supernumerary teeth
Removal of impacted (semi-retained), dystopic 8th tooth with root separation
Normally, a person grows 52 teeth over a lifetime: 20 milk teeth and 32 teeth.
Why did you dream about pulling out a tooth without bleeding according to dream books?
Why did you dream about pulling out a tooth without bleeding according to dream books?
Dream books help to understand what the human consciousness does not even notice when awake. Thanks to them
From the dentist to the gastroenterologist: Plaque on teeth.
The process of formation of dark plaque on teeth – As we said above – dark
Bacteria on gums
Gently care for your teeth with cleansing foam
How often do we come across situations where we urgently need to freshen our breath, but we don’t have a brush?
The influence of external and internal factors on the development of dental necrosis
Erosion of enamel. Wedge-shaped defect. Acid necrosis of enamel
Wedge-shaped defects are defects in the hard tissues of the tooth, located on the vestibular surface of the teeth, most often fangs.
Ozena or foul runny nose. Causes, symptoms and treatment
The cause of bad breath is not always found in the mouth. Especially when the most common reasons are
Toothpastes Lacalut: types, cost, reviews
Lakalut Active is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory toothpaste produced in Germany by Theiss Naturwaren
Removal of wisdom tooth due to caries
How to prepare for tooth extraction and what to do after?
In this material we will try to discuss how to prepare for wisdom tooth removal, basic recommendations,
How long does anesthesia wear off after tooth extraction - Line of Smile Dentistry
No pain – anesthesia in modern dentistry
Contents: Methods used in dental practice Medicines that are most often used in the dental office
What is gum necrosis and what treatment methods exist?
Necrosis is a serious pathology accompanied by the death of gum tissue. It is quite rare in dental practice.
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