sucking oil: benefits and harms
Oil sucking in the morning. Scientific research, benefits, does it cleanse blood vessels, reviews
There is an opinion that you can get rid of some diseases if you cleanse your
Lip tremor in adults: causes of the symptom
Lip tremor in adults: causes of the symptom
Essential tremor is a fairly common hereditary disease of the central nervous system that can occur in children, however
Flu symptoms
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa
Ulcerative gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, which is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and necrotic plaque on the gums.
sulfur chewing resin
How Buryat chewing gum is made. Healing properties of Baikal tar
An analogue of regular chewing gum is chewing sulfur or, in other words, resin chewing gum. In progress
7 most common causes of white spots on gums
July 3, 2020 If you notice a white spot on your or your child’s gum,
teething periods
What parents need to know about teething of children's upper teeth
Teething is a process characterized by the axial movement of teeth from a non-functional position (from a bone
Sore gums after tooth extraction
Complications after tooth extraction: types, treatment, prevention
Tooth extraction is not a pleasant process. Painful sensations, swelling of the gums after tooth extraction
How and how to remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment, car, hands and mouth
Unpleasant odor in the room, from clothes, body and breath is one of many
Vitaon Baby - a universal child care product
Composition The product contains oil extracts of a number of herbs: pine buds, peppermint leaves,
Periosteum hurts after running: causes, treatment, prevention
Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of gumboil - when the cheek is next to a sore tooth.
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