How we made convenient cups for toothbrushes from cans: a simple method
How to make a super simple toothbrush holder and clean your bathroom sink. If in
Kulazhenko Schiller-Pisarev test: for what purpose is it carried out and what determines
When your gums become inflamed, swollen and bleed, even if the symptoms are very mild, you can talk
Differential diagnosis and treatment tactics for acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) at the present stage
What is the larynx? Many people, even those who know anatomy well, may confuse the larynx with the pharynx,
Cyst treatment with laser
What is a dental cyst, causes, symptoms
Many dental diseases develop latently over a long period of time and, like many others,
How is gingivoplasty performed and how necessary is it?
Gingivoplasty is a type of surgical intervention with which a dental surgeon gives the gums an aesthetic appearance.
Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, oral cavity and periodontium
WHAT IS PERIODONTAL periodontium is a complex of tissues surrounding the tooth. This does not apply to
Epulis gums
Epulis on the gums - what is it, causes of appearance, types of treatment, complications
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Biopsy of a lymph node in the neck for cancer
From this article you will learn: symptoms of lymphadenitis in children and adults, causes of inflammation,
Autotransplantation of teeth
Autologous wisdom tooth transplantation as an alternative to dental implantation
How is autotransplantation better than titanium implants? The advantages of autotransplantation, accordingly, firstly, are that your tooth, which
Doctors recommend: the best ointments for drawing pus from a wound
Doctors recommend: the best ointments for drawing pus from a wound
A purulent formation on the gum is popularly called gumboil. Very often it is treated
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