The first reaction of parents who notice that their child is growing a second row of teeth is:
Every caring mother can share her experience of worrying about children’s illnesses, especially if
Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils. The palatine tonsils (popularly called tonsils) are
Dental veneers are microprostheses that are installed to restore the correct shape of teeth and improve them
Porcelain crowns are dental restorations made on the basis of ceramics without the use of metal. Such
Trismus of the masticatory muscles is a severe spasmodic condition when the temporomandibular joint is immobilized, the masticatory muscles
Hypersensitivity as the main cause of aching teeth. What can unpleasant aching teeth mean?
Ksenia Kotova editor of Dental Magazine From time immemorial, humanity has cared about oral hygiene. Studying
A bump on the face is always unpleasant and not very aesthetically pleasing. What to do, read
Often, after a night's sleep, a gray coating forms on the tongue of adults. This phenomenon brings