Impression of teeth
Removable butterfly denture for 1, 2, 3 teeth, what is it, indications for installation, price
People lose teeth for various reasons - due to injuries, advanced dental diseases. And of course
Dilyar face mask - indications and contraindications
Features of orthodontic treatment using Dilara face mask
10253 In orthodontic practice, special devices are quite successfully used to correct severe bite defects.
braces during pregnancy
Correcting your bite during pregnancy: myths and truth about braces and pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman has many restrictions on taking medications, as well as
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Preventive prosthetics for early loss of primary teeth
Typically, the replacement of a child’s milk teeth with permanent ones occurs in two stages. Aged
What to do if your wisdom tooth and nearby gums are sick?
A wisdom tooth is the third molar that appears later than the others, and sometimes not at all.
Ensure a calm daily routine
How many baby teeth should children normally have?
How many baby teeth do children have? Baby teeth and even some molars are still beginning to form
image of an abscess on the gum
Dental abscess or abscess - what kind of beast?
What is it and what does it look like
Nylon dentures: lightness and comfort guaranteed
09/06/2017 To fill the missing crowns of the dentition, dentists, along with implants, widely use various
Is it possible to remove moles and other skin growths?
From this article you will learn: What moles on the face “say” Why they appear
what is a T4A trainer, where can you buy or order it, photo of the design
Trainer T4A: description, pros and cons of use
Bite defects, both in adults and children, develop gradually, with varying degrees
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