Malavit solution: indications for use
"Malavit" for gargling: instructions for use, analogues and reviews
External hygiene product Malavit has a wide spectrum of action. The solution is made exclusively on the basis of natural
Tooth wear – pathological and physiological
By length This is a classification according to Kurlyandsky. According to this criterion, pathology is divided into the following types:
Broken tooth: causes of fracture and restoration methods
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
fibromatosis of the gums
Gum hyperplasia (fibromatosis) – 5 symptoms, 3 stages, treatment
Gingival fibromatosis is an overgrowth of gum tissue. A typical manifestation of fibromatosis is edge hypertrophy
When is it advisable to brush your teeth?
What is the best way to brush your teeth in the morning - before or after breakfast? — inexpensive dentistry on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow
In dentistry, as in any human activity, there are a number of controversial issues and unresolved
Open and closed curettage of periodontal pockets
From this article you will learn: what is curettage of gums and teeth (video), its techniques
Conditions for receiving compensation for dental prosthetics for a pensioner
Compensation payments for dental treatment - regulatory framework Income tax refund of 13%
Photo of white plaque on the wound after tooth extraction
What is stomatitis: where do ulcers on the tongue, palate, and gums come from?
One of the most common diseases associated with damage to the mucous membrane in the human oral cavity is
In what cases should you use this type of cleaning?
Pros and cons of ultrasonic tartar removal
The deposits on the teeth that a regular brush does not remove gradually thicken and harden, turning into
White&Smile: how effective and safe is this teeth whitening method?
Julia looked at herself... and decided that she was not beautiful enough. The situation began to be corrected with
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