Acetone in the blood: why it appears, signs and forms of increase, diagnosis, therapy
How to detect and how to treat acetonemia? Diagnosis of elevated acetone in the blood is possible as in
Cyst on the gum after tooth extraction: causes of formation and treatment
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Photo of He-gu acupuncture point for tooth pain
Acupressure for acute toothache: which points and how to massage?
Probably one of the most terrible pains a person can experience is toothache. When it hurts
tongue piercing
Piercing a girl's tongue: a sign of frivolity or just a tribute to fashion
Piercing is a fairly common procedure. She no longer causes much bewilderment among those around her.
Stages of installing Superline implants
Dental implantation with the Dentium system (Dentium) South Korea
6494 Modern implantology makes it possible to bring the oral cavity of any patient to almost perfection. Quality materials
Retention period: how to keep straight teeth after removing braces
Devices of this type are used to confirm already achieved results and maintain the resulting therapeutic effect,
Teach children about oral hygiene
Tartar in a child - how to prevent the problem
The appearance of tartar in children is based on local causes. First of all
Tonsils (tonsils) protect the respiratory system from pathogenic microorganisms
Treatment of tonsillitis, rinsing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils
Chronic tonsillitis is a process that is quite difficult to combat, because its symptoms are often
Lion toothpaste – another Japanese perfection
A snow-white smile like from the cover of a glossy magazine? With the right approach to oral care
Chemical and thermal burns of ENT organs: danger, first aid and treatment
A tongue burn is an injury that damages the mucous membrane, and in some cases -
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