is its delicate effect on tooth enamel.

Thanks to the use of a special gel based on sodium perborate, lightening occurs more effectively, but less aggressively than when using mixtures including hydrogen peroxide.

“Cold light” is used to activate the active substance. Thus, the released active oxygen penetrates into the tissues and does not remain on the enamel. As a result of the procedure, the surface of the teeth becomes lighter due to the dissolution of age spots.

About the franchise

According to reviews, the White Smile teeth whitening franchise is truly worth investing in.

The company offers to earn from 100 thousand rubles. per month, opening a teeth whitening studio. This studio does not require medical education or licensing. The business can be organized as an independent direction or as an additional one in the Beauty industry.

Franchise summary:

  • net profit - from 100,000 rubles. per month;
  • investments - from 130,000 rubles;
  • average check - 2000 rubles;
  • payback - from 2 months;
  • marginality - up to 350%;
  • required room - from 10 m2.

Below are the direct benefits of the White Smile teeth whitening studio (reviews confirm this):

  1. No lump sum fee.
  2. No royalties.
  3. No license from the Ministry of Health is required.
  4. No paramedics required.
  5. Minimal risk (business processes are fine-tuned to the smallest detail).
  6. Saving on adaptation (marketing book, business book, SMM book, training).

What does the White Smile cosmetic teeth whitening franchise provide?

  1. Regular customers – stability of income due to availability with guarantees of quality and cost.
  2. A complete package of documents - all equipment and products are certified and comply with safety regulations and requirements for cosmetic products.
  3. A sought-after niche - a modern trend, results in half an hour, comfortable and affordable.
  4. Image as a sales factor. The brand is well-known, saving hundreds of thousands of rubles on advertising.
  5. Scalability and versatility. The business is scalable as an additional or independent direction.
  6. High liquidity.
  7. Full service and marketing support.

What does the White&Smile™ franchise give you:

1. Satisfied and regular customers are a stable source of income, thanks to affordability and high quality guarantees. 2. A complete package of necessary documents - all products and equipment are certified and comply with the requirements and regulations on the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products. 3. A niche in demand - a current trend, results in 30 minutes, accessible and comfortable. 4. Image as a sales factor - the reputation of the franchise plays to your advantage. The brand is well-known, and you save hundreds of thousands of rubles on promotion. 5. Versatility and scalability. The business is easily scalable, both as an independent direction and as an additional one (if you already have a business in the Beauty industry: beauty salon, cosmetology, SPA or dentistry). 6. High liquidity. A ready-made business based on the White&Smile franchise can be sold profitably, if necessary. 7. Full marketing and service support. You receive ready-made tools on what to do and how to make a profit in the second month. Plus, you receive sources of branded POS materials and other brand identity on a turnkey basis.


Reviews of White Smile teeth whitening are mostly positive. Despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently in Russia, it is very popular. Patients who have used this method note that this dental procedure does not take much time, is absolutely painless, and does not cause discomfort. The effect is observed immediately, and in many patients it lasted for more than six months. In case of refusal of coloring products, as well as tea and coffee, an even longer lasting effect was observed. The patients did not observe any side effects.

There are reviews about White Smile teeth whitening from dentists. This technique is considered gentle compared to others. However, it is not suitable for everyone. For those people who have problems with enamel, the lightening effect will not be noticeable. And this is money wasted.

How does LED teeth whitener work?

The LED light teeth whitening system is a non-invasive bleach-based treatment. The kit consists of a whitening product, an applicator or syringe, mouth trays and an LED lamp.

This LED light speeds up the whitening process when it comes into contact with an activator, which is a gel infused with carbamide peroxide. When you rest, carbamide peroxide turns into hydrogen peroxide, which is a bleaching agent that whitens the surface of your teeth.

Wondering why you should try it? Scroll down to the next section to find out.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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