Zimmer dental trabecular implants, their characteristics and cost

The absence of one or more elements of the dentition is a problem requiring dental intervention. Prolonged absence of teeth, in addition to aesthetic and functional costs, leads to disruption of the functional state of the entire jaw region - a large load falls on adjacent units, which leads to their displacement and accelerated wear. In addition, in the area of ​​edentia, the volume of bone tissue is gradually reduced, which weakens the structure of the jaw and increases the risk of developing pathological processes. In such cases, it is recommended to install replacement structures that recreate not only the crown, but also the root part of the missing tooth - such as Zimmer implants.

About the manufacturer

Previously, these products were produced by the Swedes under the trademark Sulzer Calciteck. However, since 2003, the production of Zimmer implants has been owned by an American company.

But the production of dental structures is not the only advantage of the brand. Instruments are also produced for the neurosurgical industry, traumatology and other segments of medicine.

The company has established itself as a manufacturer of high-quality, reliable products. It was Zimmer who was the creator of an innovative prosthetic system, creating implants with a trabecular surface.

Initially, parts were created for orthopedics, especially hip reconstruction. After the successful implementation of the system in traumatology, a dental implant with identical data for fastening was developed.

Types of products from the catalog

In the production of implants, titanium (for classical models) and tantalum (for trabecular ones) are used. The lineup includes:

  • standard root-shaped rods - for classical implantation;
  • thin - indicated for osteoporosis, bone atrophy, narrow alveolar ridge;
  • mini-implants - for express implantation.

Trabecular structures are represented by the Model TMT and Model TMM series. In addition, the company has developed a line of one-piece Zimmer One-Piece Implant models for one-stage installation. It is possible to manufacture artificial dental roots to order.

Design Features

The company is the only one in the world that produces implants from a unique material – tantan.

The material has a number of undoubted advantages relative to traditional titanium:

  • the quality of biocompatibility is one step higher;
  • completely hypoallergenic;
  • corrosion is absolutely excluded;
  • installation takes place without complications, the product takes root 100%;
  • a structure due to which bone tissue grows surprisingly quickly.

Another feature of Zimmer dental implants is their spongy surface. Bone tissue grows into a real porous structure and forms a single mechanism. Thanks to this technology, the risk of foreign body rejection is zero.

Attention! The company’s systems also have exceptional quality: they hold tightly, eliminating the possibility of unwinding. This is achieved through an innovative fastening method using small teeth on the upper end of the product.

German approach to the production of Semados implants and system installation protocol. Let's talk here about the pros and cons of Konmet implants.

At this address https://dr-zubov.ru/implantaciya/proizvoditeli/ards/idealnoe-sootnoshenie-ceny-i-kachestva.html you will find a detailed description of ARDS implants.

The benefits of visiting a private dental center

Our dental clinic "Aesculapius" offers patients an American Zimmer dental implant, which has no analogues anywhere in the world. Unique developments and carefully thought-out design will provide a person with strong teeth for life. In our clinic, prosthesis implantation (USA) is carried out by experienced doctors who have been working in one close-knit team for a long time. We offer:

  1. Original products from well-known manufacturers.
  2. Favorable prices for implantation and treatment.
  3. Maximum comfort while waiting and undergoing procedures.
  4. Examination using modern equipment.
  5. Observe the patient until complete recovery.

Sometimes during implantation it is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth - our specialists will perform this procedure, like others accompanying implantation, quickly and efficiently. Call now and make an appointment!

Indications and contraindications

What Zimmer differentiates is that they fit where other implants fail. Thus, there is a wide range of indications for implantation:

  • with minimal bone volume;
  • with bruxism, these are the only systems that provide such an opportunity;
  • to minimize the healing time, the prosthesis can be fixed after 2.5 months;
  • in case of pathologies and other exceptional cases;
  • If you previously had a bad experience and the engraftment failed, this is not possible with implants from Zimmer.

There are no contraindications to implantation of products of this particular brand. Relative prohibitions with an individual approach are completely eliminated .

However, it is worth noting that there are absolute prohibitions on the installation of orthopedic structures in general:

  • diabetes mellitus 1 degree;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • endocrine problems with the thyroid gland;
  • age of the patient (individual condition is taken into account).


Despite the insignificant prevalence of Zimmer Dental implants in our country, some patients in dental clinics have already experienced all the benefits of the trabecular structure of tantalum.

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The lineup

The company's dental products are divided into three main types: standard, thin and mini implants. The former are used in standard cases that do not have exceptional structural features.

The latter are prescribed when there is very thin bone tissue. The internal part of such rods is narrowed and allows you to easily install the base without the risk of transformation.

Mini implants are used for a one-step procedure. The operation is carried out immediately after the removal of your own tooth, which allows you to reduce drilling or completely eliminate it. A characteristic feature is the root of the structure, fused with the abutment.

Attention! You can only find out which implant is suitable in a particular case by consulting a specialist. Often in expensive private clinics, where the patient agrees to install the expensive Zimmer system, the consultation is free.

Zimmer Trabecular Implants: What are they?

The American medical brand Zimmer does not need any special introduction: this company is a world leader in the production of joint implants. Zimmer laboratories have developed a special type of implant - with increased porosity. These structures are called trabecular implants.

The sponginess of the structures ensures the strongest possible fixation of the implant in the bone tissue.

Initially, the brand produced structures only for operations on joints, but later introduced technologies that made it possible to produce dental trabecular implants.

Take a short test and calculate the cost of treatment!

Take a short test

  • Selection of implants
  • Which tooth is missing?
  • How long has the tooth been lost?
  • Missing teeth
  • Cost calculation


Manukyan Artavazd Genrikovich

Chief physician of the clinic

Installation sequence

After the consultation, the dentist reports on the installation progress and its sequence. The operation is performed only after the preparatory part and complete elimination of all contraindications.

The time required to secure the implant is from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the specific case. Implantation can take place either under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

Tolerable pain after fixing the structure is quite normal, since surgical intervention took place in the bony part of the jaw.

After a few days or a week, the discomfort will disappear. However, if the pain symptoms do not go away on the 10th day, it is imperative to consult the doctor who performed the installation.


Preparatory procedures include:

  • identifying contraindications through conversation with the patient;
  • the general condition of the oral cavity and the condition of the teeth in the immediate vicinity of the necessary are studied;
  • An X-ray or computed tomography scan of the jaw is required to determine the density and thickness of the tissue for implantation;
  • It is imperative to treat other unhealthy teeth and gums before surgery to avoid possible complications.

Also, a week before the implantation procedure, it is necessary to maintain complete oral hygiene. In addition to standard brushing of teeth, it is recommended to rinse with special antiseptic solutions.

Elimination of relative contraindications

Elimination of relative prohibitions on the installation of structures is carried out solely on the basis of the individual characteristics of the organism.

Zimmer implants are universal and do not have their own contraindications, but common problems must be eliminated before surgery.

For example, gum inflammation, herpes and other changes in the oral cavity are considered a minor obstacle. However, before the operation, you must undergo a course of treatment and completely get rid of them. To do this, the dentist himself prescribes treatment or sends you to another more competent doctor.

Diseases such as caries, periodontitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease must be eliminated. Also, when replacing old structures with new ones, it is necessary to thoroughly study the compatibility of materials in order to avoid corrosion.

Implantation surgery

The operation to install one implant takes about 10 minutes. The rest of the time is preparatory work and a short break after.

A classic operation without complications and bone grafting is performed according to the following scheme:

  • the gums and periosteum are retracted to expose the bone;
  • a bed for the structure is formed in the jaw in the right place using a special machine;
  • the implant is inserted into the bone and securely fixed;
  • then the gums return to their normal state; if necessary, the soft tissues are cut and stitched back together at the end of the operation.

Interesting! To prevent the bone tissue from overheating due to the speed of drilling, the machine is equipped with a system with a special irrigation liquid. Therefore, the implantation takes place with an assistant to remove excess solution that obscures the view.

Israeli dental implants Cortex and expert reviews of the systems. In this publication, we will consider in detail the design of Impro implants.

Follow the link https://dr-zubov.ru/implantaciya/proizvoditeli/sgs/shvejcarskie-dostupnost-kachestvo.html if you are interested in the price of installing SGS implants.

Recovery period

During the rehabilitation period, maximum attention is paid to oral hygiene. You should always brush your teeth on time. To do this, it is recommended to use medium-hard brushes. Antiseptic rinsing solutions should not be neglected.

Food during recovery should certainly be soft. Fatty, sour and spicy foods are excluded - foods can serve as a catalyst for the development of infections, which will lead to complications. It is also recommended to avoid very hot or cold drinks, coffee and soda.

Undoubtedly, you need to take antimicrobial drugs, which are necessarily prescribed by your doctor. Often, for the first time after the procedure, it is recommended to treat the gums with special ointments for speedy healing.


In the best case, prosthetics are performed 2 months after installing the implant on the lower jaw, and after 4-6 months on the upper jaw . These deadlines are maintained to minimize the risk of rejection.

There are methods of instantaneous loading (everything is fixed at once). And in three days you can get a finished prosthesis, but in this case the possibility of infection or further rejection increases several times.

The installation of a crown can be either permanent or conditionally removable prosthetics. One differs from the other mainly in the preparation of implants and teeth located nearby. The second method is used only if the patient has complete absence of teeth.

Important! If the implant “scrolls” before or during prosthetic surgery, it is entirely the dentist’s fault. You should not listen to explanations about “organism factors.”

In private clinics, a similar situation is immediately specified in the contract, and most often the clinic performs a repeat operation at its own expense or returns the money.

The video shows the protocol for installing Zimmer implants.

Life time

The service life of tantalum products that manufacturers promise may differ significantly from the actual service life of a unique design.

The following factors can affect this indicator:

  • non-compliance with the rules of oral care after prosthetics;
  • general state of immunity and health of the body;
  • type of installed structure;
  • qualification level of the specialist performing prosthetics.

Manufacturers promise Zimmer implants 10 years of reliable service, however, with proper oral care and positive individual characteristics of the body, replacement of the artificial root may be necessary after 15 or even 20 years.

Note! The service life of the metal part of the tooth and its crown should not be confused. The last structural element of the prosthesis may break, partially chip, or acquire other defects.

However, the implant will remain absolutely suitable for further use. Over the entire service life of a metal product, you can change several crowns, it all depends on the material from which they will be made.


The cost of Zimmer dental implants is not even in the middle segment of this market. But the high price for the product has several influencing factors:

  • the cost of the material itself;
  • installation specialists are trained only in the USA;
  • The production of prostheses is almost individual.

Due to the fact that products are ordered abroad, their cost in rubles depends on the current exchange rate. However, a complete installation from A to Z is estimated at 100 thousand rubles and more.

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