Pros and cons of the portable Waterpik WP 450 Irrigator
Subtleties of the design and use of the portable irrigator Waterpik WP 450
During classic teeth brushing with a manual brush and toothpaste, teeth are removed.
TENSION zones of the face: WHAT is connected with them
Bruxism – manifestations, danger, causes, modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment
Trismus is a spasm of the chewing muscles or their involuntary contraction. As a result of lockjaw
“Dream Interpretation Sand dreamed of why Sand is seen in a dream”
The interpretation of dreams is a fascinating and multifaceted process, often similar to an amazing puzzle. But
What do the colored stripes mean on tubes of toothpastes and creams?
There are so many different myths about what the colored stripes on toothpaste tubes mean.
Which painkiller should I choose for teething?
Which painkiller should I choose for teething?
At the age of six months, the baby begins to cut his first baby teeth. This is also joy
Why babies from 0 to 3 months sleep poorly: 7 main reasons
Chewing or grinding teeth in a child Chewing or smacking in sleep - uncontrolled contraction
History of dental implantation
History of implantation from artificial teeth made of wood to laser implantation
Strong teeth have always been of great importance for human health. Any problems in this area
What is carpule anesthesia
Carpule anesthesia in dentistry
What is carpule anesthesia? Carpule anesthesia in dentistry is an injection anesthesia using
What does prolonged absence of teeth lead to?
What problems can cause lack of teeth and disorders in the dental system?
No one doubts that every tooth in the mouth is important. The exceptions are
Choking in the neck and throat: reasons why attacks of suffocation occur
Symptoms A feeling of suffocation in the throat area rarely comes alone. Most often it
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