Innovative caries elimination using Icon technology is a worthy alternative to classical treatment


For most of the population, the sound of a dental drill evokes indescribable horror, which is why the need to visit the dentist’s office makes the knees tremble.

The dental industry is rapidly evolving towards providing patients with painless and effective treatment.

The German Icon technology, actively used by European dentists, refers specifically to such methods of therapy.

General overview

Icon technology has recently appeared in modern dentistry, but is already in great demand among patients.

The technique was developed in Germany in collaboration with the Charité Institute and the University of Kiel. This development offers patients microinvasive treatment of the initial stages of caries, while preserving dentinal tissue.

The technique involves painless therapy, excluding the use of a drill. Using the infiltration method, initial caries with lesion depths E1, E2 and D1 is completely cured.

When is dental treatment performed without a drill?

Treatment with the Icon method is used only at the initial stage of caries (surface stain stage). There are several categories of carious lesions based on the depth of the lesion. According to the degree of penetration into the enamel, forms E1 and E2 are distinguished, and according to the depth of penetration into dentin - D1, D2 and D3.

With the help of infiltration, only defects of types E1, E2 and D1 can be eliminated. That is, with a deep carious “hollow” that has affected most of the dentin, it is already necessary to drill out the affected areas and place a filling.

The drug can be used for damage to any area of ​​the enamel, including the cervical and interdental area, as well as on fissures (the surface of chewing teeth). Sure signs that you should use Icon are the formation of a chalky spot on the crown and increased sensitivity to cold and hot foods.

There is no point in using the solution on healthy enamel, for example, for the purpose of remineralization. In this case, it is better to carry out fluoridation. There are no other contraindications to the use of Icon.

Operating principle

Under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, tooth enamel is demineralized in some places, which leads to the development of caries, and in severe cases, tooth extraction.
If you pay attention to the condition of your teeth in time and identify the development of pathology at an early stage, you can correct the situation by resorting to the Icon method.

The principle of operation is based on the fact that the area of ​​the tooth affected by caries is filled with a polymer composition , the main task of which is to seal and stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

It is possible to stop the growth of bacteria in one visit to the dentist, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage of the technology.

During the procedure, the enamel is not destroyed, and the natural appearance of the tooth is preserved. In addition, Icon preparations restore the density of tooth enamel, thereby providing increased resistance to acidic environments.

Liquid filling Icon: what is it?

Icon is an abbreviation for the words Infiltration Concept, which means “infiltration concept”.
Infiltration is a microinvasive, that is, gentle dental treatment. The principle is that the liquid light-composite material penetrates the porous enamel and reliably “seals” the exposed surface of the tooth. The drug Ikon was developed by the German company DMG and has been used around the world since 2000.

How did Icon technology come about?

Icon, short for Infiltration Concept, which means “infiltration concept”. This technology was developed by the German company DMG, then it began to be widely used in European countries, and today it is already gaining popularity in Russia.

This treatment is minimally invasive and very popular in modern medicine, as it involves minimal interference in the natural functioning of the human body.

This technique works by introducing a polymer composition into the area affected by caries. The main objective of this treatment technology is to seal the affected cavity and stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, Icon helps restore the previous density of dental tissue and makes it much more resistant to acids in the future. Infiltration is an innovative method in dentistry.

This procedure is indicated for the early stages of caries development, when it appears as a white or dark spot on the enamel. That is, when there is no carious cavity on the surface yet.

It is especially convenient to use this technique when caries affects places that are difficult to reach. It is difficult to clean the spaces between teeth with a drill, but with the help of Icon, you can easily carry out treatment, since the device has very thin applicators.

Icon is often used to treat dark spots after braces are removed. Thus, caries is stopped at its early stage, protecting the beauty of the patient’s smile. In this case, tooth enamel does not crack, its color and transparency are preserved.


Infiltration using the Icon method has the following features:

  1. Its use gives positive results in the early and middle stages of the disease, until it progresses to a deep stage. Deep caries cannot be cured by this method; for such a disease, it is advisable to perform a filling using the classical method.
  2. Icon strengthens tooth tissues and promotes their future resistance to the effects of acids. With this method of treatment, the layer of the tooth affected by caries is also removed by burning, but it is much less than when using a drill. Also, the new technology resists cracks in the enamel, which remains hard after the procedure.
  3. Icon cannot always stop tooth decay. In some cases it may return. In this case, restoration of the dental organ and its treatment using the classical method are used. But such cases are very rare. At the same time, it is important to understand that the patient will not lose anything special, since, without using the Icon, he would still have to use a drill.


  • Etch: hydrochloric acid, pyrogenic silicic acid, surfactants
  • Dry: 99% ethanol
  • Infiltrant: methacrylate resin matrix, initiators, additives

Release forms

Icon Kariesinfiltrant - approximal Starter kit of 2 treatment kits Pack of 7 treatment kits

Icon Kariesinfiltrant - vestibular Starter kit of 2 treatment kits Pack of 7 treatment kits

Each treatment kit contains: Kariesinfiltrant - approximal • 1 Etch syringe with 0.3 ml liquid • 1 Dry syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • 1 Infiltrant syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • Accessories

Kariesinfiltrant - vestibular • 1 Etch syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • 1 Dry syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • 1 Infiltrant syringe with 0.45 ml liquid • Accessories

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other type of treatment, Icon has both pros and cons. Let's consider both.


  1. Minor tooth decay can be treated without preparing it.
  2. Short duration of treatment, approximately 20-25 minutes.
  3. No anesthesia or drill is used. The procedure is absolutely painless.
  4. Healthy tissues of the dental organ are not loaded, as happens with classical treatment.
  5. The area treated with this method is completely invisible against the background of other organs of the oral cavity.


  • such treatment gives results only in cases of superficial tissue damage; it does not treat deep caries; it requires the tooth to be prepared and filled;
  • the cost is significantly higher compared to classical treatment. This procedure will cost approximately 3.5-4 thousand rubles. And in economy class dentistry it is perhaps a little cheaper;
  • Only a highly qualified and advanced specialist in the field of new technologies can carry out such treatment efficiently;
  • To date, there is no consensus among experts regarding such treatment. There are both its supporters and opponents;
  • With this technique, a thin layer of the tooth still evaporates, although it is much smaller than when using a drill. At the same time, it is not always possible to stop caries, and the patient must subsequently resort to drilling.

Indications for the procedure

It’s not for nothing that doctors call caries treatment using the Icon method a “dental miracle.” The technology makes it possible to remove carious defects using various medicinal compounds and does not require the use of a large number of specialized instruments or the introduction of anesthetics. Its use is relevant in the following situations:

  • Initial caries. Dentin should be affected no more than 30%. But the best results can be achieved when only external damage to the enamel is detected.
  • Chalk spots that appear as a result of prolonged wearing of braces.
  • Unadvanced caries, localized in poorly accessible areas of the mouth.

This is interesting: Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, symptoms and treatment at home and in dentistry.
Icon is also suitable for people who suffer from dental phobia, that is, they are panicky afraid of the dentist and cannot bring themselves to cross the threshold of his office.


There are two main contraindications to the use of the Icon technique:

  1. Late caries affecting deep layers of enamel; this type of disease requires drilling out the affected tissue and filling the cavity.
  2. Childhood. For such treatment, special concentrated acids are used that can harm the child’s body. At the same time, a sufficient duration of the procedure requires patience and perseverance, which children usually lack.

Technology and infiltration materials

The infiltration method of treatment is successfully used in pediatric and adult dentistry, due to a number of features:

  • the possibility of treating caries in the early stages without using a drill;
  • there is no need to use anesthetic drugs;
  • manipulations do not cause the formation of microcracks, and the dentin structure is strengthened;
  • the appearance of the tooth is preserved, which does not spoil the patient’s smile.

During the procedure, special materials are used, including a gel based on hydrochloric acid, ethanol and a composite material that hardens under the beam of a polymer light lamp.

Kits for infiltration treatment come in two types:

  • for smooth surfaces , used in areas located near the mucous membrane;
  • for proximal surfaces , used in areas of contact of the diseased tooth with healthy units.

The kit includes medicinal formulations and all necessary instruments.

The active elements of the drugs act exclusively on the cavity damaged by caries, without affecting healthy tissue.


Treatment of caries using the infiltration method can be used in the following cases:

  1. Removing braces. In this case, chalky spots appear on the teeth at the places where the braces are attached. The Icon technique stops the progression of the disease and preserves the integrity of the enamel.
  2. Initial stage of caries. The infiltration method allows not only to eliminate the affected tissue, but also to lighten the enamel.
  3. Caries damage in hard-to-reach places. The composition is able to penetrate into the interdental spaces.
  4. Childhood or pregnancy. The treatment process itself does not cause pain and does not cause harm to health, which allows it to be used to treat children, pregnant women and patients with contraindications to anesthetic drugs.

Let's find out together what a dentist surgeon does and what problem you need to contact him with.

Read here about methods of dental prosthetics without grinding.

At this address we will talk about non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues.

Should I use Icon?

Thanks to new developments in dentistry, treatments are improving more and more rapidly, and the drill will sooner or later be replaced by an alternative method of treating caries.

The Icon method has only been used in Russia for six years. For this reason, Russian specialists do not yet have much experience in its use. At the same time, the cost of the procedure exceeds the price of the classical method of caries treatment. And only certain categories of people who take the most careful care of their teeth can use it.

In addition, numerous surveys of dentists have shown that most patients come to treat medium and deep caries, and the initial stage is rarely treated.

But still, a patient who has been diagnosed with early caries should see a dentist who knows the Icon technique. And if your doctor recommends using it, you shouldn’t refuse. After all, with this method, healthy tooth tissue is preserved, and the effect on it is more gentle, compared to classical treatment. At the same time, the patient will always have time to drill the tooth if necessary.

Icon's popularity is gradually growing. It is gradually being introduced not only into expensive, but also into clinics for the middle class. Therefore, it is worth trying out the effects of new developments for yourself.

Side effects

  • In some cases, contact allergies to products of identical composition have been described.
  • If Icon-Etch comes into direct contact with the oral mucosa, the contact area may turn white. This symptom will disappear in a few days.


Despite its safety and effectiveness, infiltration technology also has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. Late stages of the disease . In this case, the deep layers of dentin are affected, and the active substance is simply not able to have the proper effect. It is more advisable to resort to the classical method.
  2. Children under 3 years of age. Due to the concentrated acids in the composition of the preparations, use on children under three years of age is not practiced. In addition, not every small patient will be able to sit through the entire procedure, fulfilling the dentist’s requests.
  3. Individual intolerance to the elements of the drug. This phenomenon is rare, but if you are allergic to any component, the specialist will refuse to perform the procedure.

Stages of implementation

Treatment using Icon technology takes no more than 20-25 minutes. The process itself is divided into preparation, pickling, drying and infiltration.

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The dentist cleans the tooth surface from food debris and bacterial plaque.
  2. Using a rubber dam (latex plate), the teeth are isolated from the mucous membrane.
  3. Using medical wedges, the dentist slightly moves the teeth apart, allowing the drug to penetrate even the most inaccessible places.
  4. An etching gel is applied to the area affected by caries. Leave for a few minutes.
  5. The gel is washed off with a stream of water, and the tooth itself is dried with an air stream.
  6. The first polymer is applied and illuminated with a lamp for 3 minutes. The second polymer closes the carious cavity and is kept under the lamp for a minute.

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How is caries treated using the Icon method?

Treatment of caries using the Icon method takes very little time: on average 20 – 30 minutes. In addition, the technology does not require any special preparation: in the absence of contraindications, the procedure is carried out in one visit.

Stages of treatment using the Icon method

  1. Cleaning teeth and mouth, mandatory drying.
  2. Installation of interdental wedges to highlight the working surface and protect other teeth.
  3. Apply etching gel for approximately 2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the gel.
  5. Thoroughly dry teeth using air pressure and Icon-Dry conditioner.
  6. Application of infiltrate (in two stages).
  7. Transillumination with ultraviolet light (in the first stage - 3 minutes, in the second stage - 1 minute).


As a rule, after treatment you do not need to follow any special instructions. The basic rule is to stop smoking, drinking coffee and other coloring drinks or foods for 2 hours.

The dentist may also recommend that the patient come back in a few days to ensure the quality of the procedure.

Of course, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory hygiene measures familiar from childhood:

  • oral hygiene procedures twice a day, paying special attention to brushing your teeth in the evening;
  • use floss (dental floss) to remove food debris;
  • rinse your mouth after eating.

Icon - instructions for use

  • The wavelength of light installations should be 450 nm. They should be checked regularly.
  • The luminous flux intensity must be at least 800 mW/cm2.
  • Place the light guide as close to the material as possible.
  • In white spots with a remineralized surface, often more old ones, the thickness of the pseudo-intact layer may be greater. In such cases, 2 minutes of etching may not be sufficient to remove the surface layer, and the etching and rinsing will need to be repeated. After this, drying with ICON-dry and subsequent infiltration should be carried out.
  • The surface to be etched must not be touched until the next stage of work; in addition, it must not be exposed to saliva or moisture. If after drying the etched surface does come into contact with anything, re-etch for 10 seconds and then dry with Icon-Dry.
  • Use a rubber dam. Adequate oral drying is critical for successful treatment. To do this, it is necessary to apply a rubber dam. Do not use a rubber dam based on thermoplastic elastomers, such as Flexi-Dam (Coltene Whaledent/Hygenic). Liquid Dam can also be used for use on smooth surfaces. Follow the manufacturer's directions and instructions for using the rubber dam.
  • Throw away syringes after use.


Most patients note a positive result of treatment. However, this does not mean that the technology is a miracle of medicine and will save in all cases.

The deeper the carious lesion, the worse the result. This is due to the fact that during the etching process, not all dentin layers are reached.

Thus, if you already have an average degree of caries damage, you should not expect a Hollywood smile from the procedure, so as not to be disappointed with the result.


Until recently, there were only two ways to treat early caries - prevention through fluoride treatment and an invasive technique involving preparation and restoration of the affected tissue.

Undoubtedly, one of the analogues is classical preparation with filling with a composite material (installation of a filling), which involves the use of a drill.

There are also more modern methods, which, unfortunately, are not relevant in all cases.

For example, remineralization is carried out at the initial stages of disease development. This method involves restoring the mineral composition of the protective layer and removing deposits . This technique helps to compact the enamel and enhances its resistance to carious lesions .

There is also an ART method, where instead of a drill, excavators are used, which literally “scrape off” tissue affected by caries . Afterwards, the cavity is filled with glass ionomer cement, which releases fluoride into the tissue, thereby preventing the development of caries.

Dentists' opinions

Dentists have an ambivalent attitude towards infiltration treatment. Some believe that this procedure is effective and necessary in modern dentistry.

Other experts consider it an ineffective and unnecessary technique, remaining adherents of classical methods of treatment.

Pediatric dentists have a special relationship with Icon technology, arguing for its effectiveness, ease of use, and the absence of any pain in children.

In addition, the gentle method will allow children in the future not to feel afraid of visiting the dentist’s office.

In the video, a specialist answers frequently asked questions regarding Icon dental treatment technology.


Icon caries treatment, like all new treatment methods, has a high price due to the use of expensive materials and equipment.

In order to treat one tooth in this way, you will need from 2000 to 6000 rubles, depending on the amount of work and the clinic.

The cost also depends on the qualifications of the doctor who will perform the procedure. If you are willing to spend a large amount, and at the same time not experience pain and discomfort, as happens when using boron, it is recommended to use the Ikon method.

Patient reviews

Many patients have already appreciated the painless treatment using Icon technology, drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of the technique.

Have you or your relatives also already appreciated the innovative method of caries treatment? In the comments to this article, you can always share your opinion and tell our readers about the effectiveness of the procedure.

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Tags: toothache, caries

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