White&Smile: how effective and safe is this teeth whitening method?

Every person who loves yellow, orange and similar shades will clearly not like the color of such a smile.
If you want to be confident and get a Hollywood smile before an important event: an interview, a date or a wedding, Can just nresort to a simple and quick procedure teeth whitening.

There is an absolutely safe and painless way to become the owner of a snow-white smile, which can be obtained not in dental clinics, but in specialized studios - the White Smile .

Keep in mind! The method is gentle on tooth enamel and humane in price.

Information about the company White&Smile

White&Smile International is the brainchild of two European companies, namely White and Smile (France) and InSmile (Italy). This conglomerate is famous in the world for the production of products and cosmetic solutions for express teeth whitening. The company appeared in Russia in 2013 and now opens studios here every month under its brand through the sale of a franchise - currently there are 200 W&S salons in Russia, providing cosmetic, rather than dental, enamel lightening services.

In fact, official importers of exclusive products work on behalf of the company in Russia, who guarantee quality from European manufacturers and quick results, namely, teeth lightening by 2-12 shades in a very short period of time (from 15 to 45 minutes). The company's representative office in Russia claims that among similar products, only this product is approved by the specialized research institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation1.

The company appeared in Russia in 2013

In 2022 and 2022, W&S was included in the TOP 25 most profitable franchises according to Forbes magazine. In 2022, the brand was recognized as an industry leader, and in 2022 it was included in the list of one hundred best enterprises and organizations in Russia. All this is good for those who provide the service. However, consumers or patients are more interested in quality, cost, effectiveness and safety. We propose to talk about this further.

What is White Smile whitening?

The White Smile teeth whitening method is fast , convenient and effective , in which new technologies combined with a whitening gel give the desired enamel shade .

People have gradually become accustomed to caring not only about oral and dental hygiene, but also about aesthetic appearance.

The product has been tested and has all the necessary compliance documents.

The innovative technology was developed by French and Italian dentists, and is also certified and approved by the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Is the industry leader 2022 , which can be found in Europe and the CIS. The company is ranked 14th on Forbes magazine's list as the fastest growing franchise in its industry.

An important point is that the products do not contain commonly found components: hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide , which are often included in analogues.

Hydrogen peroxide can thin out tooth enamel, which is completely unfavorable.

Important! Experimentally, scientists have found a replacement for peroxide. The gel is based on the principle of releasing atomic oxygen. The main component of the drug is sodium perborate.

Under the influence of the cold light of an LED lamp, a splitting reaction occurs between a hydrogen molecule and an atomic oxygen molecule, which falls on the surface of the enamel and penetrates into the dentin.

Next, it attaches to the pigment molecule and makes it water-soluble (atomic oxygen does not react with other chemicals).

The water molecule then washes the soluble pigment out of the enamel structure.

Thus, the pores of the tooth enamel are cleaned and the dark components are discolored.

No medical education is required to perform the procedure

White and Smile whitening, as the manufacturer assures, does not require licensing or medical education, because According to its characteristics, the product that allows you to achieve results belongs to cosmetics intended for home enamel lightening. That is, to carry out the procedure, you do not need a dentist on staff, and in general, it is not at all necessary to perform it in dentistry. This can be done in any cosmetic salon or beauty center. The only thing that is required of the salon is to have specialized LED equipment and undergo training in the use of the brightening composition.

According to the creators, their method is good because a person can save as much free time as possible and maintain a good mood. For example, the procedure can be carried out without leaving the shopping center, at the same time as making various purchases, because often beauty salons are located in shopping malls and shopping malls. In addition, a person will not have to sit in the dentist’s chair, which usually causes stress and psychological discomfort.

For those who provide the service, this is a definite plus, because you can purchase a franchise with a minimum amount of costs, but at the same time make a good profit.

No medical education is required to perform the procedure

However, we recommend that patients approach everything “smartly”, because any type of whitening involves a rather aggressive effect on the enamel, taking into account individual health indicators and the condition of the oral cavity, eliminating contraindications, preliminary preparation and dental treatment as necessary. Only a specialist with a higher medical education can objectively evaluate all this data, carry out the preparation and carry out the procedure safely, no matter how much the manufacturers claim to the contrary.

White and Smile is a cosmetic service, not a dental service.

According to statements from the official manufacturer, to lighten the enamel by 2-12 tones, you just need to visit a salon, where a specialist will install trays with whitening gel and turn on the LED lamp. Everything happens the same way as with some types of professional whitening, which is carried out in dentistry by an experienced doctor. What are the differences?

This type of whitening is a cosmetic procedure.

For cosmetic lightening using the White and Smile technology, you will be offered a gel with a much lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide (4.5% versus 10, 15 and 35% in professional dental gels). The composition is relatively safe for the enamel and soft tissues of the oral cavity. In addition, during the procedure, the gel is exposed to a blue spectrum photolamp, which has a gentle effect on the tissue, but is very effective - it enhances the effect of peroxide. Also, the gel developed by W&S contains sodium fluoride and calcium hydroxyapatite, which have a remineralizing effect, reduce the sensitivity of enamel and strengthen it.

The concentration of 4.5% hydrogen peroxide in the gel is quite safe, but professional doctors are skeptical that it can lighten teeth by more than 4-5 shades. There is one more nuance: even the most minimal concentration of the active substance can cause harm if the gel is applied to unprepared or weakened enamel by diseases (caries, pulpitis, the presence of leaky fillings, non-carious lesions). Therefore, before the procedure, you must undergo an examination and consultation with a dentist.

W&S offers three express lightening options

White and Smile is teeth whitening in a beauty salon. There are three programs within the method. Which one to choose depends on your expectations, availability of free time and financial capabilities:

  • “express”: the session lasts only fifteen minutes. During this period, you can lighten the enamel by 2-4 tones. Cost – from 1300 rubles,
  • “classic”: in general, the technique is the same as in the first case - the doctor will install mouth guards with gel on the teeth and point a photo lamp at them. However, you will need to repeat the procedure 2 times for 15 minutes, i.e. in total you will waste 30 minutes of precious time. The result is whitening up to 6-8 tones. Cost – from 2400 rubles.
  • “extra”: everything is the same here, only you need 3 lightening sessions of 15 minutes each. Total 45 minutes and the result is up to 8-12 tones. Cost – from 3000 rubles.

There are three lightening programs within the method.
Remember that contraindications to this type of whitening are pregnancy and lactation, age under 18 years, the presence of braces and individual intolerance to carbamide peroxide.

The manufacturer promises that the positive result will last about 2-3 months, but, of course, only if you follow a white diet and give up such a bad habit as smoking. In order for a snow-white smile to please you for a longer time, it is recommended to undergo a similar procedure at least 4 times, but no more than 6 times a year. To consolidate the result, the manufacturer also suggests using dental cosmetics for oral care of the W&S brand of the same name, which we will talk about later.

White and Smile whitening strips for home use

If you don’t trust salon cosmetologists and want to carry out all the procedures at home, then White and Smile has developed home complexes especially for you. They should be selected based on the condition of the teeth:

  • Medium strips: contain charcoal, but no hydrogen peroxide. Designed for a course of 5-10 days, during this period they promise to lighten the enamel by 3-4 tones. Cost – from 2000 rubles,
  • Delicate strips: suitable for sensitive enamel; in 5-10 days they will lighten it by 2-5 tones. Cost – from 1700 rubles,
  • Intensive strips: suitable only for those people who have strong and healthy enamel. In 5-10 days your teeth will be lightened up to 5 shades. The cost of the kit is from 2500 rubles,
  • Luxury strips 2 in 1: this is a combination set consisting of 20 strips, 10 of which are intended for delicate whitening and 10 for intensive whitening. Cost – from 3000 rubles,
  • Sample box: this is a so-called test kit for those who do not want to take risks and spend a lot of money at once. The kit includes two strips for delicate and 2 for intense lightening. In just 4 days you will complete an express whitening course and change the color of your enamel by 2-3 tones. Cost – from 800 rubles.

The company produces whitening strips for home use.
Before using any option, you must consult a dentist.

“Once I bought myself Intensive strips on sale for only a thousand rubles, but they did not live up to my expectations. After you remove these strips, at first it even becomes scary, because terrible white spots appear on your teeth, they are uneven, but they go away in the morning, and the color of the enamel remains the same as it was before. Well, maybe it ended up being 1 tone lighter. In general, I think this is a dummy. It’s better and safer to have professional hygiene done at the dentist - it’s much safer, and the effect in terms of color will be the same.”

Sirena, fragment of a review from otzovik.com

W&S brand oral care products

You can purchase such products in the network of beauty salons where you had cosmetic whitening, or via the Internet. All products are certified and suitable for daily oral care.

Dry mouthwash MINT BLAST

These are effervescent tablets designed to dissolve in the mouth. After being placed in the oral cavity, such a tablet dissolves without residue, helps remove soft plaque and bacteria, freshens breath, and normalizes the acid-base balance. One tablet contains xylitol and propolis, which effectively fight cariogenic bacteria. It also contains mint.

The mouthwash can be used after basic brushing with toothpaste and brush, as well as after any snack. The tablets are convenient to carry with you in your purse, to take to the country house, to the office, or on a trip.

Cost – from 400 rubles.

Effervescent tablets designed to dissolve in the mouth

Pearl Ice

This is a remedy that helps strengthen hard tissues and protects them from cariogenic bacteria. Contains xylitol, pearl substances, calcium. In appearance, the product resembles powder or powder, which must be applied to the enamel. Thanks to it, teeth become smooth and shiny, their surface is leveled, and microcracks are sealed. The product also has a slight cooling effect, which will help soothe sensitive gums.

Cost – from 800 rubles.

A product that helps strengthen hard tissues

Whitening powder W&S

The product contains soft abrasive particles, active oxygen and cocoa butter, and calcium hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. And also flavors to choose from: peppermint and watermelon, or pineapple and lemongrass. The powder helps remove age spots and soft plaque, brightens enamel, prevents the appearance of hard deposits, and freshens breath. Allantoin, which is part of the powder, promotes the regeneration of soft tissues of the oral cavity and partially relieves inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. Calcium helps seal microcracks in the enamel and makes it stronger.

The product is suitable for daily use instead of regular paste. It is recommended to apply it to the brush 2 times a day - morning and evening, and brush your teeth according to the standard scheme, i.e. at least 2 minutes. However, you should not abuse it and use it for more than 2-3 weeks in a row.

Cost – from 700 rubles.

Powder helps remove age spots and soft plaque

Mousse W&S

This product is designed specifically for the care of sensitive teeth. It gently removes impurities and promotes remineralization of hard tissues. Mousse must be applied to the brush instead of regular paste. Due to its foaming consistency, it penetrates well into the most inaccessible areas and interdental spaces.

The product reduces enamel sensitivity and freshens breath, has a mint-lime aroma and taste.

Cost – from 500 rubles.

Care product for sensitive teeth

Instant Fresh mouthwash gel with hyaluron

Contains aloe juice and hyaluronic acid, which relieve inflammation of the gums, nourish soft tissues and promote their rapid regeneration. The gel is suitable for daily use after brushing your teeth; it creates a protective film on the surface of the enamel that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from “clinging” to the teeth. The product also helps prevent dry mouth.

Cost – from 300 rubles.

The gel is suitable for daily use after brushing your teeth.

Bamboo toothbrush

An eco-brush made of bamboo has medium-hard bristles and an antibacterial coating that prevents the proliferation of pathogens.

Eco-brush has antibacterial coating

Cost – from 200 rubles.

Want to know all the benefits of bamboo toothbrushes? Read on the topic: 5 advantages of a bamboo brush.

Recommendations after the event

After the procedure, it is contraindicated to smoke, eat or drink “colored” drinks for 2 hours. You can only drink plain water.
In the next 48 hours, a “white diet” is recommended , in which it is necessary to limit the consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, juices, sauces and vegetables that can stain tooth enamel.

It is not recommended to consume fermented milk products and products containing natural acids. The longer you abstain, the more effective the result.

If you consume coloring products due to ignorance or forgetfulness, you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste.

Interesting fact! Girls should refrain from using lipstick and lip gloss for 3 days after whitening.

Subsequently, to maintain the resulting shade, it is recommended to use special products at home:

  • enamel whitening powder;
  • strips for sensitive teeth;
  • strips for teeth that are not prone to sensitivity;
  • bamboo toothbrushes (with carbon fiber);
  • bioactive mousse;
  • hyaluronic gel mouthwash.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

In conclusion, we can summarize that the White and Smile technology, which helps to carry out cosmetic teeth whitening, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are a large selection of products that will help achieve results and maintain them at a fairly high level, the low cost of whitening procedures in comparison with professional dental techniques, a minimum of time spent and no need to make an appointment at the dentist.

The products of this brand have passed all the necessary quality tests in Europe and comply with the requirements of the legislation of France and Russia. However, you need to remember that anyone can use the product in their practice, because its use does not require strict licensing, specialized medical education and high professionalism - in this case, the technology becomes a tool that may not always fall into the hands of conscientious owners. The end result may be unpredictable.

The creators of the White and Smile technology claim that in one session of enamel lightening, teeth lose exactly as much calcium as is washed out with one sip of carbonated drinks. That is, one glass of soda will cause 10 times more harm than one whitening procedure.

The main disadvantage is the absence of any serious requirements for the professionalism of the person performing the procedure. Remember that a person without medical education, i.e. in this case, not a dentist, will not be able to prepare for the procedure (strengthen enamel and gums, cure existing diseases), assess the condition of the oral cavity, exclude contraindications and warn you about it.

Anyone can use the product in their practice

If you decide to undergo such a procedure, do not forget to visit the dentist first and eliminate all existing problems, otherwise you may waste money and get into trouble: weakened sensitive enamel and gums, premature tooth decay.

The difficulty is that it is impossible to carry out such training in a beauty salon - there are no appropriate specialists and equipment. This is a saving for business owners, but harmful for those people who want to get a beautiful smile

Another drawback is the effect declared by the manufacturer, which guarantees up to 12 tones of enamel lightening. According to professional doctors, this effect can only be achieved with stronger, professional means. However, you can only check how many tones your enamel will lighten in practice.


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  1. According to the official websites of the representative company white-smile.biz and white-and-smile.ru

Expert “Products for home (ie, non-professional) whitening should require the same serious approach and preparation as in-office whitening. Before them, it is necessary to strengthen the enamel, carry out professional oral hygiene, and cure dental diseases. Only then will it be more effective and safe for the patient.” Dental hygienist Victoria Nikolaevna Kashaeva

Consulting specialist

Kashaeva Victoria Nikolaevna

Specialization: Dental hygienist Experience: 8 years

Demand for the White&Smile™ niche

Cosmetic teeth whitening is a relatively new trend in Russia and the CIS. However, it is already in enormous demand. According to Yandex statistics, more than 20,000 people are interested in this service every month. And every month this figure grows by 10-20%. An important advantage is a reasonable price (from 1,350 rubles, which is an order of magnitude cheaper than going to the dentist), absolute painlessness and safety. In this case, the effect lasts up to 3 months. The target audience is as wide as possible, including men and women from 18 to 50 years old, which further enhances the commercial potential of the niche.

Cosmetic teeth whitening is developing according to the same intensive scenario as manicures, tattoos, brow bars, and barbershops. Previously, these services were not massively popular, but now they are in great demand. The one who occupied the niche before others became the largest player.


I have been visiting this studio every 4 months for 3 years now. The enamel is fine, there is no sensitivity. They also have a super cool pineapple powder.

Anna (01/19/2020 at 08:46 pm) Reply to comment

I have fluorosis, will White and Smile help me somehow improve the situation?

Marina (02/03/2020 at 16:31) Reply to comment

    Dear Marina! This technique will not help solve the problem of fluorosis, nor will it cope with other non-carious lesions of the enamel. You need to see a dentist; depending on the complexity of the disease, doctors can solve the problem in different ways: professional whitening methods (for example, for mild fluorosis, ZOOM can give an effect), strengthening the enamel using fluoridation and remineralization, installing veneers, lumineers or crowns.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (02/06/2020 at 09:22) Reply to comment

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Indications and contraindications White Smile

Whitening lasts from 3 months to a year, depending on oral hygiene and nutrition.

Note! A common indication for use is darkening of teeth due to the use of coloring products.

It is known that coffee, tea, wine and cigarettes accelerate the darkening of teeth, so after eating foods that contain coloring pigments, you should rinse your mouth. also affect the color of teeth and the dark natural shade .

is contraindicated :

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • up to 16 years (tooth tissues are not fully formed);
  • if you have a large number of crowns, fillings and other prostheses;
  • while wearing braces.

Also not recommended for people with highly sensitive teeth .

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