How to properly clean your tongue: why do you need to remove plaque and how often should you do it?

  • Why do you need to clean your tongue?
  • How to clean your tongue
  • How to clean your tongue

For many people, oral hygiene ends with brushing their teeth. However, cleaning your tongue is also necessary and important. Plaque and bacteria accumulate on it, from which caries develops and an unpleasant odor appears.

Regular tongue cleaning helps to avoid diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, caries and even periodontitis. Now we will look in detail at why you should clean your tongue and how to do it correctly and effectively.

Did our ancestors clean their tongues?

People began using tongue cleaning devices at least five centuries ago. An example of this is the mention of the need to cleanse this organ of our body in the treatises of the 10th century AD. Uzbek doctor Avicenna. For the most effective procedure, he recommended using cypress cones and tree slivers, which are rich in essential oils. In ancient China, members of the nobility used a tongue scraper to clean their tongues before each meal, as it was believed that thanks to this procedure they could fully appreciate the taste of the dishes. Residents of our country made special scrapers from silver, which disinfected the oral cavity and prevented various inflammations such as mouth ulcers, candidal stomatitis, various types of glossitis, etc.

Rules for using a scraper

Regarding “don’t overdo it” – what does that mean? Since the tongue has a villous surface, you should not press hard on the scraper and try to remove the plaque along with the layer of papillae. Under no circumstances should there be injury . The movements are smooth, without excessive pressure from the root of the tongue to the tip over the entire surface.

As for the gag reflex - yes, of course, the sensation is not pleasant and, most importantly, uncontrollable, but despite this, you can fight it. As they say, a person gets used to everything and human language is no exception to this. The tongue can be trained to scrape, in the truest sense of the word. To start, use the scraper only on the tip of your tongue. Every day, every day, increase the area being treated until you cover the entire tongue. This adaptation may take from one week to a month.

Smokers should pay special attention to the condition of the tongue, since the formation of plaque, sedimentation of resins and temperature irritants can provoke the occurrence of unpleasant diseases, such as “black hairy tongue” and even cancerous tumors!

Take good care of yourself: wash your hands before eating, brush your teeth twice a day, and don't forget about your tongue. And remember that the mouth is the entry point for infection into the body and must be kept clean!

Cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper

Nowadays, tongue scrapers take pride of place in the list of oral hygiene devices. Almost all of them are made of plastic and are a nozzle with a spoon-shaped tip. This excellent tongue and cheek remover needs to be replaced as often as toothbrushes. If you use it together with a rinse aid, the quality of the procedure will be one level higher. You can buy a tongue scraper at a pharmacy or order it from an online store.

Why does plaque form?

Plaque can accumulate for various reasons. The main ones include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • untreated oral diseases;
  • infections;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • fungal infections;
  • taking certain medications.

If the immune system is weakened, the body is more susceptible to harmful bacteria.

One of the most common causes of the formation of white plaque is gastrointestinal diseases. As the disease progresses, the plaque becomes grayish or brownish in color. Plaque can accumulate due to fungal infections. Until the source of the damage is eliminated, it will not be possible to get rid of the plaque. A similar thing happens with influenza, whooping cough and other similar diseases. In this case, the following symptoms are added to the plaque:

  • enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes;
  • skin rashes;
  • redness of the throat;
  • enlarged tonsils.

Some foods may change the color of the film on the tongue. Such foods and drinks include beets, ink, strong tea and coffee. This plaque can be removed by regular mouth rinsing. Taking certain medications affects the balance of oral microflora and promotes plaque deposition. For example, this applies to antibiotics. After treatment is completed, deposits stop accumulating on the mucous membrane.

Tongue cleaning spoon

A tongue cleaner is just as great for removing plaque and bad breath as other tongue cleaners. It is a nozzle with a spoon-shaped tip. Using this water-supplying nozzle, you can clean your tongue quite gently and effectively. It is known, for example, that yogis use a wooden spoon or clean their tongue with three fingers wrapped in a clean bandage. You can also use an ordinary teaspoon, but then only for cleaning and, of course, individually.

Causes of plaque

There are several reasons for the appearance of plaque on the tongue: firstly, the physiological process of desquamation of the oral epithelium. Plaque in this case forms in small quantities, but if it is not removed regularly, quite a lot can accumulate. Secondly, these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If anyone paid attention, then for diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc. A large amount of yellowish plaque forms on the root of the tongue.

Regardless of the origin of the plaque on the tongue, it must be cleaned in any case!

Tongue scraper brush

Many companies specializing in the manufacture of oral hygiene products offer so-called tongue scrapers. This device is a combination of a brush and a scraper; it has an elongated round shape with soft bristles. Thanks to its flat shape, cleaning the tongue is much easier (does not cause a gag reflex). You can also find brushes on sale that have bristles on one side and special rubber or plastic relief strips on the other.

Healthy and unhealthy coating on the tongue: how to determine

Even in the time of Hippocrates, healers asked patients to stick out their tongues. By assessing the thickness and color of the organ, doctors made conclusions about the state of human health. Centuries have passed, but this method of primary diagnosis is still used by many therapists, dentists, pediatricians, and otolaryngologists.

The plaque itself does not cause disease. It has various causes for its formation: poor hygiene, smoking, dyes in products, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. If you are healthy, do not be surprised by the appearance of deposits on your tongue in hot weather, in the morning after waking up, or during the day after eating. This is normal and should not cause concern. The pale pink coating has almost no odor, changes color when using coloring products, and is easily removed with proper hygiene.

Pathology is considered to be a very dense coating through which the color of the tongue is not visible. Usually the deposits smell unpleasant, redness and cracks are visible on the surface, and after cleansing the condition of the tongue does not change. Unhealthy plaque can be brown, green, yellow and even black.

Is it possible to clean your tongue with a toothbrush?

Yes, an ordinary toothbrush with a small amount of toothpaste is often used to clean the tongue. In this case, a soft or medium-hard brush will be more suitable for you. To clean your tongue, you can also use a toothbrush with a special surface on the opposite side of the bristles. After you have brushed your teeth and rinsed your mouth, you just need to turn the brush over and start the procedure. Movements should be carried out in the direction from the back of the tongue to its tip. For the procedure, you can use not only a regular toothbrush, but also an electric or ultrasonic one, as well as an irrigator. If you are the owner of one or the other, then you just need to purchase an additional attachment for cleaning your tongue.

Insufficient cleansing of the tongue leads to the development of bacteria, which, in turn, can affect the occurrence of bad breath, diseases such as glossitis, stomatitis, caries, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the hygiene of the entire oral cavity - teeth, gums and tongue.

The appearance of such formations has various reasons and factors.

  • Decreased immunity.
  • Dental diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis, caries, periodontitis, etc.).
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Infection of the body with helminths.
  • Pathologies of the heart, lungs, thyroid gland.
  • Taking medications, etc.

In difficult cases, when plaque is one of the accompanying symptoms of serious diseases, consult a doctor. The disease must be identified and cured, otherwise no means to improve the microflora will help.


Do I need to clean my tongue?

Do I need to clean my tongue?

Today, many oral care product manufacturers actively promote the need for tongue cleaning, offering a wide range of products. No wonder, there is demand - there is supply. Therefore, patients increasingly began to turn to dentists with the question: “Is it necessary to clean the tongue?”

Favorite Dentist (Minsk) will help answer this question by weighing the pros and cons.


Mechanical cleansing of the tongue helps reduce the number of bacteria on its surface.


When cleansing the tongue of bacteria, it is possible to disrupt the balance of the microflora of the oral cavity and worsen the condition compared to the original. Excessive brushing may cause injury to the tongue papillae.


Cleaning your tongue gets rid of bad breath.


Bad breath can be associated not only with problems in the oral cavity (teeth and tongue), but also with diseases of other organs (gastrointestinal tract, tonsils, liver, kidneys).


Tongue cleaning is not a panacea for all patients: “Don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet...”. Do not neglect consultation with a gastroenterologist and other specialists. If you decide to clean your tongue, don't overdo it. How to do this correctly, read on.

How to clean your tongue?

1. Cleaning the tongue can be done with special scrapers. Almost all of them are made of plastic and are a nozzle with a spoon-shaped tip. This is a good tool for removing plaque from the tongue. Scrubbers need to be changed as often as toothbrushes (every 2-3 months).

2. Tongue scraper brushes are a combination of a brush and a scraper and have an elongated round shape with soft bristles. The flat shape makes cleaning much easier (there is no gag reflex). You can purchase brushes that have bristles on one side and special rubber or plastic embossed stripes on the other. Both sides of these brushes are designed to clean the tongue.

3. A tongue cleaning spoon is an attachment to an irrigator with a spoon-shaped tip. Using this nozzle, which supplies water from the irrigator, you can clean your tongue quite gently and effectively.

Is it possible to clean your tongue with a regular brush?

If purchasing and using special tongue cleaning devices bothers you, you can use a regular toothbrush.

to properly clean your tongue?

Remains of food and plaque from the tongue are removed after brushing and flossing the teeth. With smooth, uniform movements of the scraper, plaque is removed from the base (root) to the tip of the tongue. During breaks, after several movements, the scraper is rinsed with water to wash away the plaque that has accumulated on it. You should not clean your tongue with excessive force, so as not to injure its surface. After brushing, rinse your mouth with water. You need to get used to the tongue cleansing procedure gradually, without fanaticism. After some time, brushing your tongue will become a habit and will please you and the dentist with a good result.

With wishes of health and longevity PM

Equipment and hygiene products

When choosing hygiene items, you can safely be guided by personal preferences. For example, you can choose one of the following devices:

  1. special spoon: it includes a nozzle made of elastic material on the tip in the shape of a spoon. To remove plaque, just swipe it over the organ several times. By the way, today there are electric toothbrushes on sale, which come with a tongue tray like this:
  2. scraper: visually resembles a pen, but with a flat tip, which can be shaped like an oval or a triangle. Special bristles help thoroughly but gently remove bacteria and food particles,
  3. toothbrushes with a ribbed back: most modern models have a special grooved surface on the back of the head - it is designed to clean the tongue.

Devices for the procedure may be different.
The choice of a specific option is at your discretion. The main thing is to carry out the procedure systematically, along with brushing your teeth.

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