ROCS cream for fixing dentures: what problems does it solve?


To make the process of wearing removable dentures more comfortable, it is necessary to use special dental products: gels, creams, pads. Not long ago, a cream for fixing dentures ROCS appeared on sale.

The product is distinguished by its reliable fixation, thanks to which it is a worthy competitor to similar products from other brands .

ROCS cream for fixing dentures: a complete review of the product, its pros and cons

Article navigation

  1. Manufacturer information
  2. Description and composition
  3. Indications and contraindications
  4. Benefits of the cream
  5. Disadvantage information
  6. Instructions for use
  7. How to remove a prosthesis
  8. Storage rules
  9. By-effect
  10. Where can I buy
  11. What can be replaced
  12. Reviews

Question for a specialist
For people who wear removable dentures, today there is a wide range of fixing creams that help them feel more comfortable and confident in everyday life. However, choosing an option that meets the highest quality standards without studying detailed information about products in this category and without practical experience is quite difficult. That is why we continue to introduce you to the most famous and most effective means. This material is about ROCS cream

Manufacturer information

Rox cream is created by specialists from the group (DRC). This is a Russian-Swiss enterprise that has several large production sites and three research laboratories. The company creates cosmetics and medications, but it is most famous in the world for its oral care products – toothpastes and toothbrushes. In 2014, the ROCS brand received the seal of approval1 from the Russian Dental Association for high-quality toothbrushes for adults and children.

Cream for dentures "Rox" was developed in a scientific laboratory in Switzerland, so the company positions it as a product that has properties and characteristics that meet international quality standards.

How to care for your denture after using the cream

Important! Rocs denture fixation cream should be used with caution and not overdo it. Otherwise, you risk not being able to pull the removable device out of your mouth, the composition is so strong. As a result, you will have to leave the artificial teeth in overnight, and the effect of the drug components will weaken only in the morning, then you will be able to remove it from your mouth yourself.

Rocs denture cream can be easily removed with a toothbrush and regular paste, and to bring the denture into perfect condition after using the product and eliminate its residue, do not forget to use special cleansing and disinfecting tablets with a bioformula once a week. In general, recommendations for caring for the prosthesis after using this product are absolutely standard.

Description and composition of ROCS cream

This product is suitable for fixing partial removable and fully removable devices. It has a viscous thick consistency. Due to its composition, it ensures strong adhesion of the prosthesis to the mucous membrane, creates a tight connection between them, which prevents the entry of air, food particles and liquids, as well as bacteria. The fixing cream contains a minimum amount of ingredients: silicon dioxide, menthol, lecithin, potassium and sodium salts, water-soluble polymers, xylitol. Due to water-soluble polymers that absorb moisture, the cream increases in mass and creates the necessary layer.

The composition does not contain zinc or dyes, so it can be used by people prone to allergic reactions and those who have sensitive mucous membranes. Thanks to a component such as xylitol, the product has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, it helps fight the first signs of gum inflammation: bleeding, swelling, itching and soreness.

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Xylitol is a natural sweetener obtained from vegetables and fruits. This component is safe for people who still have natural teeth in their mouths, because... it prevents the formation of caries and promotes enamel remineralization. Numerous studies also confirm that xylitol improves the overall health of the oral cavity and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes.

Composition of cream for removable dentures

Fixing cream for dentures "Rox" was produced according to a special development of Russian scientists in Switzerland. It is unique and allows you to achieve really good results. By choosing it, you choose natural components of plant and mineral origin, which do not have any negative effects on the human body and time after time confirm their effectiveness in the prevention of gum inflammation. No zinc or artificial colors. It contains the following ingredients: cellulose gum, petrolatum, calcium and sodium, copolymer, silicon dioxide, menthol, menthyl lactate, lecithin.

Indications and contraindications for the use of ROCS composition

“Rox” cream for dentures should be used when the quality of fixation of removable appliances in the oral cavity has significantly weakened. It is necessary to remember that if the structures themselves were initially made with high quality and taking into account your anatomical features, then this situation, in principle, cannot happen immediately after their installation. But after a few years, the quality of fixation of removable devices may quite naturally weaken. This is due to the atrophy of the jaw bone, which will occur under the dentures, and therefore subsidence of the structures in some areas.

If the prosthesis needs correction or repair, as well as relining, then fixing creams will not correct the situation. Adhesive gels and compounds will also not help if the removable device was poorly manufactured and fitted. Here the problem needs to be solved by contacting a professional orthopedic doctor.

You can also use ROCS denture cream when they rub soft tissues, causing irritation of the mucous membrane. The product will make it easier to get used to removable devices, help relieve discomfort, and help prevent food particles from getting stuck under the denture.

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There are few contraindications - individual intolerance to the components, as well as inflammation of the gums, which must be treated under the supervision of a doctor (the composition cannot be used if there are ulcers on the mucous membrane).

If the product is not suitable

Typically, those who use Rox cream for dentures leave good reviews about it, and are in no hurry to buy other formulations with a similar principle of action. However, for completeness of information, it will be useful to know that there are analogues of the drug in pharmacies. Such as Lakalut, Fittident tooth cream, Protefix or Corega. All these drugs compete with Rox, which is known on the domestic market as a cream-gel.

“I’ve been wearing removable teeth for a long time and couldn’t find the perfect option to keep it in my mouth. Everything the doctors prescribed only caused discomfort. It got to the point that I became embarrassed to go outside - it seemed that my “teeth” would fall out at the most inopportune moment. Before buying Rox denture fixation cream, I spent a long time reading all sorts of reviews on the Internet. But when I decided, happiness knew no bounds. I won’t experiment anymore, I found something that suits me. Therefore, I am writing my review in the hope that it will be useful.”

Lyudmila Viktorovna, Moscow, from correspondence on the forum

Benefits of the cream

  • up to 12 hours of reliable fixation of a removable device designed for the entire or only part of the dentition,
  • fresh breath throughout the day: the effect is ensured by the menthol included in the product,
  • safety and hypoallergenic, no toxic effect even if swallowed (as claimed by the manufacturer),
  • possibility of use in patients with fluorosis and osteoporosis: the composition does not contain fluoride ions, which contribute to the exacerbation of these diseases, and also affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys,
  • antibacterial effect: after applying the cream, an antibacterial film remains on the gums, which protects them from attack by pathogenic microorganisms throughout the day,
  • protection of soft tissues from injury and chafing,
  • protecting gums from inflammation,
  • quick adaptation to removable dentures,
  • the ability to eat hot food and drink hot drinks: many fixing creams weaken their effect after hot meals, but the manufacturer assures that you will not have such problems with ROCS,
  • increasing the level of comfort during the operation of removable systems: the manufacturer claims that the product ensures absolute tightness, i.e. Neither food nor liquid will penetrate under the structure after applying the cream.

Disadvantage information

The main disadvantage is the relatively high cost. The product is sold in 40 ml tubes. For one tube you will have to pay about 250 rubles. On average, this amount of product, when used rationally (once a day), will last you for one or several months. However, some reviews indicate that “Rox” has a rather viscous consistency, it is difficult to apply and distribute evenly over the prosthesis, so calculating the required concentration of cream for comfortable use can be quite difficult.

Instructions for use

To have a positive effect, the cream for fixing dentures must be used correctly and according to the instructions:

  1. apply the product only to a previously cleaned prosthesis,
  2. first apply the product pointwise, and then distribute it evenly over the entire surface,
  3. remove any remaining food from your mouth, rinse your mouth thoroughly and spit out the saliva,
  4. Press the structure firmly against the mucous membrane for a few seconds and close your jaws.

Once the removable device has been secured in your mouth, refrain from consuming food or liquid. You will be able to have a snack only 15-30 minutes after this. If you start eating earlier, the cream will not have time to fully demonstrate its fixing properties and form an airtight layer, and the denture will not stay in place well.

ROCS cream is a super-strong hold product, so if you're just starting to use it, be careful not to apply a large amount of product at once.

Operating principle

Rocs fixing cream has a light and weightless texture, due to which the product is easily distributed over the surface of a removable or partially removable device, and forms a barely noticeable thin layer between the gum and the device.

Carefully! Before applying the product, test the mucous membrane for a reaction. Although the manufacturing company positions its products as environmentally friendly and safe and guarantees one hundred percent results, precautions will not hurt. Some may experience individual incompatibility with the components of the Rox fixing cream and discomfort when using it.

Product storage rules

ROCS fixing cream will retain its positive properties throughout its shelf life (2 years from the date of manufacture) only if you store it correctly. Remember that the product should not be left open or placed in the refrigerator. It has a dense consistency, after exposure to high temperatures and air, the composition will become even more dense and dry, which is why you will have difficulty applying it. In addition, if you do not seal the tube tightly, pathogenic microorganisms may enter it.

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Side effect: can it occur from using the cream?

The manufacturer claims that the product is safe even if swallowed, but with daily use and abuse of the composition (excessive application, use more than once a day), some patients may experience a negative reaction of the body in the form of nausea, increased saliva production, gastrointestinal upset, the appearance of an allergic reaction or headache.


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What can be replaced: what are the alternatives?

If you are interested in products that are more budget-friendly and similar in their mode of action, then you can consider Protefix or Fittydent. Their cost starts from 140 rubles. For thrifty consumers, “President” (PresiDENT) is also suitable - it is produced in tubes of 50 ml rather than 40, however, its cost is slightly higher - from 200 rubles.

For those who are interested in a longer retention period for dentures than Rox, it is recommended to consider a product from the LACALUT brand - the manufacturer claims that it can provide up to 24 hours of reliable retention of dentures in the mouth.

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