Composition, types and properties of Lacalut Aktiv toothpaste

Every person dreams of a snow-white smile, so they take special care in choosing the right toothpaste. The need for a competent choice of drug for dental care is due to increasingly diagnosed dental problems and deterioration in the quality of food and drink. Lakalut toothpaste, produced by the German company Dr., can cope with plaque on the teeth, which is the cause of caries and darkening of the enamel. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh. The manufacturer produces a wide range of products. Thanks to this, each buyer will be able to find the best option for himself.

Some information about the manufacturer

The first pastes of the Lakalut series were presented by Dr. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh in the 20s of the last century. The company, in addition to producing oral care products, also specializes in mass production and distribution of drugs. The company has subsidiaries around the world. Lakalut toothpaste is supplied to 52 countries around the world. It has won numerous positive reviews from dentists and consumers. In Russia, the product went on sale in the 70s of the 20th century and today has not lost its popularity. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy in the country.

Brand Lacalut

The brand originated in Germany in 1925. Gradually developing and conquering European markets, about 50 years later the Lacalut company began supplying its products to Russia. However, Lakalut paste reached the peak of its popularity in the early 2000s.

The brand received such an interesting name from a component that is invariably included in every product produced under the Lacalut brand - aluminum lactate. This substance has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in cleaning the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue.

Today, according to independent statistics, not a single rating of toothpastes by sales in the segment of therapeutic and prophylactic products is complete without products with the famous red and white logo. And according to the results of popular voting in 2011 and 2013, the Lacalut brand became product No. 1 in Russia.

Composition of the drug

The main component in Lakalut toothpaste is aluminum lactate, from which the name of the product comes. The component is especially useful for tooth enamel, as it saturates the upper layers of the tooth with essential salts and minerals. Lactate additionally has an anti-inflammatory effect and has astringent properties.

Other components included in the Lakalut paste include:

  • Aluminum fluoride – protects enamel from caries and helps strengthen it.
  • Chlorhexidine - inhibits the activity of pathogenic flora in the mouth and prevents the mineralization of dental plaque.
  • Allantoin – stops bleeding gums and minimizes the severity of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Fluoride system. Strengthens tooth enamel and minimizes the impact of external irritants on it.

What should be in a toothpaste?

Any mass-produced product cannot be completely free of harmful or questionable components - nothing can be done about it. To reduce their harmfulness, you need to purchase a product in which harmful components are in minimal quantities, and useful ones are closer to the top of the list. Useful components of toothpastes:

  1. Calcium in the form of lactate, citrate or glycerophosphate
    - a paste for sensitive teeth with calcium helps remineralize the enamel and clogs the dentin tubules, which helps reduce sensitivity.
  2. Aloe vera extract
    – reduces inflammation and heals gum damage.
  3. Tea tree extract
    is a natural mild antibiotic that helps whiten teeth.
  4. Mint extract
    – refreshes the oral cavity.
  5. Oak extract
    is an anti-inflammatory component.
  6. Algae extract
    – strengthens gums and teeth.
  7. Charcoal
    – any black toothpaste contains it and is a cleansing component.
  8. Hydroxyapatite
    – strengthens teeth.
  9. Xylitol
    is a safe sweetener.
  10. Soda and salt
    are the safest abrasive substances.
  11. Gum and food grade glycerin
    are natural thickeners.
  12. Essential oils
    have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antibacterial and other beneficial effects.

Advantages of the product

Products from Dr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH is certified and meets international quality standards. You can find the relevant documentation on the manufacturer's official website.

Lakalut is classified as an anti-inflammatory paste due to the inclusion of aluminum lactate (or lactic acid salt) in its composition. The advantages of the product include the following characteristics:

  • The widest range of products based on the individual needs of certain categories of customers.
  • The presence of medicinal plants in the extract, which guarantee a gentle and effective effect on the tissues of the oral cavity.
  • Availability of children's oral care products in the line.
  • Compliance of pastes with all safety requirements.
  • Reducing the risk of developing carious processes with regular use.


It’s not for nothing that this supplement stands out. The fact is that tooth enamel consists of 96% of this mineral, and dentin (the hard, main part of the tooth) consists of 70%. The pastes use an artificially synthesized analogue of a natural substance, which is completely identical to it. Once on the surface of the teeth, it solves the following problems:

  • fills microcracks, restoring the integrity of the protective shell;
  • resists incipient caries, reduces the risk of its occurrence;
  • reduces sensitivity to temperature stimuli;
  • have a slight whitening effect.

The pioneer in this direction is the Japanese company Sangi, whose scientists managed to synthesize artificial hydroxyapatite and create a toothpaste containing it.

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Types of adult pastes

The range of Lacalut pastes is presented in adult and children's series. There are about 20 types of Lakalut pastes intended for adults. They differ from each other in the level of abrasiveness, auxiliary components and purpose.

Lakalut asset

The product was created for preventive purposes. It helps strengthen the gums and reduce their bleeding during brushing teeth and eating food. The main indications for the use of Aktive paste: gingivitis in acute and chronic form, increased bleeding of gums, periodontopathy, prevention of carious processes, soft and hard plaque on enamel.

The instructions for use say that the product can be used in courses (up to 6 days in a row). Otherwise, resistance of the pathogenic flora to the components of the drug may occur; in other words, the effectiveness of the product will be reduced.

When treating dental diseases, it is advisable to alternate Lakalut active with other pastes in this series, for example, Fitoformula or White Alpin.

There are several therapeutic properties inherent in Lakalut Active paste:

  • homostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • restorative;
  • anti-caries.

The paste contains chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal effect and helps remove soft plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Which toothpaste is best for brushing your teeth?

A few words should be said about Lakalut Aktive Herbal paste, which additionally includes medicinal herbs:

  • star anise chamomile;
  • fennel;
  • fennel oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • sage.

Laculut Aktive Herbal paste is intended for people with loose and weak gums. Negative changes in periodontal tissue occur as a result of constant exposure to external factors: fungal pathogens, lack of vitamins in the body, toxic effects of food or medications. Gum diseases are accompanied by the formation of abrasions and ulcers on them, and increased bleeding. Thanks to its natural composition and complex effects, Laculut Aktive Herbal suppresses inflammatory processes and reduces the risk of developing periodontal pathologies.

Lakalut Active paste has some restrictions in its use, which is due to the presence of antiseptic components in its composition. With prolonged use, the drug may change the pH of the oral cavity. The product is available in tubes of 30, 50, 75 and 100 mg. The price of pasta varies between 130–190 rubles.

Lakalut Phytoformula

The composition of the product in this series includes sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride, chlorhexidine, aluminum lactate and other components. The advantage of the drug is that it contains extracts of medicinal herbs: myrrh, sage, St. John's wort, green tea. Lakalut Phytoformula does not contain aggressive components that could cause irritation of the oral mucosa: antiseptics, large abrasive particles, antibiotics. For this reason, the drug is approved for daily use.

Dentists recommend using the drug Fitoformula for bleeding gums, for the prevention of caries and to combat plaque, which turns into stone over time. Plant extracts cope well with the signs of periodontal inflammation and normalize the pH balance of the oral cavity and inhibit the activity of pathogenic flora that causes caries.

Dentists advise using Fitoformula paste together with Lakalut Active between courses. For example, use Fitoformula in the morning, and Active in the evening, or vice versa.

The therapeutic effect of using Lakalut pastes can be enhanced if you use Fresh or Active mouth rinses in combination with them.

Lakalut Phytoformula is sold in plastic tubes of 50, 75 ml. The cost of one unit of goods varies from 180 to 200 rubles. Store the paste at a temperature of 2 to 20 degrees.


The BASIC product has a complex effect on the oral cavity: protective, tonic, antiseptic. After using the gel, fresh breath remains for 10–12 hours, which is due to the inhibition of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to the classic mint taste, the series also includes pastes with the aroma of citrus, black currant, and ginger. Lakalut Vasic pastes are considered one of the most effective in preventing tartar.


The drug is specially intended for people with sensitive periodontal tissues. Another indication for use of the product is cervical caries, therapy after whitening. The main component of the drug is amino fluoride, which is rarely used by other toothpaste manufacturers due to its high cost.

After using Lakalut Sensitive, there is a decrease in the susceptibility of tooth enamel and gums to cold and hot foods. The drug is also used for course therapy for up to 60 days.


The gel contains a large number of abrasive components that carefully and delicately clean the enamel from food debris and plaque, whitening it several tones. An additional advantage of the product is that it contains substances that increase the resistance of oral tissues to pathogenic bacteria.

The main difference between Lakalut White paste and other oral care products is the absence of hydrogen peroxide in the composition, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

New – White and repair paste. It helps whiten enamel, strengthen it and prevent caries.


A distinctive feature of the series is the increased fluoride content in a dosage that is harmless to adults. This gel should be used only after consultation with a dentist. Among the properties of the drug, one can note an increase in the resistance of enamel to acids and other external irritants. In combination with Lakalut Fluor pastes, it is recommended to use a remineralizing gel.

Triclosan linked to cancer

In 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a directive stating that certain antibacterial personal care products cannot be sold to consumers. These include substances that contain the active ingredients triclosan and triclocarban. This can be: liquid or bar soap, as well as some types of toothpaste.

Triclosan is found in certain types of clothing, pots and pans, furniture and toys. It is added to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. However, these products are not regulated by the FDA.

The directive follows recent research that found triclosan may be hazardous to human health. Research has also shown that triclosan:

  • Changes hormonal levels in animals.
  • May contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Has a bad effect on the body's immune system.

When you use a product that contains triclosan, some of it may enter your body through the skin or orally.

A large study on the effects of triclosan on the body was conducted in 2008. In the USA, groups of children and adults were studied. Triclosan was detected in the urine of nearly 75 percent of those who took part in the experiment.

It is not a main ingredient in many products. Triclosan is added to toothpaste to prevent gingivitis. However, there is no evidence that antibacterial soaps containing triclosan are more reliable. According to the FDA, regular soap and water have absolutely the same effect on preventing and spreading disease.

Many manufacturers have begun removing this active ingredient from their products. If you are concerned about the harm caused by triclosan, use products that do not contain it.

Children's series

Let's look at several oral care gels from Dr. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh, which are designed to care for children's teeth:

Baby. Can be used by children under 4 years old and has a pleasant raspberry taste. The drug is suitable for daily use by children and is safe if accidentally swallowed. Instead of fluoride, the drug contains amino fluorides - substances that have a gentle and gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth. The approximate cost of the product is 165 rubles.

Kidz is a paste for children aged 4–8 years. The product takes into account all the features of a milk bite, which is gradually replaced by a permanent one. It contains high-quality abrasive (silicon dioxide), which does not react chemically with fluorine. The cost of a 50 ml tube of paste varies from 140 to 170 rubles. To increase the effect of hygiene procedures, the manufacturer has additionally developed a mouth rinse, which is similar in composition to Lakalut Kidz paste.

Sodium lauryl sulfate and cancer

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) reacts with nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are strong carcinogens. They cause your body to metabolize nitrates, which are considered carcinogenic. At least one study links SLS to increased nitrate absorption.

“This process occurs when SLS enters the body with the help of N-nitrosodiethanolamine.

The result is a reaction between SLS and the chemical triethanolamine. It is the main component in most hair shampoos. Triethanolamine is used as a detergent.”

SLS reacts with triethanolamine to form nitrosamine, which is a carcinogen.

The biochemistry of the process is complex due to the “chemical cocktail” that is your hair shampoo.

The chemical ingredients react with each other and unexpected new chemicals begin to form.

Unfortunately, some of them are nitrosamines.

As the article above explains, it is not possible to test all combinations of chemicals. The FDA cannot control the chemicals that are created in each individual mixture.

Even if SLS does not contain nitrogen, this does not mean that there is no nitrogen in the mixture of substances. Therefore, there is always the possibility of the formation of deadly nitrosamine.

Stomach upset may occur. If it continues for a long time or gets worse, consult a doctor immediately.

Tell your dentist if your teeth have decay. It is often the result of overuse of fluoride.

If your dentist recommended this drug to you, he should have evaluated it. And conclude that the benefit to you is higher than the risk of side effects. Many people who use these drugs do not have serious side effects.

A very serious allergy to this drug is unlikely, but call your doctor right away if necessary. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling (of face, tongue, throat), severe dizziness, difficulty breathing.

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you see other symptoms not listed above, contact your doctor.

Good luck! Good weekend!

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How to use

The manufacturer of Lakalut paste indicates in the instructions that it is suitable for daily use. During hygiene procedures, you need to apply a small amount of gel to the brush (about the size of a pea). Excessive amounts of toothpaste will result in active foam formation, which may interfere with effective teeth cleaning.

Each series of Lakalut pastes has its own description for use:

  • The active is used in courses of 30–60 days during an exacerbation of gingivitis or bleeding gums.
  • Sensitive can also be used for 1–2 months. For sensitive teeth, this product is recommended to be combined with Lakalut Alpip toothpaste or Fluor, which provides additional enamel protection.
  • White. The whitening product is allowed to be used for no more than 4 weeks. The level of abrasiveness of the drug is 120, after its use they switch to products with a lower level of cleaning ability with an indicator of 75.
  • Basic. Used in combination with the Sensitive or White line of products. For example, in the morning they use a drug with a basic effect, and in the evening - a whitening one.

The duration of hygiene measures using Lakalut paste is 2–3 minutes. During the procedure, it is also necessary to pay sufficient attention to the gums and tongue. Brush movements are performed vertically: from the neck of the tooth to its cutting edge. First, the elements of the upper dentition are processed, then the lower ones.

How do fluorides affect enamel?

Although most of the aluminum consumed is eliminated through the intestinal tract, some remains in the body.

An increased concentration of aluminum has a bad effect on patients with renal dysfunction and impaired excretion of aluminum from the body.

The source of aluminum in patients with kidney failure may be water used for dialysis.

The adverse effects of aluminum on the body of these patients make it necessary to monitor the concentration of aluminum in dialysis water. And also measure the amount of aluminum in the blood of patients after dialysis.

High concentrations of aluminum in the body in patients are associated with its daily consumption in large quantities.

Increased aluminum concentrations in patients with renal failure have been extensively studied. As a result, it was concluded that the aluminum content in the body increases sharply if the daily dose of Al(OH)3 is more than 3 g.

The age of the patient also affects the aluminum content. Younger people had lower concentrations in their bodies.

The simultaneous consumption of Al(OH)3 and products containing citrates leads to a sharp increase in the level of aluminum in the body. For people with kidney failure, this process can lead to poisoning.

It has been suggested that citrate increases the solubility and absorption of aluminum.

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The concentration of aluminum is interrelated with the iron content in the body.

The study showed that the higher the ferritin content, the lower the aluminum concentration. High ferritin levels in the body and high transferrin saturation may interfere with the absorption of aluminum.

With long-term consumption of foods that contain a lot of aluminum, it is deposited in the bones, joints and brain of patients.

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Sodium fluoride, amino fluoride, as well as sodium monofluorophosphate and other substances are added to toothpastes to restore enamel. Fluoride ions interact with calcium ions, forming calcium fluoride, which is built into the structure of tooth enamel, restoring and strengthening it.

All fluorine-containing additives have their own characteristics and differ in the speed of action. For example, amino fluoride, which is an organic fluorine compound, forms a persistent protective film on the surface of the enamel. Inorganic fluorine compounds (sodium fluoride and others) also form a protective film, but under the influence of saliva it dissolves faster.

Customer Reviews

Oksana: Lakalut Active paste allowed me to cope with the problem of bleeding gums, and my husband - to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel to external irritants (cold, heat, sour, sweet). The previously used toothpaste did not help us cope with such problems. We purchased 3 types of products for ourselves and use each as needed (for treatment or prevention).

Sergey: I’m surprised how different the lines of the Lakalut series are. For me, the Basic and Alpin products turned out to be absolutely useless, while Extra Sensitive and Multi Effect allowed me to cope with some dental problems and tartar. None of the drugs relieves enamel sensitivity so well. Unpleasant sensations from eating cold and hot food disappear a few days after starting to use the paste.

Elena: I have suffered from tooth sensitivity since I was young. The only salvation from the problem for me is Lakalut Sensitive and Active pastes, which I use alternately. I use the first product during the day, the second in the evening. She noted a high effect from using mouth rinses from the same company. These products especially help with incipient problems with gum pockets.

Reviews and advice from dentists

As for the reviews and recommendations of doctors, it is quite eloquent that in the vast majority of cases, for the prevention of various types of dental diseases, it is dentists who prescribe toothpastes of this brand.

To make the use of Lacalut hygiene products as effective as possible, dentists advise the following:

  • for weak enamel and gums, use soft toothbrushes;
  • purchase special pastes for children;
  • after brushing your teeth and throughout the day, use special rinses;
  • during the treatment period, eat only healthy foods;
  • do not abuse whitening and abrasive toothpastes;
  • pay attention to the slightest changes and discomfort regarding the health and integrity of the teeth and oral mucosa.
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