It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight. Anatomy of the upper sixth
How many canals are there in the teeth of the upper and lower jaw? The main parts of the tooth are the crown (raised
types of irons
Plaster, spatula, plugger - important tools in therapeutic dentistry
Dental smoother Description, purpose This is the main tool in therapeutic dentistry, used for filling teeth.
Lidocaine spray
Lidocaine spray for external and local use 10% 38g
From this article you will learn: what lidocaine-based drugs are used in dentistry, to what extent
Compliance with the algorithm for choosing a local anesthetic in outpatient dentistry as a prevention of emergency conditions
Advantages and disadvantages For simple surgical interventions, local anesthesia is indispensable, it has advantages
Indications for filing teeth
Separation before installing braces - an alternative to tooth extraction
10860 Teeth filing technology has been used in dental practice since the beginning of the 19th century. At that
Complications after tooth extraction: there is something white in the socket, the wound is bleeding, the gums hurt, a growth has formed on the gum, the cheek is swollen
After the end of exposure to anesthetic substances, the pain syndrome returns to the patient who has survived tooth extraction. Pain
Treatment of stomatitis in children in a multidisciplinary clinic
A child’s cheek hurts: possible causes, methods and methods of treatment, prevention
Causes of stomatitis Imperfection of local and general defenses of the child’s body makes the mucous membranes of the cavity
dental x-ray
X-ray of the lower and upper jaw of an adult: features that show
According to statistics, every third person suffers from pathologies of bones and joints. One of the first places
Orthodontics. Using an orthodontic appliance for early loss of primary teeth
Among the products used during orthodontic correction, orthodontic ring crowns are often found. Despite the smaller
Dental handpieces at T-Med LLC
Algorithms for selecting handpieces for dentists of different specialties
Catalog: Dental handpieces / Help in choosing Fig.1. Turbine and micromotor dental handpieces Handpieces
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