What does the presence or absence of wisdom teeth mean according to signs?

» Signs » Signs about wisdom teeth



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Folk signs are a relic of the past, to which the modern skeptic listens. Changes in the body suggest future events for adults and children. If a wisdom tooth does not grow, breaks, crumbles or hurts, you won’t have to wait long for changes. People attribute problems with molar incisors to ancestral curses and sins that come from the family.

Signs about wisdom teeth

General meaning of the sign

A wisdom tooth is an additional root incisor that grows in adults. Abnormal growth of wisdom teeth occurs in adolescents and children. In most cases, they interfere with the small patient and are removed, preventing inflammation.

The sign of wisdom teeth is interesting and ambiguous: it promises both good acquaintances and illness. People say about his appearance: “family trouble is emerging.” If he bothers an adult, he warns of danger. Your wisdom teeth have come out and don’t hurt, you shouldn’t be afraid of superstition, it doesn’t pose any danger. It is not recommended to keep them if a piece breaks off in a small child: such behavior by parents will bring disaster to the whole family. Signs of painful wisdom teeth, when they cause severe pain, warn of a real threat to health and life.

Everyday superstitions

Normal jaw development ends with the growth of wisdom teeth, which occurs between the ages of 18 and 27 years. The sooner they get out, the sooner the young girl will get married, and the guy will find what he loves.

The sign promises the young lady a promising marriage with a wise man. If a wisdom tooth is cut on the eve of an important event, it is the key to success. Signs associated with the processes help resolve protracted conflicts - if the gums become inflamed before the trial, controversial issues can be resolved.

It is good if the wisdom tooth grows quickly and does not cause painful symptoms. This sign is favorable for a young couple who have been waiting for a long time to join the family. The dentition is replenished immediately 4 - the year will be prosperous and successful.

Signs about wisdom teeth

Problems associated with wisdom teeth are clues. If you damage the inflamed hole or gum around a tooth with a brush, expect minor conflicts. A wisdom tooth indicates threats associated with kin and ancestral curses:

  • a wisdom tooth injury symbolizes a protracted illness;
  • the tooth does not fit tightly to the dentition - the person has good energy potential;
  • if wisdom teeth are missing, this is a sign of loss of connection with ancestors;
  • if healthy additional teeth have grown, the person is granted great spiritual strength.

If they hurt

A wisdom tooth can grow for several weeks in a row, causing severe pain in the gums.

Pain at night promises quarrels

If your wisdom tooth hurts early in the morning, the day will be difficult and you will have to come into contact with unpleasant people. Two teeth ache at once at night - successful, promising acquaintances lie ahead.

Tingling in the gums occurs only at night - such a superstition indicates a rapid change in the immediate environment. Strong conflict situations and quarrels are possible. Rapid growth of wisdom teeth is a sign of success. Popular superstitions predict success for people with 4 straight and healthy teeth.

Severe pain during growth indicates the significance of events that will occur in the near future. If the areas around the gums become very inflamed, there will be difficulties, but they can be overcome.

Rare wisdom teeth, small in size, which erupt with pain, speak of betrayal. Close people can be mean. Pain in the gums indicates fateful changes: there is no point in resisting destined events.

If they bleed

Removing a wisdom tooth brings a lot of trouble: a person experiences severe pain and takes a long time to recover. Bleeding gums are a sign that speaks of liberation from bad habits. For the patient, such a superstition promises a quick recovery. Bleeding of additional teeth indicates changes in professional life: people say “the place is filled for new knowledge,” emphasizing the significance of the sign.

A wisdom tooth is growing and bleeding - wait for news that will change your usual way of life. Removing a diseased tooth means removing problems. The faster the patient gets rid of it, the easier his life will become. Removal of a deformed tooth leads to the restoration of peace in the family: the individual will resume lost ties with relatives and parents.

If they don't grow

Missing molars indicate a weak spirit of the individual. Such a person has difficulty building a strong family or achieving heights in the professional sphere.

Cowardice is inherited along with missing extreme molars. Misfortune awaits those who do not have wisdom teeth - popular superstition warns against carelessness, because the life of such individuals will be difficult.

Common questions about wisdom teeth eruption

Based on the results described above, we will answer several of the most common questions:

  • At what age do wisdom teeth come in? This is individual for each patient. The average range is 17-35 years.
  • How long does a wisdom tooth last? Also an individual indicator. If nothing interferes with it, the entire crown emerges from the gums in a few weeks.
  • Why do wisdom teeth come out? This is a structural feature of the human body. Catalysts can be various internal and external reasons.
  • How to understand that a wisdom tooth is coming out? It will be possible to accurately determine that you are faced with such a problem only after an examination by a doctor and obtaining an image.
  • Is it possible to do without deletion? Yes, if formation and eruption proceed without complications.

Signs about fangs

Ancient customs help to avoid danger. If the growth of additional incisors continues for too long, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. This sign promises hidden illnesses. The extracted fang is dealt with differently; it is folded into a clean scarf and buried under a flowering tree. If a shoot breaks off, trouble is already on the horizon - problems with root shoots entail changes in life.

A fang that has erupted halfway from above indicates that the set goals have been achieved; from below, difficulties cannot be avoided. Changes in the behavior of an adult during the period of growth of cliques indicate his spirituality. If he suffers from pain or becomes aggressive, such a person bears the burden of past lives. People call such torment as retribution for the sins of their ancestors.

Why delete? Among the Slavic peoples it is not customary to get rid of even deformed shoots, so as not to cause trouble for the family. If the incisor is very painful or bleeding, it is treated. Gypsies warn against losing a removed incisor - the molar will cause a curse on the family. A knocked out fang that has been growing promises trouble with the law. The victim should be wary of illegal or uninhibited actions.

How are wisdom teeth related to human spirituality?

Growing wisdom teeth is always a problem. Our ancestors believed that the behavior of an adult indicates how spiritually developed he is. So, if a person becomes too aggressive from pain and suffers greatly, it means that a heavy burden of past incarnations is pressing on him. An alternative interpretation: this is how a person pays for the sins of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Previously, they tried not to remove wisdom teeth, but to treat them. It is interesting that the gypsies warn against removing wisdom teeth: in their opinion, this can provoke big problems in the family of this person.

Signs about baby teeth

If a child suffers during teething (there is no place for them in the dentition), he is destined for a special fate with many difficulties and achievements. Wisdom teeth and the pain associated with their growth represent predetermined fate, events that determine a person’s life.

If milk teeth have been replaced by permanent ones, but the wisdom tooth does not grow, the person is not endowed with great luck. Any achievements in life will be achieved with difficulty, through effort and hard work. If a child was born without additional incisors, it is difficult for him to find a place in life - such a sign indicates isolation from the family. Only the owners of all 4 incisors, grown exactly on time, can receive real protection. Each child’s tooth (healthy or chipped) needs to be buried. If you follow superstition, an adult or child buries future problems with a molar.

Relic of the past

The human dentition consists of eight incisors, two pairs of canines and four pairs of chewing teeth - molars. In dentistry, third molars are called “third molars,” or, more simply, “eights.” They appear when children's baby teeth have completely fallen out and molars have grown in their place. These are not belated milk teeth - the teeth are permanent and have five roots.

Many scientists recognized ZM as an atavism, a relic of the distant past, when human ancestors had to chew hard food. The jaws of primitive people were more powerful and larger, so that the dentition on them was more spacious. But over the millennia, the appearance of man has changed greatly, including the shape of the skull and jaws. This is why wisdom teeth often grow incorrectly among contemporaries, which causes many problems for their owners if they are not pulled out in time. It happens that the “eights” do not appear at all. Science considers this a variant of the norm.

Why is it growing?

This question was asked in ancient times by the Slavs, Germans and Indians. The appearance of a wisdom tooth for them was a sign that a person had achieved a certain spiritual wisdom and received the protection of the spirits of the family. It was also believed that they appear at that period of a person’s life when he is able and ready to accept new knowledge. Losing such a tooth was a bad sign. It meant a decrease in wisdom and loss of ancestral protection.

In the modern world, each person independently decides for himself to preserve or remove a wisdom tooth. The presence or absence of “wise” teeth is determined by heredity, quality of nutrition and previous dental measures.

Today, the appearance of a wisdom tooth brings nothing but pain, agony and discomfort. There can be no talk of any honor or glory. Teething can cause fever and insomnia. It is not always possible to remove it the first time, even with the help of dentists.

Is there a relationship with mental development of the individual?

The absence of "eights" does not make a person stupider. The name has a completely different meaning. Unlike mind and intellect, wisdom is something that is acquired by a person with experience. Since ZMs usually erupt when their owner is already an adult, it is believed that the person has already lived enough and gained experience, become wise, and not just smart or cunning.

What to do with a fallen fang

Previously, great attention was paid not only to those teeth that had just erupted or had already grown. Those that fell out were not left unattended either. There are also many superstitions and signs associated with fallen fangs.

  1. It was believed that a “wise” tooth falling out was a bad sign. However, if you hang it around your neck as a talisman, it will bring happiness.
  2. If you bury it on the grave of a person with the same name, it will bring wealth.
  3. If a person lost a tooth during a fight, they believed that people close to him would soon turn away from him.
  4. There was also a belief that they should be kept until the end of life, and then buried with their owner. Our ancestors were sure that a person should account for every tooth in heaven. If it was missing, then the soul went in search of it and found no peace.
  5. Under no circumstances should the tooth be thrown away. It was believed that if an animal found it, the person would grow an animal fang in the place of the one that fell out.

Nowadays people adhere less to superstitions and beliefs, and are increasingly resorting to a scientific solution to the problem. If you have chipped a “smart” tooth, you can go to the dentist, who will fill in the missing part and polish it.

However, most often these “guests” are removed surgically without the possibility of recovery. In very rare cases, a prosthesis or implant is installed in its place.

What to do with a torn or fallen wisdom tooth

People who do not believe in superstitions leave their teeth with the dentist. Different cultures have their own superstitions about this. The gypsies waited for the full moon and buried the “eights” in the cemetery - it was believed that in six months a person’s life would become prosperous. What to do with the attribute:

  • string on a red thread and use as a talisman;
  • when removed by a dentist, place it in a container and store it at home, the item will bring good luck to the owner;
  • Some Slavs cherished the “eight” all their lives; after the death of a person, the tooth was buried.

Fragments of the human body - fallen teeth, cut off hair - often become attributes of black magic. Therefore, if you don’t want to store it, you should dispose of it properly. The potential attribute must be returned to the elements - set on fire, buried in the ground or thrown into running water. “Eight” can also be thrown over the left shoulder in an uninhabited place, at the intersection of three roads.

Other folk signs about him

Despite the fact that now they are trying to get rid of the “wise” eights as quickly as possible, in ancient times they tried to preserve them because our ancestors believed that its owner would be rich, successful and healthy. As for the pain that accompanies their appearance, it was believed that the stronger it is, the more good a wisdom tooth will bring to a person, and this will happen in the near future. Our ancestors even resorted to using spells to preserve such a valuable tooth. If for some reason it nevertheless fell out, then it was necessarily kept as a talisman.

Naturally, many signs were associated with this phenomenon. Below we will get acquainted with the most famous of them.

  1. If you string a lost wisdom tooth on a red string and constantly wear it around your neck, then love will soon come.
  2. If a tooth is pulled out by a dentist, then it should be stored in a special container in a secret place, then it will bring happiness.
  3. If a tooth was knocked out, then the person lost the protection of his guardian angel.
  4. If all four wisdom teeth appear at the same time, this means that a person will achieve great heights both in career and in love.
  5. If a wisdom tooth appeared in pain, then such a person was considered a wizard.
  6. If a wisdom tooth erupts in a pregnant woman, the baby will be born with high intelligence.
  7. If a tooth appears before the age of 18, then the person will face changes in life, and if after the specified time, then the person himself must radically change his life.
  8. The appearance of a wisdom tooth before the wedding means that you need to take a closer look at your other half. Perhaps he or she is pursuing mercantile goals.
  9. If it crumbles quickly, expect deception from friends or relatives.

As you may have noticed, opinions regarding wisdom teeth in ancient times and now vary greatly. Now people do not pay much attention to their appearance and try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Whether or not to believe in the signs associated with the appearance of wisdom teeth is a personal matter. The main thing is that their presence does not lead to discomfort and pain.

Why do they fall out in a dream and in reality?

Signs regarding tooth loss have a negative meaning. Popular beliefs interpret this event as a sign of upcoming health problems. And in this case, official medicine also agrees with the signs. The fact is that no tooth falls out just like that. The reason for this may be poor gum condition or serious diseases: advanced periodontal disease, hormonal disorders, severe vitamin deficiency and even scurvy.

It happens that a person dreams of his wisdom tooth falling out. Dream books claim that this means bitter losses, separation from a loved one or a major quarrel. The worst thing is if the prolapse is accompanied by blood. This means that the dreamer himself or his closest blood relative is in danger of serious illness or even death.

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Esotericists also agree with this. They believe that wisdom teeth are associated with family, ancestors, and it is in a dream that the dead warn a person about danger. A few more interpretations of dreams regarding wisdom teeth:

  • grown up - changes await;
  • pull out - get rid of a long-standing problem, resolve some dispute;
  • to treat - a troublesome task awaits;
  • it hurts - to lack of money;
  • broke - to trouble.

The modern world and ancient customs

Today, cutting the figure eight brings its owner more pain and torment than glory and honor. It is not always possible to get rid of the culprit of sleepless nights and high fever the first time, even with the help of professional dentists.

Although sooner or later you will still have to get rid of the tooth, do not rush to do this if it does not bother you. After all, the appearance of indigenous people in the eighth row promises its owner pleasant gifts from fate.

Gypsies to this day claim that if you bury a wisdom tooth in a cemetery on a full moon, then within six months the person will become rich and lucky.

There is some truth in every story

For example, that teething may be difficult. In such cases, the gums swell and are injured by the teeth that are nearby. The part that is located above the tooth that has not yet erupted (the hood) can accumulate pus. If this occurs in the lower jaw, the inflammation may affect the muscles that close the mouth. And then you won’t be able to open your mouth wide.

What to do in this case? Close your mouth and run to the dentist. Otherwise, if left too long, the wisdom tooth can cause fever, problems with swallowing, and muscle inflammation.

What can the doctor do? First, the dentist will administer anesthesia, then excise the area of ​​gum above the tooth that is poorly erupting. This will ensure the drainage of pus and help the tooth emerge faster. After this, the dentist will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. And if everything happens again, then the tooth must be removed.

Protection from ancestors and other superstitions

Those with four wisdom teeth were considered the darlings of fate and received the protection of the spirits of the ancestors of six generations.

There are not so many folk signs about wise roots; they all speak about the experience and great mentality of their owner. For example, it is believed that the greater the pain of the eighth teeth when cutting through, the greater profit and prosperity can be expected. Especially in the year when the tormenting tooth decided to cut through the gum.

Old Believers say that it is necessary to remove the figure eight only in extreme cases, since by the intervention of dentists you deprive yourself of the protection of otherworldly forces. By the way, cases of the appearance of the fifth wise root have been recorded. Such an event was considered a sign from above and indicated that a person had magical abilities.

If you still had to pull out a wise tooth, then under no circumstances throw it away. Keep your lucky fang at home in a small box.

What to do with a fallen wise fang and other folk signs about it

  1. If the extreme root of your jaw has fallen out, tie it with a red thread and wear it around your neck, very soon you will find true love.
  2. Bury a lost tooth on the grave of a person with your name and you will soon become very rich.
  3. It is a bad omen to lose a tooth during a fight; it means losing the protection of the spirits of your ancestors.
  4. The eighth fang grew during pregnancy - expect smart and happy offspring.
  5. If the extreme root has grown to 16 years, this means that the owner will have a life full of changes.
  6. Cutting a figure eight before a wedding was considered a bad omen. This promised an unhappy family life and misunderstanding between spouses. Also, for a young girl it was a warning that the guy could deceive her.
  7. When the painter, not having time to appear, immediately crumbles, expect betrayal from friends or a loved one.
  8. A pregnant woman's wise molars are crumbling - she will have a son.

In the old days, when escorting a child to first grade, they hung a cord with a wise tooth from one of the parents around his neck. This was a symbol that the baby would quickly learn new material.

In general, based on the above, one can understand that all signs have more historical value. Some of them today can only cause a smile and surprise. For example, during the first menstruation of a girl, her mother placed her wise molar under the feather bed; it was believed that this would protect the young woman from mistakes and allow her to preserve her virginity until marriage. For the guy, this ritual was performed by his father, on the day when the young man’s mustache was shaved for the first time.

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