"Lucky Dozen" or rating of the 12 best toothpastes

Toothpaste can safely be called an essential item: it is the basis of self-care. But how to choose the right oral care product and which products to choose? We have compiled a rating of the best of them, based on reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate toothpastes of each brand:

  • Cleansing.
    After all, this is the main task of toothpaste.
  • Perform additional functions.
    There can be many such functions: whitening, strengthening gums, enamel, etc.
  • Compound.
    It should definitely be safe. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better.
  • Taste and smell.
    They should be pleasant and not cause discomfort.
  • Texture.
    It should be medium, not too thick and definitely not runny.
  • Comfort to use.
    The paste should not bake or burn the oral cavity.
  • Price.
    Of course, it's always nice to save money, but we are looking for the best price-quality ratio.

The rating of toothpastes is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded to each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 1 point for effectiveness: giving teeth cleanliness and a feeling of freshness;
  • 0.5 points for each additional function;
  • 1 point for good composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant or neutral taste and smell;
  • 1 point for optimal consistency: not too thick and not too thin;
  • 1 point for ease of use: there should be no discomfort.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 100 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 100 to 250 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 250 to 400 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 400 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

It was the number of all points scored that determined the place of each product in the ranking; all this is reflected in the final table. In the meantime, learn more about each product.

For smokers

Lacalut White


  • Excellent stone removal
  • Whitens teeth
  • Treats gums
  • Quick effect


  • Price

From 200 ₽

A paste with a preventive effect, aimed at maintaining a beautiful smile for smokers and coffee lovers. Quickly and efficiently whitens teeth and eliminates unpleasant odors. When used, it does not harm any enamel. Not to the gums, but on the contrary, maintains their health.

ROCS Coffee and tobacco


  • Fresh breath for a long time
  • Removes stains from teeth
  • Does not contain fluoride
  • Fast acting


  • Price

From 240 ₽

Daily oral care with this composition will help maintain healthy teeth for a very long time. Gently and at the same time very effectively removes stains and plaque. Binds toxins and quickly removes them from the body. Prevents the appearance of caries. Improves the general condition of the gums and does not contain harmful substances.

Sangi Apadent Total Care, mint


  • Suitable for sensitive teeth
  • Removes the effects of smoking
  • Gently treats gums
  • Neutral taste


  • High price

From 1,100 ₽

Expensive professional grade toothpaste. Cleans and whitens teeth well without causing harm to them. Restores enamel and reduces sensitivity. Does not contain fluorine, so any harmful effects on the body are excluded.

Without fluoride

Dabur Red


  • Relatively low cost
  • Pleasant taste
  • Quickly eliminates bleeding
  • Removes plaque


  • Burning after use

From 130 ₽

The most popular Indian toothpaste. Fully complies with dental recommendations for oral care. The composition contains cloves and mint, which are excellent breath fresheners. The paste eliminates bleeding gums and helps strengthen the enamel.

Weleda Salt, mint


  • Improves enamel color
  • Effectively cleans teeth
  • Prevents the formation of plaque and tartar
  • Does not contain fluoride


  • High price

From 400 ₽

Salt toothpaste that can be used with a dry brush and without rinsing. The unique composition cleans teeth efficiently and also activates salivation. It has a pleasant mint taste, which, however, may not be to everyone's taste. The complex affects the enamel and prevents harmful acids from corroding it, making teeth more resistant to caries.

Biorepair Intensive Night Repair


  • Helps restore enamel
  • Easy to use tube
  • Penetrates deeply into teeth
  • Suitable for adults and children


  • Expensive

From 500 ₽

The best toothpaste for nightly preventative treatment of the oral cavity. Penetrates deep into the teeth, filling all microcracks with its active substances. Protects against bacteria that like to multiply in the human mouth at night. Fights unpleasant odors by destroying pathogenic bacteria.

We clean cleanly, without germs and irritation

The cleaning properties of toothpaste are associated with such a characteristic as abrasiveness (Abrasives are small particles of various compounds that mechanically polish tooth enamel). As a rule, calcium carbonate (chalk) or silicon compounds are used as abrasives. You need to understand that calcium carbonate in toothpaste is not a source of calcium and does not have the effect of restoring enamel. During testing, it was found that all samples have a good cleaning effect and meet the mandatory requirements. The best indicator is for Blend-a-med and Lacalut pastes. On the label of the Splat Professional toothpaste, the manufacturer stated a cleaning efficiency of 40.3%, in fact this figure was even higher and amounted to 57%.

Natalya Dmitrieva, Head of the Microbiology Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute of Insectology and Maxillofacial Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ph.D.

“Based on the results of the examination, it was found that all tested toothpastes meet the requirements for them, that is, the total number of mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic species is normal. No microbial contamination was detected in any sample. None of the pastes are irritating. All samples tested are non-allergenic.”


Products with calcium, including for personal hygiene, are usually recommended for children. Some dentists believe that the content of this element does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the paste, because a decent amount of calcium is contained in human saliva, and it is almost not absorbed during brushing.

However, it is generally accepted that a safe children's toothpaste should always contain calcium. Because this element is very important for the growing child’s body and in any case will not be superfluous.

Selection criteria - what to look for

To choose the ideal product for yourself, it is important to take into account many factors at once: the condition of the enamel, the presence of carious processes and tartar, the condition of the gums, age and much more. When you have a clear idea of ​​the current state of the oral cavity, you can move on to specific selection criteria.

Type of pasta

As mentioned above, you need to choose a product based on individual needs and indications. If there are no problems with your teeth and gums, a prophylactic paste would be the best option. If there are problems with the enamel or the condition of the mucous membrane, it is worth considering treatment and preventive options. But in this case, you must first consult a dentist.

You need to choose a product based on individual needs and indications.


Be sure to read the ingredients carefully before purchasing. If there are allergy sufferers in the family, it is important to make sure that there are no components that can provoke allergic reactions. It is advisable to choose products with a minimum concentration of preservatives and foaming agents. Fluoride is often added for an anti-caries effect, but this same component can have the opposite effect if teeth are in contact with it for a long time. It is recommended to use according to indications.

On a note! On the question of how to choose a product based on the stripes on the tube: forget that these designations have anything to do with the composition. In fact, these are just marks for packaging machines that are needed only at the production stage. The color is related to the characteristics of the equipment used and does not indicate anything about the safety of the product.

Baking soda removes plaque well and helps soften hardened deposits. But due to its high degree of abrasiveness, it can easily damage the enamel and lead to its thinning. Therefore, it is advisable to use such products in courses and according to indications. Some compositions are as close as possible to natural ones, but these usually cope worse with their main task, do not foam well and are more expensive. Keep in mind that the concentration of parabens (preservatives) should not exceed 2%, and the surfactant content should be within 1-3%.

Degree of abrasiveness

The presence of abrasive particles ensures high-quality mechanical cleaning of plaque and allows you to return your teeth to their natural whiteness. On the other hand, too long exposure of this kind leads to injury to the enamel, its thinning and hyperesthesia. The abrasiveness indicator is indicated by the RDA marking. If it is a whitening paste, then this indicator can reach 100 units. Conventional preventive – up to 80 maximum, gentle (dental) – no more than 601.

Taste and smell

As for taste and smell, these criteria are left to the discretion of the user. Sometimes a too strong taste can cause unpleasant sensations or even gag reflexes - this also needs to be taken into account.

Taste and color are also criteria for choosing a product

Fluoride-containing pastes

Such pastes are enriched with fluoride in the form of sodium fluoride, aminofluoride or monofluorophosphate in various concentrations. The designation of fluoride concentration on the packaging can be seen as the abbreviation “ppm” (parts per million). For adults, this value should not be higher than 1500 ppm. Fluoride-containing toothpaste should not be swallowed, so it should not be used on children who cannot spit and rinse their mouths.

Fluoride is effective in preventing the development of caries, but it should only be used in areas where low fluoride levels in the water have been confirmed. Residents of areas with sufficient fluoride levels should not use fluoride toothpastes. If you neglect this rule, due to an excess of the element in the body, dental fluorosis will develop - a violation of the pigmentation and structure of tooth enamel.

Prevention of caries

Caries is the most common disease in the world. This is a pathological process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. It begins with a white spot and ends with pulpitis and various septic processes with inevitable tooth loss.

The main cause of caries is bacteria that produce acids. They wash fluoride and calcium out of the tooth tissue and weaken it. Frequent consumption of sweets accelerates the development of carious bacteria: carbohydrates are a favorite environment for their reproduction. Teeth with thinned enamel are also at risk: through microcracks, bacteria penetrate into the dentinal tubules and begin to destroy the tooth from the inside.

The most important stage in effectively combating caries is early diagnosis of the problem and, of course, prevention. Remove plaque at least once every 12 hours, and visit the dentist every 6 months!

In addition to caries, the TOP 5 most common dental problems are:

  1. Raid.
  2. Unpleasant smell.
  3. Sensitive enamel.
  4. Bleeding gums.
  5. Color change.

PresiDENT Smokers

This is a product from Italy, and the manufacturer positions it as a paste for smokers with the safest elements in its composition: lime, parsley, bamboo charcoal, etc. But the product also copes well with other types of contaminants, such as coffee stains or fatty food residues.

The presence of a solid concentration of fluoride allows you to properly protect the enamel from residual elements of resins, drinks or food. Users in their reviews note that after using this paste, teeth become a couple of shades lighter.

Of course, its use will not give the effect of professional cleaning, which is carried out by dentists, but a positive result is noticeable already on the second or third day of use.

It is also worth noting that there are no abrasive elements in the composition, so the paste is suitable for people with sensitive teeth. Users also note freshness in the mouth after use, which is especially important for sociable smokers.

Pros of pasta:

  • Ideal for cleaning heavily soiled teeth;
  • the positive effect is noticeable after the second day of use;
  • pleasant aroma and freshness after use;
  • natural and balanced composition;
  • no abrasive elements.


  • it is difficult to find a product in Russia;
  • a large number of fakes.

The approximate price of the paste is about 250 rubles.

With whitening against caries

SPLAT Professional Biocalcium


  • Big tube
  • Cleans well
  • No discomfort when cleaning
  • Refreshes


  • Not everyone will like the minty flavor.

From 54 ₽

The top of the toothpastes opens with a complex product with eggshell calcis. Well restores damaged enamel and reduces tooth sensitivity. Special components in the composition effectively break down plaque, keeping your breath fresh for a long time. Other components also prevent the formation of tartar.

ROCS Active Calcium


  • Strengthens enamel
  • Reduces sensitivity
  • Feeling clean
  • Instant whitening


  • Not a very pleasant taste
  • Expensive

From 200 ₽

Paste containing active calcium. This calcium is quickly incorporated into the structure of the teeth, restoring their shine. And also increasing resistance to caries. Low abrasiveness makes it possible to use the composition even for those who have increased sensitivity of teeth and gums.

Dabur Meswak


  • Naturalness
  • Suitable for children
  • Can be used daily
  • Cleans efficiently
  • Prevents the appearance of caries


  • Price
  • Fast consumption

From 160 ₽

Multifunctional composition for the whole family. Very carefully cleans teeth, removing plaque and restoring natural whiteness. Strengthens enamel, making teeth less sensitive to aggressive environments. Thanks to its natural composition and mild effect, it can be used by children.


The choice of toothpaste can be influenced by many reasons, including: the condition of tooth enamel, oral cavity, the presence or absence of tartar, and the age of the consumer. Therefore, the classification of these products will help determine which toothpaste is best for brushing the teeth of a particular buyer:

  • Hygienic pastes with a preventive effect . Such products help ensure oral hygiene, protect tooth enamel from caries and periodontal disease, and remove plaque. Suitable for those who do not experience problems with dental and oral health.
  • Anti-caries toothpastes . They help cope with already developed caries and stop the destruction of enamel. Such products have the property of penetrating into the most inaccessible corners, strengthening the enamel, protecting teeth from hypersensitivity.
  • Whitening pastes . The composition includes abrasive components that help get rid of old plaque. People with hypersensitive teeth should not use such products.
  • Remedies for increased bleeding gums . Thanks to herbal and other medicinal components, they have a hemostatic, wound-healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effect. If the product is chosen correctly, after a month of use there is a decrease in gum bleeding, a decrease in inflammation, and a general improvement in the condition of the oral cavity.
  • Products for children . Children and teenagers are recommended to brush their teeth with a gentle toothpaste. It is desirable that the composition include silicon dioxide or dicalcium phosphate, and the RDA index should not be higher than 50. It is better not to use pastes with fluoride before reaching 3 years of age.


This paste is from the UK and is also considered one of the safest, as well as effective. Experts call it the best instant remedy. The paste prevents gum inflammation in the shortest possible time and provides oral cavity prevention.

In addition, the product has an analgesic effect. The immediate effect is largely determined by the presence of unnatural components: thickeners, concentrated medications and other synthetic elements. But the entire available list is safe and helps teeth and gums, and there are no mentions of any side effects either in consumer reviews or in expert comments.

Benefits of the paste:

  • effective cleaning;
  • rapid healing of small wounds;
  • analgesic effect;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • can be used from 12 years of age.


  • synthetic components in the composition;
  • there are a lot of fakes.

The approximate cost of the paste is about 250 rubles.

"SPLAT Professional Ultracomplex"

This is one of the safest toothpastes in Russia from a domestic manufacturer. The product is fluoride-free, so it is perfect for people with hypersensitive teeth. Thanks to the impressive list of natural and healthy elements in the paste, it immediately cares for the entire oral cavity and freshens breath.

The visible effect of strengthening the enamel is not noticeable after the first applications, so the paste must be used periodically. The product also accelerates the regeneration of wounds in the oral cavity and eliminates bleeding.

Judging by consumer reviews, the paste has proven to be an excellent universal remedy. It not only cleanses teeth and takes care of gums, but also has an antiseptic effect and also has healing properties. So the paste more than pays for its already low cost.

Product advantages:

  • natural and rich composition;
  • suitable for hypersensitive teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • has an antiseptic and regenerating effect;
  • more than adequate price.


  • To obtain the desired effect, frequent and regular use is necessary;
  • There is not even a hint of a whitening effect.

The approximate price of the paste is about 120 rubles.


Another German representative of the rating, but for adults. Paradontax is considered not only the best product for daily oral hygiene, but also one of the safest toothpastes. Specialists from many dental clinics leave extremely positive reviews about this product and recommend it in every possible way, without any selfish intent.

One of the main features of the safest toothpaste is its rich and balanced composition: chamomile, sage, echinacea, ratania and other beneficial elements. Such variety can be found in other products, but the cost of the paste will be noticeably higher.

Consumers respond very warmly to Paradontax. The paste does the job perfectly and has a number of other beneficial effects. In addition, the price tag for the product cannot be called “biting”.

Pros of toothpaste:

  • for daily use;
  • rich and balanced composition;
  • fights inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • prevents bleeding gums;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • There are options with and without fluoride;
  • attractive price for the available characteristics.

No cons found.

The approximate price of the paste is about 180 rubles.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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