Creams for fixing dentures in complete absence of teeth


Denture adhesive is a special means for fixing and stabilizing an orthopedic product in the oral cavity. Using glue, the patient does not have to worry about possible mobility of the prosthesis during conversation or eating. However, in addition to adhesives, which are produced in the form of gels and creams, stores also sell other fixing agents: dental dams, powders. What is better for a particular consumer to choose will be discussed in the article.

Review of the best creams for fixing dentures: features of composition and application

Article navigation

  1. Why do we need fixing agents for dentures?
  2. The main components of creams that provide fixation
  3. Rating of the best creams
  4. 1. “Fittident” (Austria)
  5. 2. "Rox" (Switzerland)
  6. 3. "President" (Italy)
  7. 4. "Protefix" (Germany)
  8. 5. “Lakalut” (Germany)
  9. 6. Corega (Ireland)
  10. How to choose the most suitable product
  11. How to use the composition correctly
  12. Side effects of using the compounds

Question for a specialist
Most removable dental structures are attached to the soft tissue of the gums and palate. To prevent their loss, ensure reliable fixation and full performance of their intended functions, use denture cream. The product is suitable for wearing acrylic, nylon and silicone products. About which cream for dentures is better, the features of choice and the nuances of use later in the article.

No. 4 in the ranking cream for fixing prostheses Fittident


Price from 180 to 250 rubles.

Rating – 9.5

One of the best creams for dentures, but when using Fittident, people with highly sensitive gums feel a rather strong burning or tingling sensation. To avoid this effect, you need to let the cream dry on the prosthesis for at least 20-30 seconds. If there is increased saliva production, you can apply a larger amount of cream, which is then removed with a dry cloth until it hardens.

From reviews : Maria Fillipovna, 61 years old – “My daughter bought me Fittident cream; before that I used other products that did not provide good attachment. Now the prosthesis does not even have to be removed at night, it simply does not come off (even while eating). Completely satisfied."


  • when removing the denture, no traces of cream remain on the gums;
  • has no pronounced taste;
  • fixes the prosthesis for a long time.


  • has a rather viscous consistency;
  • can only be applied to a dry prosthesis;
  • difficult to buy in pharmacies (only in big cities or in online stores).

Why do we need fixing agents for dentures?

Cream for dentures provides not only reliable fastening of the product in the oral cavity. At the same time it performs the following functions:

  • accelerates adaptation to the design, since it eliminates chafing of the mucous membrane,
  • prevents the accumulation of food masses between the product and the gums, because adheres to the mucous membrane more tightly,
  • provides protection of the mucous membrane from the mechanical impact of the prosthetic structure - you will experience less pain and discomfort, both at rest and when eating,
  • prevents gum inflammation (some products contain anti-inflammatory components),
  • Gives freshness to your breath thanks to the additives included in the composition (not all).

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No. 1 in the rating cream for fixing dentures Rocs

Price from 230 to 350 rubles.

Rating – 10.0

The Russian-Swiss-made cream guarantees 12-hour fixation of the prosthesis, which is not weakened by consuming hot food and drinks. When distributed over the surface of the prosthesis base, it ensures tightness and protects soft tissues from food particles getting under the prosthesis. The cream contains ingredients based on menthol and mint, which refresh the mouth and protect against unpleasant odor from the mouth.

From reviews : Irina Nikolaevna, 56 years old – “It so happened that I had to get a lower removable partial denture. But it wasn’t very successful, either I have such a cavity in my mouth, or the dentist didn’t make it very well, but when talking and eating, the denture kept falling out. Having tried many brands of fixatives, I settled on Rox cream. This is the best cream for dentures, it does not dissolve when eating or drinking, now at work I can participate in general tea parties.”


  • can be used for wet dentures;
  • not washed out by liquid;
  • does not dissolve when eating hot food;
  • the product does not contain artificial dyes;
  • does not contain zinc.


  • quite high price;
  • Thick, making application difficult.

The main components of creams that provide fixation

Almost all creams for fixing removable dentures have a similar composition, differing only in some components. For example, substances of natural origin (plant and/or animal) may be added to them. Many manufacturers add aromatic ingredients to improve the taste of the product and ensure freshness in the mouth.

It is important to know! For people prone to allergic reactions, it is better to purchase creams for attaching dentures that have a neutral, hypoallergenic composition. Some manufacturers produce different series of products that allow you to choose the best option. Pay attention to flavoring additives - most often it is mint, eucalyptus, less often - citrus fruits and even chocolate.

Many creams that provide reliable fixation of removable dental structures contain zinc. Its presence allows you to achieve the most durable adhesion of surfaces. And at the same time, it has an excellent wound-healing effect - useful if new teeth are chafed. Many people are afraid to use products with zinc. However, its negative effect on the body occurs mainly in case of ingestion. Therefore, it is important to use this drug correctly: apply only once a day and in small quantities.

Fixing creams for removable dentures, parameters for choosing the right one

Publication date:


Removable dentures are designed to improve a person’s quality of life and are considered the most cost-effective method of prosthetics. But, when wearing this design, there is a problem - insufficient fixation, that is, their mobility. This uncomfortable state makes it impossible to lead a normal lifestyle: eat, smile, talk. To enhance the reliable fixation of dentures, special creams have been developed. In addition to the main task, such products prevent food from getting stuck between the teeth and create a feeling of freshness in the oral cavity. Each of us is individual. The special structure of the jaw or seemingly minor gaps in the manufacture of dentures can affect the low adhesion effect. It is in such cases that you have to resort to additional fixing agents.

Criteria influencing the choice of fixative drug. To decide which fixing cream is most suitable for you for dentures, let’s list the parameters for choosing them:

  • duration of fixation of the prosthesis (adhesion period);
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • connection reliability;
  • protection against penetration of food under the prosthesis (tightness);
  • aromatic ingredients included in the cream;
  • the absence of zinc in the composition of the drug, which has an ambiguous effect on the body;
  • simplicity and clarity of use;
  • the price of the product;
  • volume of the drug in the tube (how long it can be used).

Today, there is an impressive list of creams for fixing removable dentures on sale. When choosing this or that product, study all the pros and cons in advance. The principle of action of fixing creams. All fixatives are based on polysaccharides and polypeptides. These components tend to expand when in contact with a moist environment. First, the cream is applied to the denture. Next, the structure is placed on the gum. The applied product immediately begins to act. The evenly distributed elastic layer takes on the contours of all oral surfaces, thereby imparting reliable adhesion of the prosthesis to soft tissues. Such creams are especially recommended for use during the period of adaptation to dentures, when the oral cavity is not yet accustomed to wearing a new design. Thanks to fixing agents, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of injury and irritation of the oral cavity. The most famous creams for fixing removable dentures. So, let's list the best fixing agents today:

  1. ROCS This Russian-Swiss brand has a high quality rating in the pharmaceutical market. The product of the presented brand can be bought in every city. The price goes up to 350. The drug guarantees the fixation of dentures for 12 hours. The tube contains 40 grams of product. The cream is quite thick, so it should be applied slowly and patiently. But a sufficiently long neck allows you to evenly dose the product in small portions, creating an airtight layer. To avoid bad breath, the cream contains natural ingredients - menthol and mint. Does not contain zinc, known for its negative effects on the human body. Does not wash out from the base when rinsing the mouth. When you eat food at different temperatures, you don’t have to worry that the applied cream will dissolve. It is also acceptable to apply the product to wet dentures;
  2. LAKALUT dent. The German brand company has proven itself well among dental and oral care products. The price of the drug reaches 400. Often, the edges of the denture rub against soft tissue, thereby injuring the gums. Thanks to LAKALUT dent cream, an invisible layer is formed that prevents any mechanical damage to the gums. A thin film creates a good seal. At the same time, the taste of the food remains unchanged. The manufacturer promises strong fixation of dentures within 24 hours. Using this brand of cream does not change the bite. There was no unpleasant odor from the mouth. On the contrary, a refreshing minty taste. But, there is a serious drawback - when eating hot food, the adhesion between the dentures and soft tissues weakens slightly;
  3. Protefix. Manufacturers of the German company present a whole series of products for the care of artificial teeth. The fixing cream of this brand is available in tubes of different sizes: 27 g of the product can be bought at a pharmacy for about 150, and a tube of 45 g will cost 300-400 rubles. Agree, it is convenient and economical. Especially if you decide to purchase the drug as a trial. Good adhesive properties promise strong hold for 10-12 hours. It is also acceptable to use the product on wet dentures. The ointment is evenly distributed over the areas of application. The manufacturer has also taken care of those who want to choose. Therefore, a series of preparations of three types is presented: hypoallergenic cream without fragrances and dyes, and creams for lovers of fresh breath, that is, with mint and aloe components. In case of intense salivation, the product remains in the same place, that is, it is not washed away. The disadvantages include the inconvenient dispenser to use and the dissolution of the ointment when eating hot food;
  4. COREGA. The brand of the Irish company is trustworthy and is one of the leaders in the drug market. A 40-gram tube of cream can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy in the city for about 250 rubles. The product applied to the dentures does not allow food particles to penetrate between the teeth, that is, the ointment has a good seal. The manufacturer promises fixation of the prostheses within 10 hours. The components of the drug are not capable of causing allergies. The cream has a pleasant taste. Not bad for “beginners”. But, citing customer reviews, serious shortcomings were found in the product of this brand. To apply the next portion of cream, the denture should be thoroughly cleaned of any remnants of the previously applied product. The ointment is washed off quickly enough with water. Therefore, the actual effect of fixation is approximately 3-4 hours. It is also noted that when exposed to hot liquid or food, the product quickly melts, which leads to a weakening of the adhesion, and accordingly, the prosthesis may fall out. The tube of the drug has a wide neck. And this means quick consumption and inconvenient application. And yet, with constant use of the cream, swelling of the oral mucosa is possible.

It’s up to you to decide which fixing agent to choose. Users' opinions were divided. “Newbies” usually use the advertised brand of cream COREGA. Experienced users prefer the more expensive, but based on their experience of using them, the most reliable fixing agents: LAKALUT dent, ROCS and Protefix. Good luck with your choice!

Rating of the best creams

To choose the best cream for dentures, you will need to not just read user reviews online, but carefully study the composition of the product and consult with a specialist. In most cases, you will be able to give preference to a particular drug after using several options, that is, after testing it through personal experience. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body and the different properties of the materials of orthopedic structures. The rating of creams presented below is based on the opinion of both doctors and people who use them.

How safe are the creams?

Remember that any tooth cream contains many chemical compounds. Not all of them are neutral and harmless. During use, some amount will be ingested regularly. What this will lead to is unknown. Side effects include:

The very first site with reviews showed that unpleasant consequences are not uncommon, and there are many more side effects. For example, one person developed a persistent cough, another complained of a sore throat. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, judging by the comments, are a common occurrence. We'd be happy to say that only one specific product causes these problems, but there are complaints across multiple brands.

Some denture bonding creams contain zinc. If they are constantly swallowed, the negative consequences described above are possible, as well as numbness and tremors in the limbs. The risk of such troubles is especially high if your diet includes foods rich in zinc compounds.

"Fittident" (Austria)

Fittydent is the best denture cream according to most users. Its only drawback is its high cost - about 500 rubles per tube. It has gained great popularity due to its harmless composition (no zinc or dyes), high resistance to liquids, and economical consumption. “Fittident” reliably fixes the removable structure in the mouth for 12 hours – this is more than enough for a day of use.

What is it for?

The main task of the cream, like any fixative, is to create a small layer between the prosthesis itself and the gum mucosa. This layer is able to ensure reliable fixation of the structure in the mouth. Regular use of the cream will not only fix the structure, but will also speed up the process of getting used to the foreign body in the mouth (denture). In addition, the product is used to attach bridges and crowns.

In rare cases, the dental cement that doctors install under the crowns breaks down. As a temporary measure, when there is no opportunity to visit the dentist’s office in the next few days, you can fix it with the help of such a cream.

The tool also has the following functions:

  • protection of the installed denture from the accumulation of food debris. With tight fixation, moisture or foreign objects do not enter the gap between the mucous membrane and the prosthesis;
  • protects the oral mucosa from mechanical damage, including rubbing. Thus, regular use of a special cream helps protect against the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy in your city. In addition, there are many online stores where you can order the product you like.

"Rox" (Switzerland)

ROCS (“Rox”) is the best denture cream in terms of cost and quality. It contains special substances that prevent and eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as compounds that maintain the normal balance of beneficial microorganisms in the oral cavity. Another advantage is resistance to high temperatures of consumed foods and liquids. In addition, the product has a low price (on average 250 rubles per tube), ensures stable retention of the prosthesis for 12 hours, and gives freshness to the breath thanks to the mint component. Rox contains no zinc or dyes.

“I was forced to install a removable denture on the upper jaw, I spent a long time looking for some kind of glue, because it was constantly falling out. I tried everything... I settled on Rox. Now I feel confident and comfortable in any situation.” Olga Sergeevna, 58 years old

How many implants are needed to install a prosthesis?

2 implants

To significantly improve the fixation of a removable denture, it is enough to install only two dental implants. After their “engraftment”, which takes 3-4 months, they are used as supports to hold the prosthesis. Special abutments are screwed to the implants, having locking fastenings in the form of a “ball” (Photo 3.2). The reciprocal part is fixed into the removable denture. When “putting on” the prosthesis, “the locks click into place” and it holds perfectly. In this case, it is possible to reduce the boundaries (sizes) of the prosthesis, sometimes significantly reducing the size of the plastic palate. Of course, the comfort and quality of life increases significantly.

Photo 3.2. “2 implants on the lower jaw for fixation of a removable denture”

Photo 3.3. "Removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw"

Photo 3.4. “Happy patient: good fixation, standard size prosthesis, beautiful smile.”

4 implants

If conditions allow the installation of 4 implants, it is possible to make a beam structure, that is, a removable denture on a beam . All implants are connected by a milled metal beam with locking “retaining elements”. The response part is located in the prosthesis.

Photo 3.5 “4 implants on the upper jaw + cast metal beam for fixing a removable denture.”

Photo 3.6. “Removable denture for the upper jaw: view from the outside and from the inside.”

Photo 3.7 “Removable denture for the upper jaw: view from the outside and inside.”

In this case, the design, in fact, resembles a bridge prosthesis (dental bridge), but unlike a bridge prosthesis, it is removable . The entire load is distributed to the implants. The fixation is very rigid, the prosthesis “holds tightly.” On the upper jaw, the artificial palate is completely absent. The boundaries of the prosthesis are reduced, which is very comfortable to use. A very beautiful and convenient option that allows you to remove and thoroughly clean the prosthesis outside and inside, as well as the beam itself.

Photo 3.8. “Happy patient: good fixation, reduced denture, beautiful smile.”

3.9 “Happy patient: good fixation, reduced denture, beautiful smile.”

But there is no limit to perfection. Using the same four implants, it is possible to manufacture a non-removable prosthesis using the “all-on-4” technique.

Photo 3.10 “4 implants on the bottom for fixing a fixed prosthesis.”

Photo 3.11 “The fixed prosthesis on the lower jaw is fixed. The patient is very satisfied."

Photo 3.12 “The fixed prosthesis on the lower jaw is fixed. The patient is very satisfied."

A separate article is devoted to this unique type of prosthetics.

6 or more implants

If you install from 6 to 8 implants, then it becomes possible to make a non-removable, comfortable, miniature and beautiful prosthesis, as close as possible in comfort and appearance to your natural teeth.

Photo 3.13 Complete denture for the upper jaw with complete absence of teeth supported by 6 implants.

Photo 3.14 “Happy patient: excellent fixation, miniature prosthesis, beautiful smile.”

You can read about fixed prosthetics in the absence of teeth here.

"President" (Italy)

Fixing cream for dentures PresiDENT (“President”) creates a dense layer under the structure that prevents particles of food mass from entering. The manufacturer assures that the effect of the product lasts throughout the day and can reach 36 hours. The absence of allergies, economical consumption, low cost (within 250 rubles) and high quality of the composition allow it to occupy a high position in the TOP of means for retaining removable structures. However, many people are faced with the fact that they cannot buy this product in all pharmacy chains.

No. 2 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures Lacalut


Price from 270 to 400 rubles.

Rating – 9.8

High quality cream, produced by a German company. According to the manufacturer, when using the product, reliable fixation is ensured for at least 24 hours. Creates a thin layer between the prosthesis and soft tissues, protecting them from mechanical damage by the edge of the prosthesis, which helps adapt to a removable structure worn for the first time.

From reviews : Ivan Arsentievich, 48 years old - “Due to an injury, I lost two front teeth, the dentist made a temporary removable denture, which held up very poorly. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised me to buy Lacalut cream, and I am completely satisfied with the result.”


  • reliable fixation;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • thanks to the thin film created when using the cream, it protects soft tissues from chafing.


  • high price;
  • fixation is slightly weakened by consuming hot foods and drinks (especially tea and coffee).

"Protefix" (Germany)

Among the positive properties of the popular cream for fixing dentures, Protefix (“Protefix”), we can note: economical consumption, excellent adhesion, dense structure that limits the penetration of food. The manufacturer has released three types of “Protefix”: without coloring and aromatic components (suitable for allergy sufferers), with mint, and with aloe. The product deservedly receives positive reviews from users due to its affordable price (about 200 rubles) and the possibility of use for increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Among the disadvantages, users note the inconvenience of the dispenser and the weakening of the fixation under the influence of hot food.

No. 3 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures Protefix


Price from 280 to 400 rubles (cream in 24 gram tubes costs from 140 rubles).

Rating – 9.6

Products from the Protefix series ensure reliable attachment of the prosthesis to the gum tissue for at least 10-12 hours. There are three varieties of this product: hypoallergenic cream, which, due to the absence of dyes and fragrances, causes fewer allergic reactions; as well as creams containing mint or aloe components.

From reviews : Anna, 29 years old - “I persuaded my mother to put in a clasp prosthesis, but she opted for a nylon one, which is quite poorly fixed in the mouth. The doctor advised me to use Protefix fixation cream, now my mother can calmly eat and talk without fear that her teeth will end up on the floor at the most crucial moment.”


  • economical;
  • has high fixing properties;
  • has no taste or smell.


  • the cream tube contains a significant percentage of liquid;
  • slightly inconvenient dispenser;
  • The bottle must be tightly closed and stored in an upright position, as the product may leak.

"Lakalut" (Germany)

Cream for removable dentures Lacalut (“Lakalyut”) is included in the rating of leaders due to the high degree of fixation and speed of setting with surfaces. You can eat food within five minutes after installing the structure in the oral cavity, and the structure will remain in place for a whole day. The composition of Lakalut contains, in addition to fixing components, anti-inflammatory compounds and substances that prevent unpleasant odors. Users consider the high cost to be a disadvantage of the product - about 400 rubles per tube.

In what cases should it be used?

Of course, the quality of modern fixing agents is significantly superior to the popular examples of past years, but despite this, there are other, more technologically advanced types of fixation. They do not involve the use of cream at all. For example, additional fastening is not necessary if the patient wears dentures on implants. Provided that the design was made correctly in compliance with all standards, such prostheses will serve their wearer faithfully for several decades. Cream or other fixing compounds are not needed for this, and the likelihood of small particles of food or moisture getting under the prosthesis is zero.

Often, patients who have had a nylon structure installed resort to using a special cream. This is a very comfortable material that is difficult to distinguish visually from real gums. Nylon is able to recreate all the contours and structure of the human gum, but its fasteners require additional support. For this, doctors recommend using a fixing cream. Often, special plates in the form of thin suction cups are installed on the surface of such prostheses. They are made in such a way that it is convenient to apply the product to them.

Often, such a cream is also used to fasten structures made of plastic. The design of some models does not have special elements (suction cups) for fixation, and the base itself is made so that the prosthesis holds perfectly with the help of a fixing cream. Even if the structure fits perfectly in the oral cavity and does not fall out, doctors still recommend playing it safe and purchasing a means of fixation. Fortunately, there are many of them, so patients have a lot of choice. The main thing is not to fall for a fake, but to buy a quality product.

Corega (Ireland)

Cream for dentures Corega (“Corega”), along with positive reviews, has quite a lot of negative ones. Among the advantages are an affordable price (about 250 rubles), economical consumption, and the possibility of use for sensitive gums. Its use does not require preliminary drying of the structure. The negative aspects include the rapid dissolution of the product under the influence of water, which leads to a short period of operation - only 3-4 hours. The same property provokes the entry of the composition into the digestive tract during food intake.

No. 5 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures President


Price from 190 to 230 rubles.

Rating – 9.4

After applying President, a dense elastic layer is formed under the prosthesis, preventing food particles from penetrating under the base of the prosthesis. In some situations, the fixation may be weakened by eating hot liquid food. The product contains fragrances and petroleum jelly.

From reviews : Igor, 49 years old – “I bought President cream for my father to fix complete removable dentures. Without additional means, they did not stay in the mouth and, in addition to the discomfort caused when eating and talking, they rubbed the mucous membrane. A thin layer of cream sets tightly and forms a film that protects the gums from the pressure of acrylic plastic.”


  • affordable price;
  • good fixation;
  • The tube volume is 10 ml more than its analogues.


  • when eating, fixation weakens;
  • Quite a strong taste.

How to choose the most suitable product

What should you pay attention to when choosing the best cream for fixing dentures? The main criteria are the following.

  • fixing properties: if you rarely use dentures (for example, only to go out on a visit or to the store), then long-term fixation may be unnecessary. In this case, you can buy Corega. If the product is needed for a long time (12-hour working day), you should take a closer look at a stronger version of the composition,
  • resistance to water: some compositions lose their fixing qualities under the influence of saliva or frequent consumption of drinks or liquid food. This is important to consider - reviews and personal observations will help here,
  • features of the composition (the presence of aromatic and flavoring additives, the presence of anti-inflammatory components, zinc and others: paying attention to this parameter is important if you are prone to allergies or intolerance to any substances. It should be taken into account that some flavorings can change the taste of food,
  • resistance to mechanical stress: this point is related to the load on the removable structure during chewing food, and depends on both the frequency of intake and the nature of the products consumed, the type of heat treatment,
  • economical use: here it is necessary to consider not only the material capabilities of the user and the cost of the drug, but also the frequency of use of the product, its required optimal amount. So, if you rarely use the composition, you can afford to buy a high-quality cream and “turn a blind eye” to the high price.

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On a note! Unstable fixation or other deficiencies do not always mean that the fixative cream for dentures is “bad.” If the product is not suitable, possible reasons may be: design features (material, shape, installation nuances) and the maxillofacial apparatus, as well as the volume of saliva secreted.


Analogs of Corega tablets for cleaning dentures are listed in the table.

NameHow to use?EfficiencyPrice
DentipurDissolve 1-2 tablets in 250 ml of warm filtered water, lower the denture for 30 minutesRemoves dense plaque and tartar without destroying the structure of artificial teeth. Suitable for heavy soiling. The product is especially effective for complete removable dentures, the fixation of which is carried out using cream 30 pieces for 400 rubles
RocksDissolve the tablet in a glass of water, soak the denture overnightDisinfects and prevents the development of pathogenic flora under the prosthesis. Makes breath fresher, does not require rinsing 32 pieces for 250 rubles
ProtefixDissolve the tablet in a glass of water, immerse the prosthesis for 15 minutes, and cover with a lid. To enhance the effect, you can use hot water (but not boiling water) Contains active oxygen, which quickly dissolves plaque and removes food particles from the surface of the prosthesis32 tablets for 200 rubles
MyoCleanDissolve the tablet in cold water and immerse the denture overnight. After use, be sure to rinse with running water. Gives the prosthesis a fresh aroma, destroys bacteria, especially in hard-to-reach places. Dissolves residues of fixing agents well 32 tablets for 200 rubles
FittydentThe tablet is dissolved in a glass of filtered water, and the prosthesis is immersed for 30 minutes. Can be used several times a day. Active components do not destroy the integrity of the prosthesis Destroys bacteria and prevents their development during the day32 tablets for 500 rubles
Paro CareDissolve the tablet in a glass of water, immerse the denture overnightCan be used as a mouth rinse. This analogue of Corega tablets can be used without removing the prosthesis. Disinfects, promotes healing of small wounds in the mouth, relieves irritation of the gums. Cleans tough stains and stone well 20 tablets for 550 rubles
President Effervescent tablets for cleaning dentures DentureThe tablet is dissolved in a glass of water and used at nightUsed for overnight cleaning of dentures32 tablets for 350 rubles
LakalutThe tablet is dissolved in a glass of water and used at nightEffervescent tablets for cleaning dentures dissolve rapidly and turn the water blue. Concentrated cleaning agents effectively dissolve plaque and organic residues. Active oxidizing components are released and disinfect the prosthesis. 32 tablets for 300 rubles

Analogues of Corega tablets cost from 180 to 1500 rubles. It all depends on their quantity in the package, the method of influencing the prosthesis, as well as the presence of additional benefits. Remember that it is best to order cheap analogues of Corega in advance, checking prices on the Internet and choosing the best option. Sometimes very interesting promotions appear on large sites that will help you save money.

To choose the right cleaning agent, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. First of all, the appointment is made by a doctor who knows the features of the prosthesis and will select the best disinfectant. But such a choice is not always correct, and use is not always comfortable for the patient. For example, Lakalut, an analogue of Corega for cleaning dentures, causes mixed opinions among users. Some complain that the product literally deforms the prosthesis, making it larger. And others don’t like the specific smell, which literally eats away and stays in the mouth throughout the day. Still others use it with pleasure and have no complaints about the product at all.

Corega, analogues and prices, as well as the nuances of use were described above. If there is a need to use substitutes, it is better to consult a specialist first. Never replace a medicine prescribed by a doctor with one available in a pharmacy without his consent. You may not know all the features of your prosthesis. And this doesn’t just apply to denture cleaners.

How to use the composition correctly

Fixation cream must be used according to the instructions. The general rules are the following:

  • the product is applied to the prosthesis from the inside, only on the lines intended for this purpose and in a small amount (if there is a lot of it, the fixation strength weakens). The recommended volume is usually indicated in the instructions, and the most optimal for a particular person is established experimentally,
  • strong creams for dentures containing zinc should not be applied more than once a day - the risk of neurological disorders increases,
  • the structure must be clean: before applying the fixing composition, it should be washed with warm water (if necessary, ordinary soap can be used) and wiped dry with a lint-free cloth,
  • After removing the removable denture, the fixing cream must be removed: to clean the structure from residual composition, use a toothbrush with extra soft bristles and toothpaste intended for small children (due to their low abrasiveness, such pastes do not damage the surface of the product).

On a note! If, when removing the structure before going to bed, it turns out that it is securely fastened, it is permissible to leave it until the morning. Next time, the amount of composition applied should be reduced.

How to apply the cream?

For good and reliable fixation, you need to use this product correctly, according to the instructions:

  1. The denture itself must be completely cleaned of any dirt, plaque, food debris and previous cream. A simple toothbrush and toothpaste are suitable for this purpose (how to clean dentures?).
  2. It is applied to a damp product, so there is no need to dry it too much.
  3. Place the tube strictly vertically and squeeze out a small amount of product onto the side that will touch the gums. For the first time, it is recommended to apply the cream pointwise, and later you can squeeze it out in the required amount in a thin continuous strip. If the denture lags behind on the palatal surface, then a few drops of adhesive can also be left in the corresponding area.
  4. If at this time an oily liquid comes out or there is too much product on the product, they should be removed with a napkin.
  5. The structure itself is fixed in the mouth and lightly pressed against the mucous membrane for a few seconds.
  6. You need to carefully wipe the neck of the tube and close the lid tightly.

It is believed that after just five minutes you can start eating food, drinks, etc.

Side effects of using the compounds

Even the best denture creams can cause side effects. Most often, users indicate the following body reactions: swelling of the gums as a result of pressure from the structure or the development of an allergic reaction, headaches, taste disturbance, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the digestive tract.

Various factors underlie such manifestations. Perhaps the drug is not suitable for a person due to the characteristics of its composition, or the buyer is prone to allergies. Another reason could be a violation of the recommendations for the use of a fixing agent specified in the instructions. In addition, there is a possibility of purchasing a counterfeit product. Therefore, when studying the rating of denture creams, you should not forget about other nuances of use.

Author: Chorny S.V. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

Contraindications and side effects of fixing agents

Fixing agents are contraindicated for use in the presence of hypersensitivity to their components. Also, they should not be used in the presence of acute dental inflammatory diseases, side effects, or expiration date.

You should choose products without zinc, since it has a negative effect on the body, has a toxic effect and can cause neurological pathologies. Other side effects - weakness, headache, stomach pain - can occur with excessive use of fixation devices.

Category Medicines / drugs Published by Mister stomatolog

Folk remedies

You can replace the fixing cream only with a similar product, but cleaning the denture without effervescent tablets is as easy as shelling pears. The simplest methods will come to the rescue, which are safe for the prosthesis, clean dirt well and disinfect surfaces.

The cheapest analogue of Corega tablets is soda and vinegar. Acidic and alkaline environments, when interacting with each other, release large amounts of carbon dioxide, which will help us clean the prosthesis. In addition, baking soda is an excellent antibacterial agent that inhibits the growth of bacteria. There are two ways to use it:

  1. Clean the denture with soda and put it in acidified water: take regular baking soda, moisten a hard toothbrush and pick up the powdered product. Clean the denture intensively on both sides. Take half a glass of hot water, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar (you can use apple cider vinegar) and place the soda-treated denture there. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water.
  2. Immediately place the prosthesis in water in which a reaction occurs, releasing carbon dioxide: take half a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of soda, stir until dissolved. Pour in the same amount of vinegar and quickly place the denture in the glass. Please note that foam may rise, so take a deeper container.

Both methods are good, but in the first case the cleaning process can be called complete and of higher quality. Soda is an additional abrasive that removes plaque well.

An analogue of Corega for dentures, or rather cleaning them, is lemon juice and tooth powder. Take a tablespoon of powder and add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it, stir until it becomes a paste and apply the product to the pre-moistened denture using a toothbrush. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse it under running water.

Regular hydrogen peroxide will help to disinfect the prosthesis. It should be applied to the structure and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed and dried.

In any case, no matter what method you choose, take precautions, since exceeding the recommended dosages can cause a decrease in the strength of the prosthesis and its destruction.

Tags: analogue, Corega analogue, Dentures, Corega cream, Corega tablets

About the author: DrZubastik

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