Removable dentures for one tooth: types and service life

  • Material for making dentures
  • Cost of dental prosthetics
  • Make a denture in Moscow

Prosthetics is one of the most popular orthopedic services in dentistry.
The dental laboratory Denta Labor offers the manufacture of dentures, giving the smiles of its patients impeccable beauty. Accurate dentures made from modern materials: improve the aesthetics of a smile and the patient’s self-esteem, fully restore the functions of the oral cavity, and help eliminate barriers to communication.

Through the efforts of our specialists, prosthetics are made that are indistinguishable from real teeth. Their service life is more than one year. They do not rub when worn, are comfortable and practical, and do not require complex care.

Indications for prosthetics

As already noted, prosthetics are recommended to be performed with fixed dentures. Because they are more convenient and reliable. But is it possible to put a removable denture on 1 tooth? Of course, there are practically no contraindications here. The main list of conditions when the need for removable monoprosthetics arises is as follows:

  • missing 1 tooth along with the root,
  • the natural crown is completely destroyed, but the root is healthy and is being “prepared” for fixation of the stump tab with a crown: during the waiting stage, a removable denture is worn,
  • an implant has been installed, but the crown has not yet been fixed on it: the healing (fusion with the bone) of a single implant can last 3-6 months, so a plug is placed on it and the gum is sutured. During this period, a temporary prosthesis is installed for aesthetics and to protect the gums from injury.

The exception is patients with absolute contraindications to fixed prosthetics or implantation. For example, in case of severe diseases of the body, poor blood clotting, intolerance to anesthesia, in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation, the “removal device” is worn for a long time on an ongoing basis.

There are certain indications for installing a removable denture on one tooth, which depend on the type of orthopedic design. Therefore, we will dwell on them in the appropriate sections.

Prosthetics at the clinic "PRESIDENT"

In our clinic you can quickly and effectively restore any number of teeth using advanced equipment and innovative techniques.

We work with leading implants: Implantium, Ankylos, Astra-Tech, Straumann.

Each procedure is preceded by diagnostics (computed radiography and tomography), which eliminates the risk of complications and allows you to choose the optimal method, taking into account the anatomical features and physical condition of the patient.

We offer the most modern and proven recovery procedures:

  • prosthetics with implants produced in Israel, Switzerland, Germany, South Korea, Sweden;
  • instant implantation – allows you to restore the integrity of the dentition in just one day;
  • prosthetics using metal-free ceramic crowns;
  • installation of a prosthesis with a crown made of zirconium dioxide or metal ceramics;
  • partial removable prosthetics;
  • installation of temporary prostheses.

The procedure is as comfortable as possible, without pain or inconvenience. The installed dentures have an attractive appearance and perfectly imitate natural tissues, looking aesthetically pleasing and natural. And you can use them on the day of installation.

Don’t give up your usual lifestyle, don’t hold back your smile, just call and make an appointment at one of our clinics in Moscow!

What problems can be avoided?

Let's consider what problems can be solved when using prosthetics with a removable orthopedic design:

  • the aesthetics of the smile is restored,
  • the gums in the area of ​​the row defect (missing tooth) are protected from injury by hard pieces of food,
  • bite relationships and occlusion are preserved: therefore, the antagonist (opposite from above or below) does not move down or up,
  • neighboring teeth are not so overloaded during chewing,
  • The teeth adjacent to the defect do not move: if you leave a “gap” in the row and do not perform prosthetics, then the “neighbors” on the right and left will gradually shift towards it. Thus, in the future it will be difficult to install a prosthesis or even have to wear a brace system.

Prosthetics of anterior teeth using crowns

Sometimes lesions on the front teeth can be more serious. Then prosthetics of the front teeth using crowns is suitable. To make the most natural shape of the tooth being installed and to ensure a tight fit of the crown, it is necessary to grind the affected tooth and, if necessary, remove the pulp and nerve. Then process and seal the canals. After fitting, a ceramic crown is installed on the dental cement mortar. Ceramic or zirconium structures without metal are best suited for dental prosthetics.

The main advantages of such crowns are:

  • The base from which the dentures are made must be hypoallergenic. Which is very important. Ceramic crowns do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Ceramic crowns look aesthetically pleasing. Based on individual measurements and subsequent fitting, you can ideally select the desired shape and color that will match the natural shade of natural teeth.
  • Metal-free crowns do not cause darkening of the gums around the installed tooth and do not leave a metal rim. They also do not lead to alveolitis, gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Ceramic crowns will not cause discomfort when eating food at different temperatures.
  • Also, such crowns are lightweight, comfortable and durable.

Types of orthopedic structures

A removable denture for one tooth can be of 2 types - an immediate prosthesis or “butterfly” and a splinting clasp. They belong to partial orthopedic structures, because placed in case of partial edentia. They are placed in certain clinical situations and have different appearance (as well as purpose). Let's consider their features further.

Don't know what type of prosthetics to choose?

We will help in the selection, advise where to read more information and compare types of prosthetics.
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Immediate prosthesis or “butterfly” - characteristics, pros and cons

“Butterfly” is a removable denture for 1 tooth, which looks like a dental crown with pink “wings” or hooks on the sides (4 hooks in total). How does such an orthopedic structure hold up? With these hooks, otherwise called “clasps,” the prosthesis covers the adjacent supporting teeth and is thus fixed. The crown is made of light-colored plastic, and the hooks, which are a continuation of the base, are made of elastic or hard pink polymer. Based on the material from which the artificial gum is made, acrylic and nylon dentures for 1 tooth are distinguished. Moreover, both classic acrylic and the more modern monomer-free material Acry-free (“Acry-free”) can be used.

  • indications: suitable for all groups of patients, but only if there are included row defects,
  • an absolute contraindication is a terminal defect - the absence of the last molar in the row: in this case, the butterfly clasps on one side will have nothing to attach to,
  • advantages: quickly manufactured, easy to install, quick adaptation,
  • Disadvantages: the hooks quickly stretch, the fixation of the structure becomes worse - you have to use a special adhesive cream or change the product. Chewing function is not restored very well. They do not stop bone tissue atrophy under the crown (where there is no root). Without load, the bone decreases in size and sags, causing discomfort and decreased aesthetics.

Another contraindication is too young age (up to 2-4 years) and the presence of mental illness, epilepsy. In such situations, the patient may unknowingly swallow the structure.

Read on the topic: immediate dentures - what they are, types, advantages and disadvantages.

Clasp splinting – features, pros and cons

A clasp denture with a splinting function is similar to a traditional one in that a metal arch is placed inside its base - this frame imparts rigidity, facilitates chewing food and correctly distributes the load. Additionally, the design includes claw-shaped or ring-shaped processes made of metal, occlusal pads, with the help of which splinting of mobile teeth occurs. In the upper jaw, this design does not have a massive palatal overlap, but only a thin plate or bridge.

  • indications: used for included and end defects, but only in the presence of mobility of the remaining teeth (with periodontitis and periodontal disease),
  • advantages: they perform 2 functions at once - they restore missing teeth and stabilize remaining teeth. They distribute chewing pressure well, it is much more convenient to chew with them than with “butterflies”,
  • disadvantages: large mass of the structure, does not stop the atrophy of the jaw bone.

Types of partial dentures

Despite the fact that most removable dentures are very similar, experts divide them into several types. The main parameters are the number of teeth to be replaced and the material of manufacture.

Butterfly prosthesis

So named because of its shape, which resembles the wings of a butterfly. In most cases, a butterfly denture is installed when 1–2 teeth are missing in a row.

Partial removable clasp denture

A design that has an all-metal frame. Due to the metal arch, the clasp denture looks compact, but is less aesthetically pleasing than metal-free structures. In addition, metal can cause an allergic reaction.

Partial removable laminar denture

A removable lamellar prosthesis does not contain metal parts (fastening elements can be made of metal) and, in comparison with clasp structures, has a wider soft base.

Partial removable plastic denture

It is the cheapest design, which is often used as a temporary measure (for example, after implantation). A prosthesis made of acrylic plastic has the necessary rigidity, but is less comfortable than softer systems and can cause allergies.

Removable nylon partial dentures

Modern, comfortable and soft nylon prostheses, which, however, are significantly more expensive than plastic structures.

Rules for care and wearing

How to wear a mono-prosthesis? Removable “butterflies” require regular removal - after each meal or even eating thick yogurt, the orthopedic structure will have to be removed from the mouth and washed in water. There is no need to remove the splinting “clasps” every day; by the way, this can even be dangerous, because there is a risk of severe loosening. With any denture option, you will have to carefully observe oral hygiene - brush and paste twice a day, and soak the denture in a disinfectant solution once a week. You will have to visit the dentist approximately 1-2 times a year for examination and relocation of the structure, because... due to bone atrophy, the fit of the base becomes less dense.

Dietary recommendations limit and even prohibit the consumption of hard foods - chunky hard meat, fresh hard vegetables and fruits (you have to grate them first), toffees and toffees. Therefore, the “butterflies” are weakly fixed and can fly off, and the teeth under the splinting clasps can become very loose.

Manufacturing of removable dentures

Prosthetics with various types of dentures has been used in clinical practice for decades, so dentistry has a well-functioning production mechanism.

Stages of manufacturing a partial removable denture

  1. Initial consultation, examination of the oral cavity and selection of orthopedic design.
  2. Taking impressions and producing a wax model in the laboratory.
  3. Grinding and correction of the finished structure.
  4. Finishing the structure in the articulator and trying on the wax structure by the patient.

Although the production of a partial denture takes on average 2 weeks, the adjustment period can last up to a month. At this time, the patient may feel some discomfort, but if the prosthesis causes significant pain and discomfort, it is worth contacting a specialist for correction or replacement of the structure.

Which option to choose among removable ones?

Which prosthesis[1] should I put on one tooth? It is recommended to select the best option individually, together with an orthopedic dentist. If the speed of prosthetics is important, and the supporting teeth do not have pathological mobility, then it is better to choose a “butterfly” made of acrylic or “Acry-free” for the chewing part of the row. Nylon, of course, is comfortable, but for a very short time, and a stretched product will have to be changed soon. In the presence of pathological mobility, only the splinting clasp remains.

But do not forget that all the options considered are recommended for temporary use only. They are not very securely fixed (especially in the “smile zone”, where the supporting crowns are not so wide) and do not stop bone tissue atrophy. Therefore, it is better to turn to alternatives.

“I wore a bow tie during pregnancy until I could get an implant. It’s not very convenient, and you have to constantly clean it. But I was afraid that without a prosthesis, neighbors would move towards each other, and I would generally suffer later. I was afraid that it would fall out while eating and I would swallow it. Therefore, I had to chew very carefully.”

Olga R., review from

How are dental implants inserted?

Implantation, in order to insert teeth, can be carried out in different ways: according to a one-stage or two-stage protocol. But its essence will always boil down to the following: in order to insert a lost tooth, the doctor will implant a special structure in the patient’s jaw - an implant, on which he will subsequently install a crown or prosthesis.

Until the stage of permanent prosthetics, you will walk with a temporary prosthesis, which is placed during one-stage implantation immediately after implantation. In two-stage implantation, immediate dentures are used to mask dentition defects.

A permanent crown or prosthesis is placed on the implant only after it has completely fused with the natural bone tissue of the jaw. Crowns for installation on an implant can be made from any material: for the restoration of front teeth, ceramic crowns are most often used, for the restoration of chewing units - products made of zirconium and metal-ceramics.

Which implantation technology should I choose to insert teeth? It is impossible to give any absentee recommendations on this matter. You need to visit the clinic, undergo an examination and diagnosis, and only after that the implantologist will offer you the optimal implantation method.

Alternatives – fixed dentures and implantation of 1 tooth

If you choose among temporary dentures for one tooth, then the best alternative option is an adhesive fixed bridge. Visually, this is a crown with two small “wings” on the sides that are glued to the supporting teeth. Most often it is placed on the upper or lower front teeth, because in the chewing areas there is too much load and the fixing composition will quickly come off. An adhesive bridge is made of plastic or composite composition.

The classics of permanent fixed prosthetics are bridges. Those made from metal ceramics and zirconium dioxide are the most durable, and ceramic ones look very aesthetically pleasing. The service life, depending on the material, is 7-20 years, but there are also disadvantages. For example, for bridges it is necessary to remove the pulp and grind down the adjacent supporting teeth. And the cost of such a restoration is comparable to the best prosthetic option – a crown on an implant. By the way, the latter will not have such a problem as progressive bone atrophy, since only an implant restores the missing tooth root. And in terms of cost, implantation in the economy and even in the middle class is comparable to prosthetics using a classic bridge. And in terms of service life, a crown on an implant lasts 2-3 times longer.


Insert ceramic teeth

Inserting ceramic teeth will be the right decision if you need to restore your front teeth, which are clearly visible when communicating with people around you. But for the restoration of chewing teeth, ceramic crowns are not suitable: ceramics is a fairly fragile material and a crown made from it may not withstand the heavy load that is constantly placed on the chewing teeth when chewing food.

The high aesthetics of ceramic crowns determines the expensive prices for this type of orthopedic structures. But the patient gets a beautiful and natural smile: you can also evaluate the results of dental restoration with ceramic crowns from the photos that we have posted below. Ceramic crowns can be placed on both the abutment tooth and the implant.

Cost of dental restoration

How much does a denture cost for one tooth? In Moscow and the regions, the price of an immediate prosthesis averages 6000-7000 rubles, and a splinting clasp prosthesis costs from 60 thousand rubles. Also, before prosthetics, it is necessary to undergo the removal of tartar and plaque, treatment of existing caries, pulpitis, stomatitis - all these procedures are paid separately.

[1] Abolmasov N.G. Orthopedic dentistry, 2002.

Author: Sambuev B. S. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

If you need to insert a tooth after it has been removed

The best solution to insert one tooth is a one-time implantation, but a tooth can only be inserted if too much time has not passed since its removal. To firmly fix the implant in the bone, the jaw bone tissue must be dense and have a certain height. But the longer a tooth is missing, the more the bone thins and dries out. Therefore, if you had a tooth removed several years ago, you can have it replaced either with prosthetics or classical implantation.

Installation steps

Installation of removable dentures includes several stages:

- Examination. A mandatory procedure, without which it is impossible to imagine the installation of a dental structure. During the examination, the doctor determines the condition of the oral cavity, the presence of possible diseases and defects, and chooses which prosthetics is more reasonable - complete or partial, and the type of design.

— Treatment (if necessary). So that the patient does not have to get rid of diseases after installation of the prosthesis, all therapeutic measures should be carried out in advance. In addition, various pathological processes in the oral cavity sharply reduce the service life of the prosthesis.

— Preparation for prosthetics. To determine the shape of the gums, the doctor makes an impression of the jaws using a special mass. These casts will then be used to make prosthetics that best match your anatomical features.

— Checking the structure in the oral cavity. This is a kind of fitting when the doctor evaluates how suitable the manufactured prosthesis is for you. At this stage it can be adjusted and made comfortable to wear.

- Installation. Fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity.

What is a nylon prosthesis

Removable nylon dentures are soft orthopedic structures made of a pink, gum-colored nylon base with invisible clasps that hold it in the mouth. The fixation is on the adjacent teeth; the hooks wrap around the supports, keeping the prosthesis stationary on the jaw. Artificial crowns are placed on an elastic frame.

A person can take off and put on a nylon prosthesis without assistance. They are used in dentistry as a temporary solution during implantation (during the process of osseointegration) or as a permanent prosthesis according to indications.

Nylon is a polymer that has the quality of flexibility, and under certain conditions, in the patient’s mouth, softness increases. As a denture material, it has come as an alternative to dental acrylic, to which some people are allergic.

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The price includes: diagnostics, impressions, manufacturing, installation, fitting and 1 year warranty! Complete denture Akrifri 1 jaw - 47,000 rub.!

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