Why is New Pearl toothpaste better than ROCS? Expensive cosmetics that are not worth the money: examination results






We have already written about popular products that were included in the “black list” of Roskontrol. However, it is not only food that harms the body, so we decided to compile a rating of the lowest-quality cosmetics according to experts. It turned out that cheap is not always bad.

Vilsen Group Aloe Extra Dent

Cheap toothpaste, which looks like curd, has a sickly sweet taste. This product will not be able to freshen your breath, because the product does not foam well and does not clean your teeth well.

After use, an unpleasant burning sensation remains in the mouth, caused by ingredients that are unsafe for the delicate tissues of the oral cavity.

With or without fluoride?

Photo: Scott Ehardt/Wikipedia

Three of the seven tested samples - Parodontol, Biomed and Splat Professional toothpastes - do not contain fluoride. It should be noted that many Russians prefer toothpaste without fluoride, believing that these substances can harm the body and cause fluorosis - a chronic disease in which white or dark spots appear on the teeth. However, in order to get at least some harm, you need not only to brush your teeth with fluoride-containing toothpastes, but also to constantly consume water and food with increased

fluoride content, but this is not so simple. Meanwhile, dentists still consider fluoride to be the most effective means of caries prevention, so buying toothpaste with fluoride is possible and even necessary. But there are exceptions: for residents of regions where drinking water already contains a lot of fluoride, it is better not to use pastes with its addition. For everyone else, including Muscovites, toothpastes with fluoride will be useful.

By the way, the amount of fluoride in the “New Pearl”, Blend-a-med, President and “Forest Balsam” pastes turned out to be within the normal range.

SPLAT Medicinal herbs

According to the manufacturers, this paste will help everyone cope with gum problems. The product attracts consumers with its pleasant consistency and impressive size tube, the cost of which is very affordable.

A product made from medicinal herbal extracts will help get rid of plaque on teeth or bad breath. But in return, it will “give” a sore throat and the urge to cough.

Perhaps this is a consequence of the fact that the manufacturer, using dishonest marketing tactics and attracting attention with “eco-friendly” pictures on the tube, shamelessly uses ingredients that are unsafe for the human body.

Experts reveal which toothpaste should not be used to brush your teeth

Experts from Roskontrol took for testing in the laboratory seven samples of toothpaste from popular brands that are presented on the shelves of Russian stores.

Thus, experts tested Biomed, Splat Professional, Blend-a-med, President, “Forest Balsam”, “New Pearl” and “Parodontol” pastes.
Based on the results of the research, only 5 samples were recommended for purchase, one paste was included in the list of products with comments, and the other was blacklisted. It is worth noting that the products were studied according to more than 70 indicators, the main of which was high-quality and effective teeth cleaning.

So, of the presented samples, the “Forest Balsam” toothpaste cleanses teeth best; President copes with this task worst of all. Three toothpastes (“Forest Balsam”, “New Pearl” and Blend-a-med) have a whitening effect, but Splat Professional toothpaste, which is claimed to have a whitening effect, does not have such an effect. For this, the product was included in the list with comments.

In the “New Pearl” and Biomed pastes, experts identified increased toxicity levels. After notification of violations, the last manufacturer corrected them, and based on the results of a re-test, there were no toxins.

As a result of the inspection, New Pearl toothpaste was included in the “black list”. And the best paste was the Forest Balsam paste, according to the organization’s website.

Let us note that earlier doctors told why you should not delay your trip to the dentist. According to experts, almost half of the population of our planet suffers from oral diseases and still people are in no hurry to go to a specialist, and many even bypass the dental office a mile away.

Previously, experts told how bad teeth destroy the human body. Dental problems can cause not only toothache, but also back pain and headaches. Doctors also spoke about the dangers of rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth. Thus, experts recommend giving up the habit of vigorously rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth. According to doctors, in this case, fluoride is actively washed away, which poses a danger to teeth.

By the way, in the Smolensk region, a dentist gave a woman bad implants instead of high-quality ones.
The woman was going to install implants made of high-quality materials and paid more than 140 thousand rubles for it. After some time, she began to feel discomfort and went to another clinic. It turned out that her fears were not in vain; the doctor used cheap material, taking a lot of money from the patient. Having learned about the fraud, the victim contacted the police. You can send your news, photos and videos to the editorial office on WhatsApp at +79107850457

Grandma Agafya's recipes

A paste with a whitening effect, made on the basis of propolis and capable of relieving problems with gums and eliminating the appearance of tartar, does not have the declared properties.

This is confirmed by an independent examination conducted by Roskontrol specialists. Violations of production technology were identified in the product taken for analysis. The consistency of the product and the fluorine content do not meet the requirements.

Colgate Triple Action

This product can hardly be called a hygiene product. This manufacturer's toothpaste does not meet safety standards, which means a complete disregard for consumers and a lack of concern for their health.

The product contains much less fluorine than the manufacturers stated, and therefore not only does not cope well with disinfection, but also does not maintain the quality of the enamel.

Ways to get rid of plaque and tartar

As has already been said, there are no miraculous ways to end plaque forever. Everything depends only on careful oral hygiene with the right brush and paste.

As for the stone, simple cleaning will not help. Contrary to your ideas and the assurances of brands, not a single toothpaste can cope with a stone that has ALREADY appeared. Here, only professional teeth cleaning from a hygienist will come to the rescue. By the way, dentists recommend undergoing this procedure once every six months.

Previously, cleaning was only mechanical, which is why it was quite unpleasant. Modern dentistry is ready to offer you various options, including an ultrasound procedure with minimal discomfort.

But after brushing, it’s time to choose the right toothpaste for yourself.

Best in Whitening

Photo: stevepb/pixabay.com

Only one toothpaste out of all those tested is declared by the manufacturer to be whitening - this is a sample from the Splat Professional brand. However, in reality it turned out that it does not whiten teeth at all. But other competitors, although insignificant, still have a whitening effect - “Forest Balsam”, “New Pearl” and Blend-a-med.

And Splat Professional paste was included in the list of products with criticism for misleading consumers.

New Pearl Fluorine

Consumers who decide to entrust the health of their teeth to the manufacturer of this hygiene product note that after use, a pleasant feeling of freshness is felt in just a few minutes. It is also not possible to achieve ideal teeth cleanliness.

In addition, after opening, the paste gradually becomes more and more liquid.

Laboratory studies conducted by Roskontrol specialists showed that the prototype did not comply with safety requirements.

See also:

Cheap toothpaste as a powerful savings tool

Sensodyne F

Customer reviews of this paste vary. Some people like this product, but most people agree that this hygiene product is unreasonably overpriced.

The paste does not cope well with plaque, and the teeth do not get the promised whiteness.

After using Sensodyne F, your mouth does not feel fresh. The paste has no aroma or distinct taste, and resembles tooth powder reduced to a paste. In general, the consistency of the mass is very liquid, although the paste does not fall off the brush.

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Silka Dent

Beautiful girls who advertise this inexpensive toothpaste and assure that the “triple effect” will be visible tomorrow are unlikely to use this paste to clean their own teeth. The reason for this is the “complex” composition of the hygiene product, which is not beneficial for teeth.

According to consumers, Silka Dent paste is not worth buying, despite its affordable price. You will not be able to remove plaque or achieve fresh breath with such a product.

Healthy teeth are another reason to smile. A smiling person is open to communication, easily finds friends and makes the necessary acquaintances. A high-quality toothpaste that meets standards and is produced without violating technology helps you not to be ashamed of your own smile.

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