How to choose toothpaste for sensitive enamel

Sensodyne toothpaste is an excellent product for caring for teeth and gums, which can compete well with expensive drugs with the same effect. If you want to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile, then you should take a closer look at the product of this particular company. And so that your doubts disappear, today we will find out what people think about this pasta, what their opinion is about it. We’ll also find out what types of this advertised drug for caring for teeth and gums are.

How to use?

“Sensodyne” is a toothpaste, the composition of which is always indicated on the tube. It is very easy to use. So, if you follow the instructions described below, you can achieve exactly the effect that the manufacturer guarantees.

  1. You should brush your teeth 2 times a day, no more.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of paste (about the size of a pea) onto the brush.
  3. Brush your teeth according to all rules.
  4. After the procedure, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

“Sensodyne” is a toothpaste, the instructions for which state that it can be used by adults, as well as children over 12 years of age. It can also be applied to children under 12 years of age. However, you should first discuss this point with your dentist. Please also note that if irritation occurs, you should immediately stop using this product.

Which toothpaste to choose for sensitive teeth

In addition to reducing sensitivity, it is worth paying attention to a number of additional parameters, since most often trouble does not come alone and in addition to damage to the enamel, the patient has additional problems.

The main ones:

  • Risk of caries development.
    Sensodyne “With fluoride”, “New Pearl Calcium”, LACALUT Sensitive help prevent the problem.
  • Fluorosis.
    The disease occurs when there is an excess of fluoride (comes with water, polluted air). In this case, you should resort to pastes like Sangi Apadent Total Care, ISME Rasyan, and Parodontol Sensitive, which do not contain this element.
  • Gum problems.
    The following have good reviews: “Parodontol Sensitive”, Biorepair Total Protection Plus, Sangi Apadent Total Care, Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief, Weleda “Rataniya”, LACALUT Sensitive.
  • Tartar.
    ISME Rasyan is a product from the east that has earned positive ratings for whitening, removing and preventing the appearance of tartar.
  • Unpleasant color.
    Whitening and treatment for sensitivity are almost incompatible things. But some modern manufacturers manage to find a compromise. You shouldn’t expect a snow-white smile as advertised, but SPLAT Professional “Biocalcium”, Sensodyne “With fluoride”, ROCS Sensitive “Instant effect”, Biorepair Total Protection Plus and Sangi Apadent Total Care have the ability to softly whiten, so they maintain a pleasant natural whiteness.
  • Braces.
    Orthodontic braces create mechanical pressure and can damage the enamel, so the paste should be selected carefully when wearing them and after removing them. From our rating, Biorepair Total Protection Plus, RemarsGel “Remarsgel two-component”, Sangi Apadent Total Care have proven themselves well (from the point of view of specialists and users).
  • Time of action.
    According to customer observations, Sensodyne “With fluorine”, SPLAT Professional “Biocalcium”, ROCS Sensitive “Instant effect”, LACALUT Sensitive give noticeable results in the shortest possible time.

And finally: after using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, you should not switch to a whitening one (especially with a high degree of abrasiveness) - the entire effect will disappear and the unpleasant sensations will quickly return.
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Quick results

Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste eliminates microbes that cause caries. Also, this personal hygiene item instantly covers dentin with a special protective layer. The product from the Rapid Action series heals wounds on the gums, helps to cope with plaque, and also returns whiteness and shine to teeth. The paste has a mild taste, so it can be used every day.

This dental care product is also prescribed by dentists in cases where there is an urgent need to localize pain. And to achieve this, you should squeeze out a little paste and rub it into the painful area. Just 1 minute of exposure is enough to reduce pain. After this procedure, you can safely eat food to which your teeth previously reacted painfully.

The manufacturer of the product recommends cleaning no more than 2 times a day. After this hygiene procedure, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Material and methods

In a study conducted at the Department of Clinical Dentistry of Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I. Evdokimov, 40 patients (17 men and 23 women) aged from 18 to 35 years took part, who were diagnosed with hyperesthesia of the hard tissues of the incisors, canines and premolars - at least 20 permanent teeth. All patients underwent a clinical examination and determination of objective indicators - the OHI-S hygienic index (J. Green, J. Vermillion, 1964), thermometry.

To determine the intensity of pain, we used a visual analogue scale (VAS)—a 10-cm segment, where 0 is “no pain” and 10 is “unbearable pain.” The segment is divided into parts that correspond to the evaluation criteria: 1-3 corresponds to a “mild” pain reaction, 4-6 to a “moderate”, 7-10 to a “strong” pain reaction. The subject recorded a mark on the segment corresponding to the pain reaction at the time of the study.

To objectively assess the degree of hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues, the Dental Hyperesthesia Intensity Index (DHI) was used. The calculation was made in points: 0 points - no pain reaction to stimuli, 1 point - pain reaction to temperature stimuli, 2 points - pain reaction to temperature and chemical stimuli, 3 points - pain reaction to all types of stimuli.

The level of dental hyperesthesia was determined by the method of a direct air jet of compressed air, carried out with a standard blower, aimed perpendicular to the surface under study at a distance of about 1 cm (temperature stimulus) - the so-called Schiff index: 0 points - the subject does not respond to the air stimulus; 1 point - the subject reacts to the air stimulus; 2 points - the subject reacts to the air stimulus, insists on stopping the stimulus; 3 points - the subject reacts to the air stimulus and insists on immediate cessation of the stimulus. The results of the study were processed statistically with the calculation of the average standard error p


Patients were advised to use only Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste without changing their usual lifestyle. Research controls were carried out before the start of the study, after a single use of toothpaste, after 7 and 14 days and after 1 month of use.

User feedback about Sensodyne Instant Effect paste

People's reviews of Sensodyne Rapid Action dental care product are mostly positive. Many people are happy about this unexpected effect. According to them, the paste can reduce tooth sensitivity already on the second day of use. Some people previously doubted and did not think that such an advertised remedy would actually have such an effect. But, as it turned out, the producers did not deceive and wrote it exactly as it is. Sensodyne Rapid Action toothpaste helps people get rid of sensitive teeth and gums, and also perfectly cleanses them. Among the disadvantages, users note the high consumption of the product, since it does not foam, as well as the high price compared to other oral care products.

Results and discussion

At the beginning of the study, the intensity of the pain reaction according to the VAS averaged 8.8±1.60. A very strong pain reaction was detected in 21 (52.5%) patients, a moderate pain reaction in 12 (30%) patients, and a weak pain reaction was noted in 7 (17.5%) patients. Subsequently, with a single use of Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste, there was a decrease in tooth sensitivity in all patients of the study group to an average of 4.2±1.60 according to BAC ( p

At the same time, some patients noted a complete absence of any pain from temperature stimuli. After 1 month of using Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste, the intensity of the pain response was 0.1 ± 1.60 ( p
< 0.001) (Fig. 1).

1. The average value of patients’ self-assessment of the level of pain according to the BAS. Initially, all patients noted the presence of a pain reaction lasting on average up to 1 minute, which corresponds to 3 points on the IIH scale. With a single use of toothpaste by patients, positive dynamics were established: a decrease in the pain reaction to 2 points on the IIH scale in 75% of patients, to 1 point in 20% of patients, and only in 5% of patients the pain reaction retained the same intensity. After patients used Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste for 1 week, there was no pain reaction in 100% of cases. Repeated clinical examinations after 14 days and 1 month also revealed the absence of pain reaction in 100% of cases.

The study carried out an objective assessment of the pain reaction to air-cold stimuli. Patients noted the highest possible pain response before the study, which averaged 2.46±0.38 points according to the Schiff test. After a single use of Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste, pain significantly decreased and amounted to 0.75±0.77 points ( p

<0.001). It was also noted that after 7 days of using toothpaste and until the end of the study, there was no pain reaction to the air-cold stimulus (Fig. 2).

2. Average value of air-cold sensitivity of teeth according to the Schiff test. The hygienic level of the oral cavity was examined using the OHI-S index, which in most patients was satisfactory and averaged 1.78±0.28 points ( p

All patients underwent professional oral hygiene after recording their initial dental status. After 7 days, the hygiene index values ​​decreased in all patients by 1.61 times and amounted to an average of 1.18±0.19 points ( p
<0.001), and after 14 days - by 1.8 times (0.9±0 .08 points) (
<0.001) from the initial level.
After 1 month, the hygiene index was 0.68±0.09 points ( p
The PMA index values ​​(%) initially averaged 25.04±0.11 ( p
<0.001), after 7 days - 17.04±0.07 (
<0.001), after 14 days - 10.7±0, 02 (
<0.001), and after 1 month - 6.03 ± 0.03 (
<0.001), respectively. This showed an indirect positive effect of the studied Sensodyne Instant Effect toothpaste on periodontal tissue.

Whitening paste

Do you want your smile to be as radiant as that of celebrities? Then you should use an oral care product such as Sensodyne whitening toothpaste. What are the advantages of the product from this series? Below is a list of the advantages of this whitening paste.

  1. Can be used for a long time, since the composition does not contain harsh abrasives. This means that the paste will not destroy tooth enamel.
  2. The product perfectly removes plaque from teeth, preventing the appearance of a new layer of dark film.
  3. The paste prevents the formation of caries, and it also makes the enamel stronger thanks to the sodium fluoride included in its composition.
  4. The product reduces tooth sensitivity due to sodium nitrate.
  5. With constant use of Sensodyne Whitening paste, you can clean your mouth gently and without problems.
  6. The result of using the product can be replaced after 2 weeks of active use of the drug.

Sensodyne /

Sensodyne paste was recommended by dentists (yes, several at once), however, with one voice in this format: - Buy a Rembrandt! - Expensive! “Then take Sensodyne.” - Oh, that's better. - But keep in mind that it is now being actively counterfeited, so you need to buy it in trusted pharmacies, preferably those where you have reliable friends. Something like this, yes.

I started my “campaign on toothpastes” (not counting the ancient Soviet Fluorodent, standard for every family) after Perestroika, like everyone else, with Colgate, and eventually went to Blend-a-med, because, whatever one may say, it was at that time the best generally known. But at the next preventive appointment with the dentist many, many years ago, which again smoothly flowed into dental treatment, the doctor directly and openly confronted him with a fact: we need to take more serious care of our teeth, and mass-market toothpastes are toys. He spoke then, however, about pastas not so delicately.

Since then I have only used Sensodyne “Gentle Whitening”. "Sensodyne", by the way, seems to be incorrect. And, be that as it may, I never had my teeth treated again. Separately, it should be noted that Sensodyne perfectly treats my sensitive enamel, and not only relieves pain, but also somehow heals it - before the next food that actively thins the enamel. Plus a whitening effect after cleaning your face: no, don’t expect the level of whitening of an expensive procedure in dentistry (or even high-quality home whitening with a tray), but the fact that your teeth become whiter is noticeable to the naked eye.

The paste will not save you from age-related plaque along the edges of your teeth (even if you brush your teeth correctly, do not smoke or drink coffee). But dentists say that no paste will protect you from this, and no thorough brushing of your teeth, unless expensive toothpastes may delay the onset of the problem. The taste of Sensodyne may seem a little harsh to some. Foams well and very well. The tube lasts for a month or so.

I tried both remaining options of Sensodyne brand pastes, and, however, I don’t remember which of them had what problem, and what shortcomings apply to both, but in the end I didn’t like both at all: one had a brutally sharp taste; She, in my opinion (any of them, anyway), foamed very poorly, and each time while brushing her teeth I had to take an additional portion of paste; In my opinion, both at once did not help at all to cope with tooth sensitivity; Well, I immediately forgot about the usual level of whiteness of my teeth with them, although I have been brushing my teeth correctly for a long time - taught by a doctor - and so thoroughly that my friends are always amazed during trips together. So “Gentle Whitening” in all respects turned out to be the best of its analogues, although whitening pastes usually have reduced other effects.

User feedback about Sensodyne Whitening

Sensodyne Whitening toothpaste has flattering reviews. People like the effect of this remedy: indeed, it begins to act after 4-5 days. And after 2 weeks, users notice that their teeth have noticeably whitened by 1 tone. And this is an amazing result. This is difficult to achieve with regular toothpastes, which is why people are delighted that they are releasing a teeth whitening series. People also like that this product is quite economical in consumption due to its foamy structure. And, besides this, the pasta is soft and pleasant to the taste.

Acid Erosion Protection

Bad teeth mean incredible difficulties and suffering. Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste can improve the beauty and health of dentin and enamel. The main feature of this type of oral care product is its unique composition, the action of which is aimed at restoring the structure of the teeth. In addition, Sensodyne ProNamel paste performs a number of other tasks.

  1. Relieves a person from pain and hypersensitivity.
  2. Protects against the dangerous effects of acids ingested through food.
  3. Prevents damage to the protective layer of the tooth.
  4. Restores enamel hardness.
  5. Provides a gentle effect on teeth and gums due to the absence of such a component as sodium lauryl sulfate.

Toothpaste composition criteria

  • Containing fluoride is a good option, providing a pronounced antibacterial effect and preventing the occurrence of carious lesions. But fluoride negatively affects the condition of bone tissue, so the use of such a paste should be alternated with products that do not contain fluoride.
  • Soda-containing sodium carbonate particles in dental products serve as an abrasive, which over time damages the enamel and mucous membranes of the mouth. If you need to whiten your teeth and clean them of plaque, this paste can be used, but it also needs to be alternated.
  • Plant components – it’s good if the paste contains extracts of propolis, oak bark, chamomile, and pine needles. These components do not cause harm and constantly maintain the condition of soft tissues.
  • The concentration of parabens is not higher than 2% - parabens are preservatives that extend the shelf life of dental products, but when their content exceeds 2%, a health hazard appears.

User feedback about Sensodyne Pronamel paste

People leave only positive reviews about this product. They like the effect of this paste: indeed, it is able to cope with the aggressive effects of citrus acids on enamel. Those men and women who have tried this remedy on themselves claim that they have stopped forming root stones.

The paste really brings the effect that is expected from it. People also like that this dental care product doesn't have a cloying bitterness, isn't abrasive, and doesn't leave an aftertaste. In addition, Sensodyne, a toothpaste whose reviews are on numerous forums, perfectly refreshes the oral cavity and removes unpleasant odors. Even after eating savory foods like onions and garlic, the aroma does not remain. People like that they can use this toothpaste every day. Manufacturers also took care of children by releasing a special product for them.

Classic pasta

If anyone is in doubt about what type of dental care product to choose, it is better to start with a typical sample. Classic toothpaste is intended for everyday use. It does not contain fluorine, which is very important, because this component is quite toxic. Therefore, Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth can also be used for children. Now parents don’t have to worry that their child accidentally swallowed some of the product. Since there will be no danger or any allergic reactions against this background. However, in any case, when it comes to children, they should brush their teeth only under the supervision of their parents, even though it is a safe classic Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth. After all, it is harmless only in a certain dosage. Well, if the baby starts simply squeezing it out of the tube and eating it, this can lead to bad consequences.

People's opinions about the classic Sensodyne paste

Users speak favorably of this tool. Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth receives positive reviews for good reason. After all, in addition to the excellent effect, it is suitable for the whole family. Thanks to its delicate pink color, even children enjoy brushing their teeth. There is no need to ask them to take care of their oral hygiene. Boys and girls are used to white pastes, but here they have a different color and they really like it. And parents like the fact that their offspring finally began to take care of their teeth on their own, without unnecessary screams and hysterics. This is the optimal paste, which has only positive reviews.

Comprehensive protection

Another type of dental care product from the Sensodyne series is Sensodyne Total Care. Its main difference from others is the complete stop of inflammatory processes in the gums. Sensodyne Restoration and Protection toothpaste ensures full preservation of a healthy and fresh smile, as well as a gentle effect to eliminate pain when reacting to irritant foods. This remedy has a complex effect, namely:

  1. Protects against tooth sensitivity.
  2. Removes plaque.
  3. Prevents the formation of caries.
  4. Strengthens gums.

People's opinions about Sensodyne Total Care teeth and gum care product

Sensodyne Restoration and Protection toothpaste has mostly positive reviews. People like the product from this series. Indeed, the effect is obvious: plaque disappears after the first cleaning, gums become stronger after 2 weeks of regular use.

However, there are still people who did not like this product. Some users did not like this paste because it stings the tongue and lips. Although the reviews from the same people about other types of Sensodyne are positive. And some even note that after using this paste, wounds appeared on the inside of their lips and on their tongue, and it even became painful for women and men to speak. It turns out that there was an allergic reaction to this paste. This can really happen, and the manufacturer does not deny this fact. Therefore, when choosing Sensodyne Total Care, you need to be extremely careful and if you experience any unpleasant sensations, it is better to stop using it.

The best premium toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Premium segment toothpastes are distinguished by a stylish tube design, pleasant taste, aroma, the presence of components (or their compounds) not used in conventional products, as well as new medicinal formulas that can give a lasting effect. The high price is the result of expensive research, registration of patents, and promotion of a new product on the market. We have brought together three names that, in the opinion of users and dentists, have earned the title of the best in the ranking of luxury products.

3 Sangi Apadent Total Care, mint

Third place - APADENT paste, developed by Japanese using special technology.
The developers' task was to create a product that promotes the natural process of restoring the enamel layer using nanohydroxyapatite. Nanohydroxyapatite has the property of closing exposed dental tubules, filling microcracks and chips on the surface of the enamel, as a result of which it becomes smoother and repels bacterial plaque. In addition to reducing sensitivity, the composition has a beneficial effect on gums and has mild whitening properties, so it is recommended for smokers. There is no fluoride among the ingredients, which makes the paste an ideal solution for people who are advised to limit its consumption.

There is an effect of remineralization of teeth, which includes saturation of the enamel with mineral components. The process helps restore the structure and increase the protective properties of the coating. Sangi Apadent Total Care is recommended for use by pregnant women and people who wear orthodontic appliances.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Suitable for people who wear braces.
  • Natural restoration effect.
  • Bleaching.
  • Positive reviews from fans of coffee, tea, cigarettes.


  • High price, little information about the manufacturer and products.

Sangi Apadent Total Care toothpaste, mint

2 RemarsGel two-component

Second place in the rating is the two-component complex RemarsGel, which customers liked for its effective reduction of sensitivity and strengthening of enamel, achieved with the help of active compounds.
The peculiarity of the product is that it can be used in several approaches - the package contains two tubes of 75 ml each, the contents of which must be used in turn. This creates some inconvenience, especially if you need to leave home, but the positive qualities of the product allow you to turn a blind eye to this. The active ingredient of gel No. 1 is calcium nitrate, gel No. 2 is ammonium hydrogen phosphate. As a result of a safe chemical reaction that occurs during the interaction of calcium nitrate and ammonium hydrogen phosphate, a film is formed on the surface of the tooth with characteristics reminiscent of hydroxyapatite (the basic mineral component of the upper layer of teeth). The particles formed after binding the components are small in size, which allows them to easily penetrate the enamel and integrate into its structure without problems, which leads to the restoration of damaged areas. Such exposure not only increases the threshold of sensitivity, but also helps combat negative effects, reducing the risk of various diseases.

In addition to the therapeutic and restorative effect, users note a pleasant aftertaste, an organic base, good cleansing, and positive changes in the shortest possible time. The paste also worked well while wearing and after removing braces.


  • Noticeable decrease in sensitivity.
  • Restorative functions.
  • Recommended after removing braces.
  • Organic base.


  • The need to use the contents of two tubes.

RemarsGel two-component toothpaste

1 Biorepair Total Protection Plus

Biorepair Total Protective Repair becomes the leader in the premium segment.
The product is designed for comprehensive protection and is suitable for daily use. Users praise the product not only for its noticeable reduction in sensitivity, but also for other characteristics. With regular use of Biorepair Total Protection Plus, gum bleeding decreases or even disappears, mild lightening occurs, the period of feeling of cleanliness in the oral cavity increases, and breath is noticeably freshened. Biorepair Total Protective Repair has an antibacterial effect, making it an indispensable assistant when using braces. The composition does not contain parabens, SLS and fluorine, which will please lovers of “healthy” products. According to the research results, no allergic reactions were found.

Users note a pleasant aftertaste, a feeling of cleanliness in the mouth that lasts all day, ease of use, and a general improvement in the condition of teeth and gums.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • A complex approach.
  • Good results when using braces.
  • No parabens or SLS.

Biorepair Total Protection Plus Toothpaste


Sensodyne toothpaste is sold both in pharmacies and in specialized household chemical stores. The price of this oral care product depends on several factors: the type of paste, the location of the establishment where it is sold, as well as the store’s markup. Thus, the price of the drug can range from 140 to 290 rubles. Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth, reviews of which say that it is truly excellent, is one of the most expensive. Its price in various pharmacies ranges from 290 rubles. And the cheapest type of this product is Sensodyne Complex Protection paste. You can purchase this drug for 140 rubles.

Now you know what Sensodyne toothpaste is, what types it comes in, and how it affects the oral cavity. We found out what people think about this product and realized that it is actually one of the best products for caring for teeth and gums. And depending on what problems a person has with the oral cavity, the appropriate Sensodyne paste is selected.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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