The crown fell off the implant
A tooth crown fell out: causes, consequences, solution to the problem and useful recommendations
After implantation, a realistic copy of it appears in place of the lost tooth. Both externally and
Two-stage dental implantation in Moscow
Which dental implantation to choose: one-stage or two-stage
Two-stage dental implantation is a classic implantation technique that involves two stages: Installation of the implant and
Finishing grinding and polishing of the prosthesis
Rating of the best brushes for dentures for 2022
Removable and fixed dentures require daily cleaning and regular care, just like
Dentistry 24 hours: how to sign up?
Dentistry under compulsory medical insurance policy in 2022: what is included in free dental services
What do you need to register with a dental clinic and how to make an appointment? To attach
dentures for teeth vertex
vertex dentures - how the new material for dentures performed
Information about the manufacturer The Vertex-Dental company was formed on the basis of the Dentimex company (opened in the Netherlands in
Dental services: types and main features
Dental treatment is a complex of medical measures aimed at combating diseases of the teeth, oral
teeth whitening pros and cons
Pros and cons of cosmetic teeth whitening: is it worth doing, indications and contraindications for the procedure
Today, teeth whitening is considered an affordable procedure that will help make your smile even more beautiful. AND
Cast crowns
One-piece crown - reliable restoration of the chewing group of teeth
Indications Contraindications Alloys Types Advantages and disadvantages Treatment stages Care Alternative methods Clinic advantages
What is the harm of toothpaste? Is there safe toothpaste?
“Secret” composition of toothpastes The composition of the most ancient toothpastes, recipes for which were found during excavations,
Vestibuloplasty: what is it for and how is it done in dentistry?
Dentistry helps not only in restoring teeth, but also in solving problems associated with soft
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