Erupting the first teeth is a big challenge for a child.
Viburkol suppositories for teething children instructions
"Viburkol" - a herbal preparation for relieving pain and inflammation when the first teeth appear B
how to kiss with braces correctly
Is it possible and comfortable to kiss with braces (do they get in the way)
Who doesn’t dream of a Hollywood smile, especially for teenagers and young girls.
The design of plate dental implants - how they differ from others
From this article you will learn: what types of dentures there are, the pros and cons of different
The gum has moved away from the tooth - Dentistry "Line of Smile"
About the healing process of the hole after tooth extraction
Contents: Causes How the pathology manifests How it is treated Surgical techniques Additional treatment methods Preventive
Tooth Fairy
Modern methods of tooth extraction. How to remove a tooth without pain?
How to understand that a tooth can be removed Milk teeth begin to loosen at about 5-7 years of age.
tooth fracture
Tooth fracture: types of fractures and methods of their treatment
Various types of fractures lead in frequency among injuries to permanent teeth; central incisors are more often damaged
Braces or aligners: what to choose to straighten teeth?
HomeOrthodonticsBrackets or aligners Friends! My name is Alexander Ovsyanik, I am the author of this article, an orthodontist dentist
itching in teeth
What to do if an adult’s teeth itch and itch: reasons for the itching sensation
Do adults have itchy gums? Itchy gums between teeth? What does it mean? We will look in detail
patient review
Zygoma zygomatic implantation on the upper jaw without sinus lift
The peculiarity of zygomatic implantation is the use of very long implant models that are securely fixed in
Ankylos – the golden mean in the line of dental implants
In this article we will talk about the Ankylos dental implant system, which enjoys well-deserved respect.
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