fibromatosis of the gums
Gum hyperplasia (fibromatosis) – 5 symptoms, 3 stages, treatment
Gingival fibromatosis is an overgrowth of gum tissue. A typical manifestation of fibromatosis is edge hypertrophy
In what cases should you use this type of cleaning?
Pros and cons of ultrasonic tartar removal
The deposits on the teeth that a regular brush does not remove gradually thicken and harden, turning into
Tooth root removal
Removing the root of a damaged or rotten tooth: does it hurt, the removal process
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Cost of removal Indications Preparation Methods and stages Complications What to do after
Why are your lips burning? Why does the upper lip burn: signs
Lips are a very sensitive part of the human body. They sense the slightest touch, a breath of wind, react
choose the right toothbrush
Which toothbrush is better and how to choose the right bristle stiffness
Many people buy toothbrushes without thinking about their technical characteristics and based only on
What to do when your tongue hurts? Causes of discomfort and methods of treatment
Why does my tongue hurt at the tip, bottom or side? Among the causes of pain in various areas
Is an electric toothbrush harmful? Pros and cons of the product
Beautiful teeth are a guarantee of the health of the whole body. One of the conditions for their good condition is
enamel restoration plus teeth whitening
Splat toothpaste – types, features and reviews
Biocalcium Refers to professional products, intended for enamel restoration and mild whitening. Action of Biocalcium
baking soda for teeth: harm or benefit and harm
Should you brush your teeth with soda: the benefits and harms of a popular whitening product
11/21/2019 People who want to achieve a snow-white smile in an accessible and inexpensive way are interested in the question of whether it is possible
Gel Cholisal® for children
Gel for gums during teething in children Cholisal®
Instructions for use Teething in a child is a natural physiological process, the beginning of which
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