Baby teeth - interesting facts and care tips
How to pull out a baby tooth with a thread The essence of the method is that the loose tooth is tied
Spoon for a boy
Why and who gives a silver spoon for the first tooth?
Silver is often given to babies. This is a long-standing custom that has taken root in different countries of the world, in
Woman at a doctor's appointment
Why white plaque appears on the tonsils and how to remove it
White plaque formed on the tonsils is not a disease, but indicates problems in the tonsils.
Yellow and white lumps in the throat with an unpleasant odor: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
White, unpleasant-smelling balls in the tonsils These are tonsillar plugs or stones, they form in
Instructions for use of ACICLOVIR
Possibility of application These products are recommended by experts for the treatment of herbes, as they have the ability to prevent
Determination of bone density in dentistry
Why do some people look more attractive than others? If you look closely at their faces, you can see some
Herpes on the lips
Briefly about herpes: what causes rashes and how to deal with them?
Herpes on the lips (herpes labialis) is one of the most common infectious diseases. IN
Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the chin - Dentistry "Line of Smile"
Lymph nodes on the face: location, functions, causes of inflammation
Contents: Possible causes Dental causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes on the chin How to understand that the problem is
Camilia from teeth: instructions, effectiveness, reviews
April 2, 2019 Other drugs Tatyana Andreeva All parents are faced with teething
The lip is cracked in the middle and does not heal in adults and children: causes, treatment - ointments and folk remedies, signs
Cracks in the corners of the mouth are the main symptom of angulitis. This is a disease of the mucous membrane and skin that develops
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