“Biomechanics of the lower jaw” Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Zhulev E.N. Lecture 3. – presentation
Purpose of the dentofacial system The biological mechanics of the dentofacial system and its understanding lead to timely recognition
Pon method in orthodontics and other methods of biometric research of the jaw
Biometrics in the study of the jaw is of decisive importance, as it allows one to diagnose various malocclusions,
How to learn to laugh beautifully. How to laugh properly
Laughter is very good for health. According to research, laughter lowers blood pressure and also relieves
How can I find out which clinic the house belongs to?
Primary and secondary health care specialists see citizens in clinics that are listed according to a specific
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Bamboo toothbrushes: description, pros and cons, prices
8249 Bamboo toothbrushes - belong to the category of environmentally friendly products. They are created according to the pattern
Signs of teething in a 4 month old baby
How long does it take for a child to grow fangs: painful symptoms
A baby at the age of four months is not yet able to communicate that he is
Common factors for the development of gingivitis
Catarrhal and hypertrophic gingivitis symptoms and treatment in adults
The most common form of gingivitis is catarrhal gingivitis, which affects the gums, causing superficial inflammation.
How many teeth does a large shark have: diagram of the jaw, gill arches, number of teeth and rows of shark teeth 
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Lump in the throat
Laryngospasm. Spasm of the larynx. Help with laryngospasm.
A lump in the throat during neurosis is the first signal that the nervous system is functioning
Silver spoons for the first tooth - who should give
Congratulations on your first tooth First tooth? Congratulations! This is cool, what can I say, Maybe the baby is full
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