It happens that after dental procedures, toothache does not go away. It may become smaller
From this article you will learn: how braces are installed, types of braces - photos, reviews,
Reasons for the development of the gag reflex The reasons for the appearance of the gag reflex when caring for the oral cavity are:
What are grillz? This type of decoration looks like an overlay for one or more
This article provides a detailed step-by-step description of anesthesia techniques using the STA (Single
Botulinum toxin type A preparations are better known in our country as Botox and persistent
Installing a crown on a tooth is one of the prosthetic options used when one or more
Teething is not an easy period for a child, just like for his parents. The process is accompanied
Home / Food additives (E) / Stabilizers, emulsifiers (E-400 - E-599) Back Published: 01/13/2017
Causes of the disease A number of factors can provoke the manifestation of the disease, which include various influences from