Rating of the best whitening toothpastes from Thailand

All Thai cosmetics and medicinal products are distinguished by their natural composition and effectiveness. Each drug is tested and tested under clinical conditions, so that only the best samples reach the market. Thai toothpastes are no exception. They contain natural extracts and extracts from plants, essential oils and other traditional and exotic ingredients. With the help of unique toothpastes from Thailand, you can actually reduce the frequency of visiting the dentist. These products are different from those that we are used to seeing in mass markets, so read the article carefully to get the maximum benefit from the miracle remedies for the oral cavity.

Features of Thai tooth whitening pastes

Hygienic care using Thai toothpastes is an effective preventative against various dental problems.

An analysis of existing care products on trading platforms shows that Thai products are very popular.

The main advantage of pastes is the natural origin of the active ingredients, their healing properties, which effectively eliminate various problems of oral tissues.

Thai products are distinguished by an unusual combination of composition, denser consistency, herbal aroma and rich flavor tones.

Packaging is carried out in tubes and small round jars.

The peculiarity of oral hygiene products from Thailand is the following characteristics:

  • the natural composition ensures high-quality teeth cleaning, prevents the growth of stone and plaque accumulation;
  • active components penetrate tissues, improve blood circulation, which stimulates biochemical processes;
  • useful microelements strengthen the enamel structure.

Hygienic care using Thai toothpastes is an effective preventative against various dental problems.

Bottom line

By purchasing a cheap exotic product that has not been tested by scientific experiments, you are putting your dental health at great risk. Skimping on toothpaste can result in expensive dental treatment. Thinned enamel, multiple caries, inflammatory processes in the gums - the result of the pursuit of the exotic.

While our domestic herbs and animal supplements have been tested in research institutes and have many years of experience in use, exotic plants and biological supplements have not been studied by anyone. Our doctors cannot answer the question about the benefits or disadvantages of an exotic plant extract offhand.

It is quite possible that the pastes do not harm Thai citizens. But this is due to the quality of their diet and the structure of drinking water. It is possible that the plant extracts and biological extracts indicated on the labels fit harmoniously into the metabolic processes of the Thais and are beneficial. But the experience of using pastes by our compatriots does not give positive results. This should be remembered and known.

Thai products are sold in concentrated form, so the “more is better” principle can simply harm dental health. For one cleaning, a small pea of ​​the product is enough to effectively remove plaque and refresh the oral cavity. Pastes foam well, so an excessive dose can lead to very strong foaming.

You should not be tempted by the cheapness and purchase the treasured jars from street vendors in Thailand or on dubious resources on the Internet. They may sell you a fake instead of real pasta.

Sources used:

  • Spielman AI The Birth of the Most Important 18th Century Dental Text: Pierre Fauchard's Le Chirurgien Dentist // Journal of Dental Research, 2007
  • Kopetsky I. S., Pobozhyeva L. V. Modern therapeutic and prophylactic means for individual oral hygiene // General Medicine. — 2012
  • Fedorov, Yu. A. Oral hygiene / Yu.A. Fedorov. — M.: Medicine

Main components of the compositions

Each manufacturer uses its own unique formula, so the components of different pastes are slightly different.

But there is a list of active substances that are most often included in the base:

  • To restore healthy microflora, the product is enriched with a natural antiseptic - borneol.

    Silicon/titanium dioxide.

  • Aluminium oxide.
  • Ground cuttlefish bones.
  • Bamboo charcoal.
  • Calcium carbonate.

The anti-inflammatory effect is provided by extracts and extracts:

  • carnations;
  • mint;
  • guava;
  • miswaki;
  • murayi;
  • Clinacanthus.

Essential oils are also used in production. And to restore healthy microflora, the product is enriched with a natural antiseptic - borneol. Its properties are identical to camphor, but there is no toxic effect.

Reference! Thai recipes do not include the addition of chemicals, synthetic fragrances, or pigments. This indicates the safety of the paste.

Products 5 Stars

“5 stars” – round pastes that are 100% natural ingredients. They are sold in jars with a screw cap and a measuring spoon. Among all the varieties of products, buyers can choose the right product. There are 9 types of round Thai teeth remedies:

  • with mango;
  • coconut;
  • coal powder;
  • clove essential oil and charcoal;
  • papaya;
  • noni;
  • with herbs;
  • mangosteen;
  • cloves

Products with an abrasive lighten the enamel more thoroughly, for example, charcoal powder. It dissolves plaque that has formed from smoking and coffee. Products containing tropical fruits, plants and herbs whiten teeth, freshen breath and strengthen gums.


Toothpastes produced in Thailand are divided into several types:

  • Whitening products are developed based on plant components and abrasives. Such compositions easily remove hard and soft plaque from the surface of the enamel, preventing the build-up of stone. The degree of aggressiveness for each product is different; when using the intensive option, the lightening effect is observed after the first hygiene procedure. Pastes of this type have a predominantly dense consistency. Jars were the first to appear on the market; now the range has been replenished with a gel-based product, packaged in familiar tubes. It is rational to use the paste in cases where the natural color of the teeth is white. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in a course of 10 days with an interval of 1-2 months, or every other day for 1 month with a break of up to 3 months. You can alternate the Thai composition with a regular cleaning product intended for daily hygiene. Many whitening products have a contraindication - a thinned enamel layer.
  • Black compositions are available in different dark colors, which depends on one of the main components of the paste. Most often it is: crushed mangosteen bark, bamboo coals, cuttlefish bone tissue. Essential oils of medicinal plants and extracts are also used in production. Dark pastes prevent the spread of inflammation on tissues and remove yellowness. The result is visible after 1-2 applications. Due to the mild action of the product, it can be used in the presence of a thin layer of enamel.
  • Herbal pastes are developed based on the healing gifts of nature with a unique combination of components. The main advantage of the products is the rapid relief of inflammation in tissues. The composition copes well with bleeding gums, eliminates plaque on teeth, softens stones, promoting their destruction, and brightens the enamel. The product tones soft tissues and prevents the accumulation of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Some pastes have an antiviral effect. This makes it possible to use them for inflammation of the mucous membrane and larynx.

Write a comment

  • Olga

    January 18, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    How interesting! I’ve never even heard of such pastes))) I was captivated by the fact that people say that an examination at the dentist remains only an examination after using them. I was especially interested in a paste that removes tartar, unfortunately I have such a problem on my teeth ((I’ll search on the Internet, I hope that I’ll find exactly the one described in the article.

  • Olesya

    January 25, 2015 at 5:53 am

    I had the opportunity to live in Thailand for several months. And I tried many Thai remedies, including for teeth. To be honest, the effect they produce is simply amazing. Not a single product, even the most expensive one sold in Russia, can compare with Thai pastes.

    And the price of these overseas drugs used to be quite low, before the fall of the ruble. Now these pastes will cost 40% more, plus the cost of delivery from Thailand.

  • Irina

    June 15, 2015 at 8:46 am

    Good afternoon The other day I decided to try for myself the effectiveness of a whitening paste: it is very economical, just lower the tips of the bristles of the toothbrush and it will foam for a long time, the only thing it has is some kind of slightly burning effect (the tongue then stings for a long time) - isn’t this harmful to the mucous membrane? And the effect on the teeth is already visible: they begin to turn white from the ends. The only thing I read is that the natural yellowish color of the enamel cannot be whitened with anything, so I want to see with a personal example: if the tips of the teeth are already white, it means that everything will turn white) The main thing is to hope

  • Olga

    November 28, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    I’ve been using Thai toothpaste for 2 years now and I don’t even plan to go back to the toothpastes sold here!!! Previously they brought it from Thailand, but now (due to the crisis) I found it in an online store! In my city, my order was delivered within a day and I was very pleased with the price! Stocked up for use!!!))))) I recommend it to everyone!!! Indeed, the taste of the paste is very different from the sweetish menthol we are used to, but personally, I am completely delighted with the paste! Just brush the day, the second, and you will also become a fan of Thai toothpaste!!!!!!

  • Elena

    February 5, 2016 at 6:22 pm

    I tried Thai pastes on myself. I am a person who has been smoking for many years, my teeth are yellowish. The effect of the paste became noticeable already after the 2nd use. And after a while they became snow-white. And the feeling in the mouth after brushing is indescribable, despite the aftertaste of the pastes. When I brushed my teeth with Thai paste for the first time, the first thing I said when I came out of the bathroom was “as if I had just left the dentist”))))) Before using Thai toothpastes, I used Rocs toothpastes, but they never had such an effect.

  • Irina

    April 8, 2016 at 08:41 pm

    Hi all! And I want to leave my review about the wonderful paste☺ a year ago, I whitened my teeth at the dentist, walked with a snow-white smile, but as they say, you quickly get used to good things, after eight months, taking into account the fact that I don’t drink coffee, black tea, I smoke, my teeth began to lose the whiteness to which I was accustomed and I began to notice a difference, I wanted to make a mouth guard for home whitening, and then, as if in a fairy tale, at the behest of a pike, I met one girl, they started talking, and I noticed her teeth, they were so snow-white , I asked, they say she whitened, the answer amazed me when she said no, I just brush with toothpaste, I can say I didn’t even believe it, she said show me what kind of toothpaste, and we weren’t too lazy to go home, it was that beauty in a pink package with a beautiful smile, that same evening I found the Sia Market website on the Internet for direct delivery from Thailand and ordered without hesitation, it cost 88 rubles. The order arrived a month later, but the result was not long in coming, after a week I noticed that they had turned white, I was scratched by the same tooth for half a year, after the second cleaning I forgot what it was, if you brush your teeth in the morning, then the next morning, your teeth are still plaque-free, smooth and shiny, as if your dentist polished them. In general, I’m in delighted with Thai toothpaste)))))

Review of the most popular pastes from Thailand

Twin Lotus Active Charcoal Toothpaste

The teeth cleaning product is black in color, which is explained by the presence of bamboo charcoal in the composition. The product does not contain flavors or dyes. The taste is neutral, there is also no pronounced smell.

Twin Lotus Active Charcoal Toothpaste does an excellent job of whitening teeth, giving fresh breath, and strengthening oral tissues. The paste is ideal for various periodontal pathologies; the components of the composition prevent inflammation from spreading throughout the tissues.

Twin Lotus Premium

The product is based on medicinal herbs, natural abrasive (phosphate dihydrate), and mineral water.

The dark color is given to the composition by crushed cuttlefish bones. Twin Lotus Premium easily removes soft and hard plaque from the tooth surface, relieves inflammation of the gums, and reduces their bleeding. After use, you feel fresh breath.

Twin Lotus Day & Night

An effective remedy for protecting the oral cavity 24 hours a day. Suitable for sensitive teeth. The active ingredients are extracts and essential oils of mangosteen, peppermint, and rosemary.

After one cleaning, tooth enamel is lightened by one tone, breath is freshened, and pathogenic microflora is eliminated. The herbal product also copes with different types of plaque and tartar.

5 Star

The product is a whitening agent; after several uses, the enamel color becomes 1-2 shades lighter. When performing hygiene procedures, a pleasant taste with a hint of herbs and a smell of freshness are felt. The active ingredients quickly remove stains from cigarettes and drinks and soften stones.

ISME RasYan Herbal Clove

On many Internet sites the product is a bestseller. The popularity of the product is due to its natural composition and effective dental care.

Cloves add a spicy note to the taste, the consistency is dense, and foams well when used. Recommended for whitening teeth and eliminating pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

Abhai Herbal Toothpaste

This is a dark type of paste, the characteristic tone is obtained by adding mangosteen bark. In addition to it, guava leaves, orange and mint derivatives were used in production.

Aromatic components give the cleaning product a pleasant aroma and taste. The composition helps to cope with gum problems, strengthen the enamel structure, and lighten its color by 1-2 tones.

Siam Herb Extra Virgin

The product is popular among users due to its herbal components, which promote rapid healing of microcracks in oral tissues. The smell of the product is herbal, the taste is quite tolerable.

The effect of removing plaque or tartar can be observed after the first cleaning. Another strong point is the cost-effectiveness of the paste; it lasts for several months.

Siam Spa (with mangosteen)

A whitening agent that can eliminate harmful microorganisms in the mouth and remove plaque of varying densities from the surface of the teeth. Main active ingredients: mangosteen extract and cloves. The aroma is a little reminiscent of the Zvezdochka balm, but not as pronounced. The taste is unusual.

AIMTHAI Organic Herbal Toothpaste ALL IN ONE

The product is called one of the best cleaning products in Thailand. More than 15 species of plants with medicinal effects were used in production. Thanks to its unique formula, the paste easily copes with plaque on enamel and tartar.

The components restore healthy microflora in the mouth. The delicate effect on the enamel structure makes it possible for people with sensitive teeth to use the product.

Punchalee Herbal Toothpaste

The product, certified in Russia, has gained great popularity. Reviews about the effectiveness of the paste are mostly positive. It does an excellent job of whitening enamel and relieving inflammation in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The taste and aroma are unusual, but the product gets rid of the residue quickly.

Herbal Clove Toothpaste

The natural composition of the product contains clove extract. The taste has a salty tint, the smell is also unusual, causing unpleasant associations.

Herbal Clove Toothpaste should be used with caution by people whose teeth are sensitive. In this case, a pea of ​​the product should be diluted with water 1:2 to reduce the concentration.

The product neutralizes pathogenic microflora in the mouth, makes breath fresh, and eliminates dark plaque on the enamel that has formed as a result of smoking and drinking coloring drinks.


One of the options for a whitening product has a familiar aroma and pleasant taste, which is unusual for Thai products. The composition contains camphor, sorbidol, borneol and other components.

Effectively used for light deposits and stains after smoking. It is recommended to use for the prevention of caries and tartar formation.

Baan Somjeed

The herbal composition includes components that effectively relieve the inflammatory process. It is recommended to use the product for the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. The paste contains anesthetic substances; after the cleaning procedure, the pain subsides.


The basis of the product is medicinal herbs, which, when combined in a certain proportion, quickly cope with tartar and plaque of varying hardness. Compared to analogues of Thai origin, it has a pleasant taste.

Calcium carbonate acts as an abrasive, and extracts of myrrh, cloves and other plants provide tissue nutrition and gentle care. The product is recommended for inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, to lighten the enamel.

Herbal Prim Perfect

The structure of the product is more similar to the classic powder that was used in the old days for oral hygiene. The composition eliminates pathogenic microflora, prevents the proliferation of bacteria, and quickly removes yellowness from the enamel. Valuable trace elements and minerals strengthen gum and tooth tissue.


The Thai recipe helps to whiten enamel in a short time, enrich it and tissues with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the antibacterial effect, healthy microflora in the mouth is restored and tartar disappears. The taste and smell of Rasyan have a herbal tint, but do not cause disgust.


The paste of Thai origin is recommended for lovers of coffee drinks, as well as heavy smokers.

The herbal composition removes plaque of varying hardness and brightens the enamel by 1-2 tones. Thanks to its antiseptic effect, it restores healthy microflora in the mouth, makes breath fresh, and reduces bleeding of soft tissues.

Consumer Opinions

Most consumers who have once tried black, herbal or pink Thai toothpaste do not want to return to traditional hygiene products. However, there are also conflicting opinions. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The product has a specific taste and smell. Some consumers quickly get used to them, others simply refuse to use them. The taste will definitely be appreciated by those who are still nostalgic for Soviet tooth powder.
  2. The manufacturer claims that the enamel paste is soft and non-traumatic. However, they are contraindicated for people with severe caries. It is better to try products with chamomile or guava extract. Thai toothpaste with cloves or borneol is suitable if there are no inflammatory problems.
  3. All products in round packaging have a whitening effect. However, it is not recommended to brush your teeth with them in the morning and evening; it is better to alternate with regular toothpastes. Also, do not rely on an instant whitening effect. Such products are really good at removing plaque, but they are not able to restore naturally yellowish enamel.
  4. Round packaging is only convenient if you take it on a trip. It is difficult to get paste onto a dry brush. If you wet it, water gets into the product, making it gooey and creamy. A special spatula often comes with the jar. However, reviews about it are very contradictory. Some consumers find it inconvenient, while others find it extremely useful.
  5. The cost of Thai paste is comparable to the usual mid-price products. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing a foreign product solely to save the budget.

Of course, you cannot be guided solely by consumer reviews when choosing a paste. Today, everyone can purchase a Thai product, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and only after that make their choice.

Rules for using Thai whitening pastes

Thai pastes are highly concentrated. Improper use can cause problems with enamel.

Therefore, before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. When applying the composition to the brush, it is important to follow the dosage. For a one-time hygiene procedure, you will need a pea with a diameter of 2-4 mm. It is convenient to take the paste from the jar using a special tool that comes with the kit.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the hygienic procedure with a paste that contains bleaching agents using a soft brush. Coarse bristles in combination with a concentrated product can damage the enamel structure or mucous membrane.
  3. There is no need to moisten the brush before applying the paste.
  4. To achieve the desired result (thorough cleaning and brightening of the enamel) without harm to the teeth, it is recommended to use the Thai product for about 10 days throughout the month.
  5. Active cleaning movements should be made after foam has formed.

How to use it correctly?

Toothpastes from Thailand are usually concentrated. They must be used in very measured doses so as not to harm the enamel. If we are talking about formulations in round jars, then in order to get the right amount of product onto a toothbrush, you just need to lightly brush it over the surface of the product and use it as intended without excessive pressure.

For whitening toothpastes, it is even recommended to use soft toothbrushes. This way you can preserve your dental health and use such a valuable product economically.

You can learn all the advantages and disadvantages of Parodontax toothpaste from our review.

This article provides instructions for using Listerine mouthwash.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/irrigatoryi/polosti-rta-aquajet.html - the ld a7 model of the Aquajet irrigator is described in detail.

For ease of use, various additional accessories are offered, such as a special spatula for scooping out pasta. With its help, you will always collect exactly as much material as you need.

It is important to store the paste in a place inaccessible to moisture, and when using it, you must ensure that no water gets into the jar. The brush is also used dry, and only at the moment of cleaning should the paste come into contact with the liquid.

Advantages and disadvantages

Toothpaste based on Thai recipes, previously imported into the country as gifts, instantly gained popularity thanks to laudatory reviews from users. Now the merits of the product are appreciated by millions of compatriots.

Among the main advantages of the product:

  • safe composition of natural origin, which makes it possible to use the paste during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • whitening effect, changes can be seen after 2-3 procedures;
  • a unique formula, the effect of which is ensured by the medicinal properties of plants;
  • a large selection of pastes that differ in composition (this is important if you are allergic to one of the components of the product);
  • profitability (for the procedure you will need only a tiny pea of ​​the product);
  • affordable price (cost per tube is about 140-160 rubles).

The disadvantages include the unusual consistency and gray tone of the paste. When performing hygiene procedures, a slightly salty taste is felt.

Customers' opinions

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, among those who have already bought and tried the magical effect of Thai toothpastes - whitening, herbal, black, no one plans to return to using traditional means to cleanse the oral cavity.

But, of course, there are as many opinions as there are people, so if you have experience using these exotic compounds, please leave a short review about it at the end of the page. Perhaps you will help someone make the right choice and stay healthy.

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List of popular fluoride-free toothpastes

Do they really whiten teeth?

Each paste made according to Thai recipes has an individual list of indications, so you should not purchase any for teeth whitening. This is explained by the presence or absence of active ingredients in the composition, which ensure lightening of the enamel.

Punchalee pasta is very popular in Russia. The product is certified, the composition contains only components of natural origin. Whitening is achieved thanks to the properties of calcium carbonate.

Another equally popular product is MeiTan Active White. It is recommended for coffee and tea lovers. The composition perfectly copes with the typical coating of drinks.

The product also competes with a Thai toothpaste 5 star 4A. Its consistency is unusually solid, which ensures economical consumption. Among the active ingredients is white clay, which provides the effect of lightening the enamel.

Dentists' opinion

For many potential buyers, the opinion of dentists plays a decisive role in the decision to purchase a toothpaste. Experts confirm the beneficial effects of the natural composition of Thai products on soft tissues and enamel structure.

Although some doctors note that the effect of enamel lightening occurs to a greater extent due to the mechanical effect on plaque and pigmentation.

Other dentists advise using exclusively products certified by the Russian Sanitary Service. This provides greater confidence regarding the safety of the formulation and its effectiveness.

It is quite acceptable to use Thai-made pastes if all the rules are followed during the application process.

This applies to both dosages and teeth brushing techniques. Experts also recommend combining the product from Thailand with pastes intended for daily procedures.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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