formation of a child's bite
Should I worry if my pacifier has become indispensable?
The appearance of malocclusion increases after three years of age, and among five-year-olds with a pacifier there is crossbite
Cobalt-chrome casing: the history of Grillz Minsk
What are grillz? This type of decoration looks like an overlay for one or more
Teether - how to choose the right one, the best manufacturers and rating of modern models (95 photos)
When a baby starts teething, this can be a reason for parents to
When to start treatment: recommendations from orthodontists
What are the main elements of orthodontic appliances, their brief characteristics
Orthodontic treatment, which is necessary to correct bites and misaligned teeth, is not only
Increased salivation during sleep
Why do adults and children drool during sleep?
Fukortsin - indications for use and important features of the drug
What does Fukortsin help with? Instructions for use
The drug Fukortsin, known to many since childhood, is often called “red brilliant green” in everyday life, because
Teeth of a combtooth shark
Sharks - description, types, what they eat, features, how long they live, where they live, photos and videos
What is the first thought that comes to your mind when looking at a photo where a shark's teeth are exposed in an ominous
Victoria Bonya before and after plastic surgery
Nastya Ivleva. Figure parameters, height, weight, photos before and after plastic surgery, tattoos
Mammoplasty Previously, Anastasia was very thin, on the verge of dystrophy. As she believed, such victims
The first teeth in babies - symptoms, order of eruption and when exactly teeth begin to cut (85 photos)
Children's teeth appear in a certain sequence and in pairs (for example, two central incisors or
Photo of an ulcer with stomatitis
Quincke's edema: outpatient care
These diseases are related to drug allergies, they spread to the oral cavity and can be combined
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