Fang extensions - why do people go for it and is the risk justified?

The tasks of modern dentistry include not only the treatment of teeth, but also the elimination of their aesthetic defects: chips, cracks, darkening of the enamel, anomalies in shape and size. Sometimes dentists encounter unusual requests from patients. For example, the service of canine extensions is becoming increasingly popular. We are not talking about the standard restoration of a damaged tooth, but about changing its shape. It becomes more pointed and elongated. Visually, such fangs resemble “vampire” ones.

Vampire smile: how and why they grow fangs today, what risks are associated with the procedure

Modern dentistry has a whole arsenal of techniques and technologies that make it possible to restore the integrity of damaged teeth and the appearance of a smile in a wide variety of clinical cases. But there are other situations when modeling the shape of individual teeth has nothing to do with violations of their integrity. Today we will talk about canine extensions, which are most often carried out with the goal of adding a “zest” to your smile and your image as a whole. Why do people do this, what methods are used to make vampire fangs today, and whether they are so harmless - read further in our article.

Layer-by-layer application

The extension process is a layer-by-layer application of light-curing materials. Their number depends on the size of the artificial structure and the stage of tooth decay. Using a special scale, the dentist pre-selects the color of the composite material. Next, the tooth surface is polished, and a final highlight is applied for rapid hardening.

Extending fangs using this method will take no more than two hours. The downside to this method is that the light-curing material may darken over time, especially if proper dental care is not taken care of.

Why do they grow fangs?

An adult has 4 fangs in his mouth - 2 on the upper jaw and 2 more on the lower jaw. These are the third elements from the central line that close the group of frontal teeth. Usually they do not differ much in length from their “neighbors”. However, recently, more and more often, teenagers and young people, passionate about mysticism and the theme of vampirism, want to lengthen their fangs in order to make their image original and their smile unusual or even frightening. Today this desire can be fulfilled by a dentist.

Most often, this is done using the direct method, but there are other methods. The maximum permissible length of the modified canine should be no more than 4 mm1. If the tooth is longer than this norm, it can create some discomfort and increase the risk of injury to the mucous membrane.

The vampire smile is increasingly in demand among teenagers

Restoration using veneers

This extension method uses porcelain or ceramic plates that have identical properties to enamel. They are glued using special solutions to the prepared surface of the fang. As an alternative to veneers, lumineers are often used, which are distinguished by a special manufacturing technique that allows the production of extremely thin plates (no more than 0.3 mm). With the help of such overlays it is possible to simultaneously get rid of various defects - darkening, chips and stains on the enamel.

Are there any reasonable indications for the procedure?

This procedure is most often performed for aesthetic purposes, but dental experts also identify several compelling indications for its implementation. Thus, such a modification may be useful if there are problems with the appearance of the enamel, pigment spots, damage to the teeth, if most of the tissues have been damaged by caries or have chipped off as a result of injury.

“Six months ago I grew my fangs. I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time, back when vampire sagas were just gaining popularity. And not so long ago I learned that this can be done in dentistry. I paid only 10 thousand for this beauty. I just had my teeth grown; I didn’t get any veneers, much less crowns. I'm still very happy with the result! The main thing is not to overdo it with the length.”

Olchik92, Moscow

However, such restoration has more limitations than indications. Therefore, before you decide to get vampire fangs, you need to consult a dentist and undergo an appropriate examination.

Before the procedure, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Installation of “vampire” shaped crowns

There are quite exotic extended fangs.

Vampire crowns are made and installed in the same way as regular crowns. The only distinctive feature of such products is their shape. The procedure technology is as follows:

  • a cast is made;
  • a dental technician makes a “vampire” crown - initially a test model is made from plaster, on the basis of which a permanent crown will be produced;
  • the finished model is tried on by the patient and, if necessary, it can be sent for revision;
  • temporary structures are installed that the patient must wear for two weeks;
  • Using special cement, a permanent metal-ceramic or ceramic “vampire” crown is fixed, which is installed on a previously ground tooth.

As a result of grinding the tooth, the enamel is severely damaged, but it is thanks to this procedure that the artificial structure is fixed most reliably and firmly.

When choosing this method of growing fangs, you need to know that it will be impossible to return the previous shape of the tooth.

Photos of girls' extended fangs are also presented.

When is it contraindicated to grow fangs?

The procedure under consideration has a whole list of strict restrictions. The main contraindications are listed below:

  • presence of signs of periodontitis - inflammation in periodontal tissues,
  • problems in the root area,
  • malocclusion – possible displacement of the chewing load and excessive pressure on individual elements of the row,
  • low level of oral hygiene,
  • allergy to the material used for extensions,
  • pathological abrasion of enamel, etc.

If you ignore the above phenomena, you can cause serious damage to the condition of your living teeth. If they require restoration, but the patient also wants to slightly change their shape, you can try to eliminate the defects and then install veneers or crowns.

How to make vampire fangs at home from plastic nails?

Vampire fangs made from ordinary false nails are very convenient to produce and wear. Take nail tips, a file, scissors, nail glue, acrylic paint or white polish. From the set, you need to choose a pair of nails that are most suitable for your teeth. Most likely, these will be false nails for the little fingers. If the tips are too long, cut them off. Now use a nail file to give your nails a pointed tooth shape.

How is extension carried out - methods

Today, dental clinics use various methods of canine restoration for this purpose. The choice of method will depend on the initial condition of the teeth, the wishes of the patient and the individual recommendations of the doctor.

Extension using the direct method

This is the most gentle method, which involves modifying the shape of the tooth directly in the patient’s mouth. It is carried out by layer-by-layer application of composite material. When the mold is ready, the tooth is ground and polished. In this case, the parameters are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the dentofacial apparatus, and the entire procedure takes about 1.5 hours.

The photo shows direct canine extensions

Installation of veneers or lumineers

Veneers are the thinnest overlays on teeth that are fixed on their front side, allowing you to hide defects, yellowness, small chips and cracks and at the same time give the element the desired shape. But before installing such overlays, it is necessary to grind off the enamel somewhat to improve adhesion. Next, the doctor applies an adhesive composition to the prepared surface and fixes the veneer. A more advanced and expensive option is lumineers - these are ultra-thin plates, the fixation of which usually does not require preliminary preparation.

You can grow your teeth with veneers

Installation of artificial crowns

The most radical method is crown prosthetics. The procedure is quite labor-intensive and usually requires extensive preparation of living hard tissue. In this case, artificial crowns are created taking into account the anatomical features of the patient’s jaw system and can be installed on ground teeth, stump inlays or pins.

First, the specialist makes an impression, which is then sent to a dental laboratory, where an artificial fang is created based on it. It can be made of metal ceramics or zirconium dioxide. The latter option is considered more preferable today, since, along with high aesthetics, it is characterized by increased wear resistance and strength.

The issue can also be resolved using crowns


The method of obtaining extended fangs includes the following preparatory steps:

  1. Taking impressions. This is necessary in order to simulate a fang of a suitable shape and size.
  2. Preparation, which is the preparation of the tooth surface for the installation of artificial structures.

Since the section of composite being built up will be thicker, the tooth must hold it securely. All main stages of dental manipulation are performed using local anesthesia, so the patient feels virtually no pain or discomfort.

One of the main methods of canine extension is extension using light-curing material. It is considered the most gentle because it allows you to quickly create a high-quality and reliable design. The technique of this procedure is reminiscent of nail extensions. Modern dental materials that are used to restore canines do not darken over time and are absolutely compatible with natural dental tissues.

How to properly care for your mouth after extensions

Extended fangs require increased attention and special care. It is extremely important to strictly follow all hygiene rules to prevent the development of caries and other dental problems. In this regard, experts make the following recommendations:

  • Daily brushing of teeth should be carried out at least twice a day,
  • It is better to give preference to non-abrasive toothpaste and a brush with medium or soft bristles,
  • give up coffee and strong tea, quit smoking if possible,
  • Regularly visit the dentist’s office for preventive examinations and respond in a timely manner to any emerging signs of pathological processes.

Proper dental hygiene is important to maintain a smile.
To ensure that vampire teeth last as long as possible, after extensions the dentist will cover them with a special varnish. It will provide protection that will prevent damage to the material due to the aggressive effects of acids and coloring pigments. As for the age at which the procedure can be carried out, experts agree in one opinion - it is better to resort to such modifications from the age of 16-18, but not earlier.

Rules of care

With a qualified restoration service, the service life of the renewed tooth is quite long , but it requires compliance with the following recommendations:

  • use only a medium and soft toothbrush, choose a toothpaste without abrasive components, so as not to cause additional damage to the surface;
  • do not smoke, avoid consuming foods and drinks that contain artificial coloring substances, since in case of pigmentation it will no longer be possible to return to its former whiteness;
  • clean the surface at least 2 times a day, since artificial material is more susceptible to the appearance of plaque and stone;
  • Once every six months, visit the dentist, carry out the procedure of polishing and coating with a special protective varnish.

What are the pros and cons?

Most often, fangs are extended at will, to create an unusual image. This modification has both certain advantages and significant disadvantages.

  1. the opportunity to create an interesting image is a kind of “highlight” that allows you to make your smile bright and memorable,
  2. durability - modern materials that are used to build up canines are durable and reliable, and therefore successfully cope even with intense chewing loads,
  3. no pain during the procedure – local anesthesia can be applied beforehand at the patient’s request,
  4. A partially or even severely damaged tooth is not a reason to refuse the procedure. On the contrary, this is an excellent opportunity to restore its integrity with some modification. The main thing is that the root and jaw bone remain intact.
  1. inability to carry out the procedure in the presence of root damage,
  2. discomfort while eating,
  3. distortions in the distribution of the load during chewing are possible, which can cause the remaining teeth to suffer,
  4. the risk of injury and gradual destruction of the enamel, which can lead to other pathological phenomena,
  5. risk of mucosal damage due to elongated fangs,
  6. increased requirements for oral hygiene,
  7. the likelihood of damage to the artificial canine due to increased load or accidental injury.


The manipulation of obtaining extended fangs for girls and boys is carried out in several stages:

  • grinding of hard tissue, which is necessary to create the correct shape of an artificial fang (even when constructing fangs of the “vampire” type);
  • insulating the treated dental surface from moisture using latex material with a special hole for the tooth;
  • enamel conditioning, which ensures its reliable adhesion to composite materials;
  • the use of adhesive systems – for a more durable connection of the composite with dentin.

How much does the procedure cost?

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how much it costs to grow fangs, since much will depend on the chosen technique. Also, other factors will influence the final price, including the quality, quantity and cost of the material used, the pricing policy of the dental center and the professional status of the specialist.

It can be immediately noted that a vampire smile can cost the patient from 3-4 to 30-40 thousand rubles. With additional decor such as skyes and stones, the cost of the procedure can reach 200 thousand rubles. The price range is significant, so it is better to consult a specialist about choosing a specific technique.

A standard cosmetic restoration will cost on average 3-5 thousand rubles. But it must be taken into account that for such a procedure it is important that there are no pathological processes in the oral cavity, especially in the acute stage. Treatment of foci of caries and inflammation, enamel hyperesthesia if present - all this will entail additional expenses and increase the total cost.

Installation of one ceramic composite veneer, the most affordable, will cost from 20 thousand rubles. More expensive solutions made of ceramics and on a zirconium dioxide frame will cost from 25 to 30 thousand rubles. for 1 veneer. If we talk about lumineers, their cost ranges from 45 to 65 thousand rubles. for one overlay. As for installing an artificial crown, its cost will also directly depend on the material. Thus, a metal-ceramic structure can cost from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. A zirconium product will cost 20-25 thousand rubles.

If you decide to grow fangs, carefully consider all the pros and cons in advance, and be sure to consider the possible risks. This is one of the original options to dramatically change your image, but you need to understand that we are talking about the health of your teeth and oral cavity in general. Sometimes such transformations cause serious damage to the enamel, which most often happens due to a violation of the technique of the procedure or the presence of contraindications in the patient that were not identified in advance. Therefore, if you decide to take such a step, carefully and responsibly approach the choice of a clinic and a good doctor.

  1. Bulycheva T.E. Aesthetics of a smile, 2007.

What could be the motivation?

Fangs can be extended or restored for dental reasons or for beauty.

For medical purposes, canine extensions are necessary for the following purposes:

  • the enamel is damaged or has microcracks;
  • the tooth has damage from deep caries or the hard tissue has suffered mechanical damage;
  • the tooth wears out with age;
  • for defects that cannot be corrected aesthetically;
  • There is pronounced pigmentation on the enamel.

In order to improve (change) their appearance, each person makes an independent decision about the advisability of growing fangs.

Over the past few years, this procedure has only gained popularity. Patients are confident that restoration of certain teeth can correct their facial expression and make their smile more mysterious and unusual. They are confident that they will acquire a certain charm and novelty.

In most cases, manipulations on the fangs are performed only for decorative aesthetics.


In Guillermo Del Toro's series—and originally in the novel—vampires are called strigoi, an ancient word used to describe bloodsuckers in Romanian mythology. These creatures are a detailed and improved version of the reapers from Blade 2. The virus that turns people into strigoi, as conceived by Del Toro, is transmitted using parasitic worms.

When they enter the human body, they contribute to rapid transformation - the host’s genitals disappear, hair and teeth fall out, and in their place something similar to fangs grows. Strigoi's teeth do not play a major role; instead, vampires prefer to use long stingers that appear from their mouths.

A still from the TV series “The Strain”. Courtesy photo


Restrictions that future “vampires” should take into account:

  • work will not be carried out with periodontitis;
  • The patient will also receive a refusal if the bite is incorrect, if the load when eating food is not distributed evenly;
  • extension is impossible if the canine is severely damaged, in this case a crown is put on;
  • with irregular oral care;
  • if you are allergic to the material used;
  • deep caries;
  • If the enamel wears out too much, extensions will be ineffective.

White cocktail straw

To make sharp vampire teeth from an ordinary plastic straw, you need to choose its color to match the color of the enamel and take scissors:

  • First, you should separate two pieces from the straw, the dimensions of which should be approximately twice as long as your own teeth;
  • then you will need to use scissors to trim the edges of the blanks so that they become triangular, matching the vampire fangs;
  • after processing, the resulting product should have a rounded mount for attachment to the tooth and a fang cut out on one side.

This option is much better than the previous one in terms of the fact that the pads are removable. They can be removed and put back on at any time.

Glued blanks will not be as functional.

On the other hand, a vampire accessory made from a cocktail straw doesn't look as good as one made from false nails or plasticine.

Creativity from plastic straws

First, find or purchase a white plastic straw.

  1. Ideally, the straw should match the shade of your teeth. This method of making fangs with your own hands is the simplest, since they can be easily removed and reattached.
  2. If you have a flexible straw, use scissors to cut off the top of the straw just above the corrugated bend. You can also cut off a small section 5 cm long. You can also attach one end of a plastic straw to the tooth, look in the mirror and mark the required length, but twice as large as required.
  3. When you cut part of the straw, you need to bend it in half. Using scissors, you need to give a piece of straw the shape of a tooth, while clamping it on both sides. Leave a piece of plastic on the tooth and shape it so that you can later compare the shape of the fang from the tooth, while maintaining symmetry. Don't cut too close to the bend. This is the area where you will put the fang on your tooth, so it must be left as is, otherwise the fang will fall apart.
  4. Finally, the vampire teeth must be cut in half along the curve, dividing into 2 pieces. Next, place the finished vampire teeth on the incisors on either side of the large front teeth.

Methods and prices for extension of front teeth

Extension with photopolymers

Methods for building up front teeth
Method nameDescription of the procedurePrice (rubles)
Extension with photopolymersThe procedure begins with cleaning, drilling out the area affected by caries, and removing old fillings. Photopolymer material, selected by color, is applied in several layers. At the final stage, grinding and polishing of the restoration is carried out. 3 500 – 4 500
Use of composite materialsBuild-up with composites is carried out after sanitation of the oral cavity and drilling of the affected areas. Next, a special pad is placed in the mouth to isolate saliva from the material. After modeling the tooth, grinding and polishing are done. 6 000 – 12 000
Filling (use of light filling)Light-curing material, packaged in capsules or syringes, is applied to the site of the missing tooth fragment in layers. Each layer is dried with a special lamp. The top coating should imitate the relief of a natural tooth as accurately as possible. The restoration is completed by grinding, polishing and coating with a protective varnish. 3 800 – 4 200
Extension on a pinAfter the examination, the doctor models the shape of the future implant, then inserts a pin into the root canal. A temporary overlay is fixed on top of it, which, after complete healing of the wound, is replaced by an artificial tooth made according to individual parameters. 1 500 – 2 000
Veneers/LumineersThe essence of the veneer extension procedure is to grind down the enamel followed by molding an impression. Based on the impression made, a thin plate is made and fixed to the restoration site. Installation of lumineers does not require grinding of the enamel, and otherwise the work is performed using the same technology as veneers. 25 000 – 60 000
Crown installationAccording to the photo, a work plan for the expansion is outlined. Next, they carry out sanitation, make an impression and remove the nerve. The crown is fixed to the adjacent teeth, so they are ground down. Finally, a fitting of the manufactured crown is made and after the shape is corrected, it is installed. 25,000 (zirconium)
8,000 – 9,000 (cermets)

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wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 9 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Category: Costumes

In other languages:

English: Make Vampire Fangs, Italiano: Realizzare delle Zanne da Vampiro, Português: Fazer Presas de Vampiro, Français: fabriquer des dents de vampires, 中文: 制作吸血鬼獠牙, Español: hacer colmillos de vampiro, Deutsch: Vampirzähne herstell en,Bahasa Indonesia : Membuat Taring Vampir, Nederlands: Vampiertanden maken, العربية: الحصول على أنياب مصاصي الدماء

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