Adhesive gum balm ASEPTA
ASEPTA balm and gel for gums: instructions
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Any implant surgery
Are your gums swollen and painful? What to do, causes, symptoms, treatment
Physiological causes of gum swelling Pathological causes Gums are swollen and painful Gums are swollen and bleeding
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Leukoplakia of the oral mucosa and tongue: forms, causes, symptoms, treatment
Leukoplakia of the oral cavity is a disease that affects the mucous membrane and is characterized by its visual and
Scheme for the use of Asepta series products for inflammatory periodontal diseases
From this article you will learn: instructions for use, reviews, price of Asepta gel in
gum recession
Why do gums recede and teeth become exposed: what to do and how to treat?
Classification Causes of recession Diagnosis and consequences of recession Treatment methods Prevention Gum recession - a process
What to do if your wisdom tooth and nearby gums are sick?
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What to do if a lump appears on your gum? How to treat it?
Hematoma Description If there is a swollen lump on the gum, filled with blood, it is most likely a hematoma. Arises
Review of fixing creams for dentures
About 50% of those who use removable dentures in everyday life indicate
Why is implantation needed?
Turnkey dental implantation: what is included in the service package and how much does it cost?
The absence of even one tooth is a serious problem, and not only from an aesthetic point of view.
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How to get rid of tonsil blockages yourself at home
The palatine tonsils are the source of inflammation in chronic tonsillitis. In the upper respiratory tract of a person there is
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