Is it possible to do dental implants for women during menstruation?

Representatives of the fair sex are especially careful about the beauty of their smile. Daily oral hygiene, timely treatment of caries, professional cleaning, whitening, dental restoration, and other dental procedures help maintain the health and aesthetics of the dental system. However, even careful care does not guarantee the loss of teeth. If this happens, then implantation is the best way to restore the dentition. However, this method is associated with some difficulties due to the characteristics of the female body, especially during menstruation or pregnancy.

Is it possible to install dental implants during “critical days”

In addition to the classic contraindications, women also need to remember additional ones, which are:

  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation.

Since implantation is not performed due to acute pain, which is observed in the presence of many other dental problems, it can be performed at a more appropriate time. “Critical days” do not last long, so it is recommended to consult a doctor after they are over, after the body and hormones have been restored to normal levels.

Menstruation can occur in different ways. Some women feel significant pain, while others notice little difference from other days. Also, certain days are considered the most painful, which is associated with bleeding, pain and a feeling of weakness. In this regard, doctors do not recommend installing an implant or performing other surgical procedures during this period of 3-7 days, since the body is weakened.

It is important to mention the fact that the body may react differently to medications during menstruation, as a result of which pain medications may not be as effective. This requires the use of an increased dosage, which poses an additional danger.

When you can and when you can’t start installing implants

Dental implantation is not performed during menstruation. Doctors also recommend postponing it if you plan to have your period in the next 3-5 days. It is during this period of time that active hormonal changes in the body occur, metabolism decreases, and the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood jumps sharply (immediately after the start of menstruation, these indicators, on the contrary, sharply decline). Also, under the influence of hormones, a large number of toxins accumulate in the body, the outflow of fluid becomes difficult, blood sugar levels decrease, and hormonal imbalance occurs. Against this background, the woman manifests a stressful, depressed state, and mood swings.

At the end of menstruation, it is advisable to wait 3-5 days for the female body to recover. And already then you can safely begin to restore dental defects.

In 60% of all women, the menstrual cycle is 28 days, the duration of “critical days” ranges from 2 to 7. The body loses up to 40 milliliters of blood per day, up to 150 milliliters over the entire period, which significantly weakens its protective functions and reactions.

Problematic blood clotting

Implantation involves an incision in the gum, which causes some blood loss. If blood clotting is normal, the wound heals quite quickly, the tissues are restored, and the bleeding itself does not last long. During menstruation, faster blood clotting is observed, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the vascular beds. This can cause blockage of blood vessels and disruption of adequate blood flow and oxygen supply to tissues, which negatively affects the functioning of various organs.

What happens to a woman's body during menstruation

During this difficult period for a woman, her body experiences stress, her immunity decreases, and the following changes occur that can significantly affect her well-being during dental implantation:

  • the pain threshold increases: this means that even minor injuries can seem very painful. And analgesics and even strong anesthesia may simply be ineffective during this period. For example, it is also not recommended to remove teeth during menstruation (although with one-step implantation methods, two procedures can be carried out simultaneously), because in this state a woman can simply lose consciousness from pain shock. Even though the procedure is not actually that painful, and when anesthesia is used, it generally takes place without any discomfort,
  • it is difficult to relieve pain after surgery: even if the procedure was successful, after the intervention you cannot avoid the body’s natural reaction and pain, and pills may not cope,
  • blood clotting is impaired: during this period, the number of platelets in a woman’s blood sharply decreases (by 40-60% compared to the norm), which are precisely responsible for good blood clotting after any surgical interventions. This mechanism is programmed by nature and allows you to avoid the occurrence of blood clots, blockage of blood vessels, and the formation of clots in internal organs during “critical days”,
  • immunity sharply decreases and at the same time the risk of contracting an infection increases. He will accompany you both during the installation of implants, if sterility was violated, and during the rehabilitation period. Indeed, in such conditions, the entry of even a small number of pathogenic bacteria into the wound can result in severe infectious inflammation, suppuration, peri-implantitis,
  • Blood pressure drops: against this background, headaches and malaise occur.

Briefly about implantation

This is a dental operation to implant artificial roots in place of lost teeth. Implants are installed using two-stage and one-stage treatment protocols. The classic method involves the implantation of titanium rods in two stages: first, installation of an implant, and six months later, prosthetics with crowns.

One-step protocols allow the installation of artificial roots with immediate loading of the prostheses. Treatment takes only a few days. These technologies are used simultaneously with the removal of a dental unit (simultaneous implantation), the loss of several elements, or in the complete absence of teeth (zygomatic, basal implantation, All-on-4 or All-on-6).

What complications may arise during and after implantation?

The menstrual cycle, namely the moment of menstruation itself, and the installation of implants should not be combined. This can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Does the chosen implantation method affect contraindications? The least number of contraindications exist for one-stage implantation options with immediate loading, when the installation of implants and fixation of the prosthesis takes place in the shortest possible time. The greatest is a two-stage treatment with delayed loading, when the treatment process is extended over months. But in both cases, it is not recommended to install the implant during the “critical days”. Also, other related operations that require surgical intervention cannot be performed: sinus lifting or bone tissue augmentation, gum grafting.

The following are complications that may occur if surgery is performed against the background of hormonal changes. Of course, they are rare. Plus, a competent specialist will conduct training, that is, he will definitely assess the patient’s health condition.

Development of bleeding

During her critical days, a woman already loses blood. And when a doctor performs the procedure for installing implants, even if he does it in the most minimally invasive way, by puncture and through special surgical templates, the specialist still affects the mucous membrane, gums, and affects capillaries and blood vessels. But the danger is not even this, but the fact that platelet production is disrupted during menstruation. Simply put, when the capillaries are damaged, the blood becomes less able to clot, which can develop into serious, severe and unstoppable bleeding.

With complications, a woman can lose more than 500 milliliters of blood, and this condition requires urgent hospitalization.

Blood clots

As mentioned above, malfunctions in the hematopoietic system and blood clotting can lead to significant blood loss. But given the individual characteristics of the body, the exact opposite situation can also happen: cuts on the mucous membrane, disruption of the integrity of soft and hard tissues can contribute to increased activation of blood clotting factors. In this case, the resulting clots, or blood clots in other words, can “get stuck” directly in the vessels, preventing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the organs. Then complications can occur in the heart, brain, lungs and other vital organs.

Formation of intraosseous hematoma

It is continuous bleeding that can become a risk factor for the development of this complication. The release of blood in the area where the implant comes into contact with the jaw bone is especially dangerous. Because It is here that, in an unfavorable environment, fibrous tissue begins to actively form, which prevents the implant from firmly merging with the bone. What consequences will this lead to? The implant will begin to wobble and shift. Moreover, at a doctor's appointment, palpation will reveal that it is rotating inside, and it will only be possible to remove it with surgical intervention.

Implant rejection

Hormonal imbalance during menstruation also affects a woman’s mental state. During this period of time, she is susceptible to stress and nervous overexcitability. The body’s protective functions are also suppressed; accordingly, the most critical period after the installation of implants – the first days – will be complicated by more intense pain, and the tissue will take longer to heal than in a normal situation. The risk of infection also increases. Against the background of reduced immunity, this may result in implant rejection.

Of course, such complications do not occur in all women and they can occur in a mild form. But still, it’s better not to take risks, even if you spend the period of “critical days” easily and without much discomfort. Wait a couple of weeks and, together with your doctor, choose a date for surgery that will be as safe as possible for you.

Author: Dzhutova A. V. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

Menstruation and dental implantation: what doctors say

When planning an operation, the dentist asks the woman about the date of her critical days. If they fall on the date of installation of the implants, the doctor reschedules the treatment. The procedure is prescribed a few days, or better yet, a week before the start of menstruation. That is, it is contraindicated during menstruation.

This restriction applies to any surgical intervention unless it is an emergency. This is due to the fact that tissues are injured and for their restoration the body must be in a stable state. During menstruation, the stability of many systems of the female body is disrupted, which means health complications may arise.

Any doctor will refuse implantation to a patient if she is having her period during her period.

How often do periods occur during pregnancy?

15–20% of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion in the early stages.
However, it is important to understand that although bloody vaginal discharge against the background of a live intrauterine pregnancy is designated by doctors as a “threat of miscarriage,” in a large number of cases, despite the dire diagnosis, such a pregnancy is successfully carried to term. If an interruption does occur, in most cases (overwhelming) we are talking about genetic abnormalities of the fetus that are incompatible with life. Other reasons include infectious diseases in the early stages, hormonal imbalances, physical overload, and so on.

Causes of discharge

After fertilization, the blastocyst seeks a place for attachment in order to further form the chorion, and then the placenta. Every month, the endometrium inside the uterine cavity prepares for the upcoming event. In cases where conception still does not occur, its upper layers peel off and come out along with menstrual blood.

When pregnancy has occurred, the endometrium, loose and full-blooded, is ready for implantation of the blastocyst and accepts it. The developing embryo secretes special enzymes that “dissolve” the attachment site deeper. As a result, the integrity of the vascular wall is compromised, mostly in the capillaries. As a result, a small amount of blood is released from the uterine cavity through the cervix to the outside.

Signs and symptoms of implantation bleeding

After ovulation, the female body actively prepares for the birth of a new life. The uterine cavity is covered with endometrium, to which the fertilized egg must attach. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium leaves the uterus during menstruation. Otherwise, the fertilized egg is implanted into the mucous membrane. The endometrium has a loose structure equipped with capillaries. During the process of attachment of the zygote, the capillaries may be damaged. As a result, a small amount of blood fluid comes out. When this process coincides with menstruation, a woman may confuse her period with pregnancy.

Could spotting indicate an ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg deviates from its intended path and implants in the wrong place - outside the uterine cavity.
The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract is not uncommon during an ectopic pregnancy. Unlike menstrual bleeding, they have a thicker consistency and darker color.

It should be remembered that in the early stages, the signs of ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy are very similar to the signs of normal pregnancy (delayed menstruation, swelling of the mammary glands, positive urinary pregnancy test).

Any suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy is an indication for emergency hospitalization, as this is a life-threatening condition.

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