food gets stuck between teeth
Why do pieces of food get stuck between the teeth and what can this mean?
The problem of food getting between teeth is one of the most common in dentistry. Most people
Neck pain on the left side: causes of pain and what to do about it
Pathogenesis of neck pain on the left side Pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Symptom
The occurrence of periostitis and its consequences in pictures
Diseases of the oral mucosa: diagnosis and treatment
Causes and symptoms of periostitis Symptoms of periostitis include swelling of the gums and face, suppuration,
installation of rubber dam
What is a rubber dam and why is it needed in dentistry?
Rubberdam (cofferdam) is a protective dental screen (gasket) made of latex: with its help, the doctor isolates
The implant did not take root
Recession during implantation: why the implant became exposed and what to do when it is visible from the gums
After the installation of a titanium implant is completed, it is necessary that it be completely covered with bone tissue
Purulent pulpitis
What is dental granuloma, symptoms, causes, treatment methods
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Lip biting and a predator's gaze: how to understand that a guy wants you
Why does a girl biting her lip look sexy?
Each person has his own habits, good or bad - they are part of us. One
Prognosis for treatment of jaw dysplasia
Cementoma: causes, classification and treatment tactics
187 Dysplasia is a disorder in the formation of tissues, organs, or individual parts of the body. Bone dysplasia –
Oral care products to protect health and beauty
People have known that they need to brush their teeth after eating for several thousand years.
Oak bark during pregnancy: safe methods of use
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
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