How to choose an effective teeth whitening gel? Review of popular tools

December 6, 2017

Among the many products for oral care at home, whitening gels are becoming increasingly popular. Such drugs are produced by many companies and are used to change the color of enamel. Among other similar products that can be used at home, gels are the most effective. Even dentists recommend using them to maintain the beauty and attractiveness of teeth.

Teeth whitening gels has prepared a review of the most popular, effective and safe gels that can be used for teeth whitening at home. But we remind you that before purchasing them you must visit your dentist. The doctor must assess the condition of the enamel and gums and give his verdict: which particular composition of the drug will suit you and will not harm your teeth.

Operating principle

The secret to the effectiveness of gels lies in their composition.

The main active ingredients of most of these products are hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide .

The principle of operation is as follows: upon contact with the surface of tooth enamel, substances interact with air.

During the reaction, oxygen is released, which actively cleanses tooth enamel of plaque and other contaminants and penetrates its structure, eliminating age spots .

At the same time, the carbamide peroxide in the preparation acts more mildly than hydrogen peroxide.

Both active ingredients do not pose a threat to the structure of tooth enamel if used in reasonable doses and at large intervals.

With frequent use, such a substance thins the enamel, making it fragile and teeth vulnerable to damage.


Teeth whitening gels are in high demand among people of different segments of the population, ages, and gender. This is due to the fact that these products are highly accessible, they are quite easy and simple to use, and the result is visible after just a few uses. Another important advantage of these products is their low cost, which is much lower than professional dental procedures for cleaning tooth enamel.

Important! The main whitening effect of gels is the content of the main component - hydrogen peroxide. The oxygen contained in this component enters deep into the tooth enamel, resulting in an active chemical reaction that leads to lightening of the enamel. If you use peroxide alone, it can cause increased damage to dental tissue and its rapid destruction. Therefore, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, whitening mixtures contain other elements that protect the tooth structure from the aggressive influence of peroxide. For this reason, whitening gels are not recommended for those with tooth sensitivity. Whitening gels are also produced, based on carbamide peroxide as the main substance. This component is not as active as hydrogen peroxide, so the effect after using these products may occur later. But at the same time, products with this component do not cause such side effects as increased tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums. The content of hydrogen peroxide in bleaching agents is no more than 4-9%, and carbamide peroxide – 12-15%. Additionally, whitening gels may contain other elements:

  • abrasive type elements. Baking soda is often used as these substances. This element increases the aggressive effect on the structure of tooth enamel. It is best not to purchase products that contain this component;
  • calcium and fluoride. These elements have a beneficial effect on the structure of teeth. They minimize the process of negative influence of existing elements;
  • acids. These elements are considered the most dangerous. If bleaching products contain acids, then you should not purchase them. Acids not only have a destructive effect on the structure of teeth, but also negatively affect the condition of the entire body.

Teeth whitening gel is a type of chemical whitening based on lightening tooth tissue using active ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.


The latest developments by scientists have made it possible to create teeth whitening gels for home use, which can seriously compete with professional products.

Both types of products have a number of advantages that set them apart from other methods of whitening tooth enamel:

  • high efficiency ;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • relative safety ;
  • ease of use;
  • achieving a visible effect after the first use;
  • relatively low cost ;
  • protection from further influence of coloring substances that are present in food and drinks.

Three ways to use

Manufacturers of teeth lightening products have not reached a unanimous conclusion on exactly how to use the product. Gels are produced in different packages, each product is used differently:

  • the principle of regular tooth brushing. A brush with soft bristles is required; gel is applied to it, gently brushing the teeth. The procedure increases the risk of damage to the enamel; the patient does not always choose the right brush or calculate the amount of the drug;
  • combination with mouth guards. The devices are special strips that fit perfectly to the dentition. A bleaching agent is poured into them and left in place for a long period of time (from 30 minutes to 8 hours). Mouthguards can cause discomfort when worn; imperfectly fitting devices allow gel to pass through, which causes irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • application with a brush. The optimal method, gentle on the enamel, giving a positive result. The less time indicated on the package, the better the product.

The latter option is very popular among the population. Mouthguards are used in extreme cases, when the dentition is heavily soiled. Using pastes, whitening products are applied extremely rarely, due to the high risk of damage to the enamel and inconvenience in use.

Useful tips

A few expert tips will help you use teeth whitening gels correctly and avoid getting into an awkward situation:

  • Consult your dentist before use. You cannot simply subject your oral cavity to such tests at will. Only a qualified specialist will accurately determine the condition of the dentition, identify existing damage, and suggest the correct way out of the situation. Applying an aggressive substance to damaged teeth is fraught with pain and rapid spread of existing carious cavities;
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist. If the characteristic yellowish tint of the teeth periodically returns due to bad habits or other unfavorable factors, apply a whitening gel to maintain a positive result.

Find out about the benefits and features of the photo teeth whitening procedure.

Methods for using sage for oral diseases are described on this page.

Follow the link and read about the beneficial properties and uses of the Parodontocid solution.

Disadvantages of the method

Need to know! Whitening enamel with gel is a safe procedure, but if the instructions for use are not followed, these products can cause deterioration in the condition of the teeth.

The active substances of the drug, with frequent use, cause thinning of the enamel, damage to its structure and increased tooth sensitivity.

When using such substances, you must carefully study the instructions and adhere to the rules of use.

It is strictly forbidden to use the product more often than the manufacturer recommends.

Analogs from other manufacturers

This is not the only enamel whitening gel; the buyer has a choice.

  • Exper Day White Excel ACP;
  • ExpertWhitening;
  • Pola Day;
  • Lumbrite.

Despite all their advantages, whitening gels greatly thin out the enamel. Therefore, you should not resort to this method too often.

Rules for choosing gels

The main criterion for choosing a gel should be its composition .

should not contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction .
You should also choose products recommended for home use - they contain lower concentrations of active ingredients.

Professional gels must be used according to a strictly defined technology, which only a specialist knows.

At home, they can do more harm than good.

How to use it correctly?

In the case of teeth whitening by a specialist, the procedure is carried out after examining the dentition.

If the teeth are intact, have no damage, cracks or hypersensitivity, preliminary mechanical cleaning is performed.

Only after such preparatory procedures does the doctor begin whitening with this product.

For safety reasons, the mucous membrane and gums are treated with a special solution, which forms a protective layer.

Note! The substance is applied to the surface of the teeth and left for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

The entire session takes about one hour, and, if necessary, is repeated no earlier than three months later.

The effect lasts for 5 years if the gel is treated with special radiation.

Gels may contain beneficial substances that strengthen teeth. You should not buy these products at the pharmacy yourself; you should follow your doctor’s recommendations.

At home, you can use special mouth guards and gel, which are selected by the dentist taking into account individual characteristics.

In this case, the product is applied to the trays. The structure is put on for a certain time during the day, after which it is removed, and the oral cavity is washed with water.

The frequency of procedures is prescribed by a specialist.

There is a category of drugs that are used at home and are applied using two methods:

  • directly onto the brushes while brushing your teeth;
  • with a special brush, which is included in the kit.

Instructions for use

Colgate Teeth Whitener should be used for two weeks to get results. The gel is used twice a day, after regular cleansing. First you need to blot your teeth with a napkin, getting rid of excess moisture.

  1. Using a brush located on the screw cap, the gel is applied to the enamel.
  2. The bleach is immediately absorbed and begins to work.
  3. For the best effect, it is recommended to refuse drinks and food in the next 15-20 minutes.
  4. Screw the cap tightly.

On a note!

The full course provides 1-2 shades of whitening.

Precautionary measures

Any medicinal product has instructions for use.

Violation of these rules and recommendations is fraught with side effects, which were already mentioned above.

Basic precautions are as follows:

  • Do not apply bleaching agents to damaged teeth ;
  • use is prohibited if the enamel is hypersensitive ;
  • postpone bleaching if you have inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • It is not recommended to violate the exposure time and frequency of sessions;
  • Direct contact of the product with the oral mucosa should be ;

Keep in mind! Following these simple precautions will help you avoid negative consequences from using whitening gels.

Manufacturer, place of production

Colgat Company is a global company that produces oral hygiene products, toothpaste and more. Its history began in 1806, and in 1953 it received its famous name. In 1990, the company relied on whiteners to achieve a dazzling smile, and in this it has no equal.

The first production buildings were located in the UK, but as the company grew and developed, it began to spread to Eastern Europe and China. In 1994, work was completed at a factory in China owned by Colgate-Palmolive. Colgate bleach gel is distributed throughout the world from here.

Popular means

Among the many products on the market, several leaders :

  1. Global white is a Russian-made product. Available in pencil packaging and equipped with a brush. The active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. The composition contains potassium nitrate, which prevents tooth sensitivity. The disinfectant - xylitol - inhibits bacteria and normalizes the pH environment. The advantage is the low price (350-450 rubles) and the practicality of the drug combined with high efficiency - the drug whitens by 3 tones.
  2. ROCS - the main advantage of this product is its absolutely safe composition, which does not contain peroxides, dyes or abrasives. Available in a tube and used together with toothpaste, forming a transparent mineralized film on the surface of the teeth. On average, after 4-5 days of use, teeth become 4-5 shades lighter. The price of the medicine is 360-400 rubles.
  3. Colgate Simply White - a product from a well-known manufacturer is offered in the form of a tube with a brush. The bleaching agent is hydrogen peroxide, contained in a concentration of 5.9%. The composition is enriched with components that strengthen tooth enamel. The main advantage is ease of use - the substance does not require drying and is quickly absorbed. The effect of use occurs after several uses; in total, the product is designed for a 14-day course. The result lasts about 6 months. Price – 2000-2500 rubles.
  4. White light is a system for home whitening. It is produced in China and is a set of two gels for joint use and a mouth guard. The brightening agent is carbamide peroxide, which, when interacting with enamel, activates the release of oxygen. The advantages of the method are: speed - the procedure takes only 10 minutes, as well as the intensity of lightening. The course lasts 3-4 days, and the cost is 1400-1500 rubles.
  5. Lumibrite is a teeth whitening system that is manufactured in the USA. It can make zebas whiter by as much as 5-10 shades, depending on the original color. Available in the form of a gel, which is equipped with gel trays to protect the gums. One package is designed for 3 days of use. Advantages: high efficiency and composition enriched with fluorine and calcium. Price – 1800-2000 rubles.
  6. Smile4You – available in large volume packaging. The drug is enough for 150-200 procedures. To use, you will need mouth guards, which can be purchased separately. The composition differs in the concentration of hydrogen peroxide from 3% to 44%, which must be selected by the dentist. The lightening course is 14 days, and the exposure time is 5-10 minutes. The price is 2000-2500 rubles.
  7. Opalescence are whitening gels produced by the American company Ultradent, based on carbamide peroxide. Presented in concentrations of the main component of 10%, 15%, 20%, 35%. The advantage is the viscous texture, which ensures good adhesion of the mouth guard to the enamel, a prolonged effect, and a high degree of oxidation up to 8 tones. Cost – 1000 rubles.


Note! The list of contraindications for such whitening products is quite small. It is prohibited to use gels:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in children under 16 years of age;
  • in case of diseases of the gums and oral cavity;
  • during dental treatment, as well as in the presence of damage;
  • if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug.

If your teeth have fillings, crowns or system , you need to make sure that the product is suitable for artificial materials.

Indications for use

Indications for whitening gels include the presence of the following conditions:

  1. If discoloration of the enamel color is observed due to the influence of external conditions - nicotine resins, dyes of various drinks, food and others;
  2. If the color of your teeth naturally has a yellowish tint;
  3. When the enamel structure darkens as a result of the use of various medications during a protracted illness.

Typically, if the above symptoms are present, the use of whitening agents should be prescribed by the attending dentist. It is he who must select the appropriate gel that will not cause negative consequences.


Below are customer reviews. In the comments below the article you can leave your personal feedback.

Nature did not initially endow teeth with whiteness, so we had to resort to various methods of whitening. The pastes did not give the desired effect, and the whitening at the dentist was unsuccessful. Colgate Simply White gel saved the situation. My teeth became much lighter and didn’t deteriorate at all. I used it according to the instructions and in addition bought the same night whitening gel. The result became noticeable literally after 3 days.

Maria, Penza, 30 years old

Bad habits and frequent coffee consumption led to my teeth turning yellow. I had to go to the dentist. The bleaching system was used after pre-cleaning and treatment. The results from the Opalescence gel are excellent. The teeth became not only white, but also more resistant to dyes.

Kirill, Kislovodsk, 28 years old

After serious changes in my personal life, I decided to start completely changing my appearance. Sports, cosmetic procedures and proper care transformed my body, but the yellowish tint of the enamel showed my age. After using Global white, my smile became snow-white and my appearance looked fresh. I looked much younger and healthier.

Natalya, St. Petersburg, 38 years old

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