Dental units: how to make the right choice?
05/10/2019 Owners of dental clinics often face many questions when purchasing dental units, such as
Retainers after braces, how long they are worn, how they are installed
Wearing braces is not all you need to straighten your teeth.
When should you get plastic teeth?
Due to the rhythm of modern life, a corresponding imprint is left on a person’s health and appearance. One of
Work in canals with pronounced curvature
Work in canals with pronounced curvature
A. I. Nikolaev, L. M. Tsepov Practical therapeutic dentistry St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Institute of Dentists and,
Procedure technology
Cold teeth whitening - snow-white and painless!
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Alternative to dental veneers: analogues and dental procedures
Date of publication: 03/18/2021 A smile is part of non-verbal communication that is understandable to any person. Some emotions
wedge-shaped defect
Why do uneven teeth grow in children, and what can be done about it?
Pathologies of hard dental tissues are not always the result of caries and other inflammatory processes. Wedge-shaped
Prosthetics with metal-free crowns, pros and cons, service life, cost of installation in Moscow clinics
Modern dental ceramics is a durable and beautiful material that is actively used in dentistry.
Whitening toothpaste - rating, recommendations from dentists
The oral cavity is the beginning of our entire digestive system. Therefore, dental health directly
Like a Hollywood star: a Novosibirsk dentist revealed the secret of a snow-white smile
Laser whitening Laser whitening is a gentle and effective way to lighten enamel up to 8–10
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