Children have shark teeth, what is dangerous or not to do?
What are shark teeth in humans and what to do about it?
11/21/2019 Children's milk teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. In rare cases, the first
Dental treatment for children under general anesthesia
The child is afraid of the dentist. Possible solution: treatment under anesthesia
Dental treatment is an unpleasant business. And children simply don’t understand why expose themselves to such
Signs of malocclusion
Malocclusion in a child: ways to correct it
Stages of bite formation in children The process of bite formation in a child can be divided into several
Indications for use of the Kois deprogrammer
Kois deprogrammer in orthodontics or everything ingenious - simple
1006 Occlusion defects and their treatment are the most difficult issue in dentistry. To a large extent,
Differences and features of molars and premolars
Structure and functions The structure of molars includes two parts: pulp, that is, soft
Plaque indicators. What are they and why can’t you do without them?
One of the most common causes of oral diseases is dental plaque, or rather
Runny nose in infants is a common disease
Runny nose during teething - what to do to eliminate the problem
Snot (nasal mucus) is a viscous muconasal secretion that has the consistency of mucus and is produced by secretory
Dental hygiene indices - Hygiene indices in dentistry
Oral hygiene index: the real picture of dental health
Oral hygiene is one of the most accessible and at the same time one of the
Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer
The drug Dekasan: main characteristics and application features
Rating: 5 / 5 Dekasan for inhalation with a nebulizer is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of colds and viruses
Why do you need a tongue brush? How to use it correctly?
In the modern world of the cult of beauty and health, a person’s desire for
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