From the dentist to the gastroenterologist: aphthous stomatitis.
What does aphthous stomatitis look like? Aphthae occur on the inner surface of the cheeks or lips, under the tongue,
Fundamentals of occlusion and biomechanics of the jaws: a new look at old concepts
Fundamentals of occlusion and biomechanics of the jaws: a new look at old concepts
Occlusion of the femoral artery is a violation of its patency (blockage). As a result of occlusion, arterial, enriched
Doctors distinguish several types of pathology - Dentistry "Line of Smile"
Stomatitis in the throat: symptoms, causes and methods of treatment
Have questions? Viral stomatitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity caused by a virus. Self
How to treat caries
Treatment of dental caries: causes, symptoms, stages and prices
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
The main reasons for the development of pathological taste in the mouth and ways to eliminate it
Where does the bitter taste come from? An unpleasant taste may be present constantly or appear periodically. This symptom
Bell's palsy: what to do, what not to do and what to expect for acute neuropathy (neuritis) of the facial nerve?
Often you can meet people with an interesting facial expression: it is asymmetrical, as if distorted,
Metrogil Denta, indications for use of Metrogil Denta, oral mucosa, oral cavity, gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, after tooth extraction, oral mucosa, Metrogil Denta indications for use, levomenthol, metronidazole
Metrogyl Denta is an effective drug for the treatment of defects of the oral mucosa: a brief review of the drug from a dentist
Today, dentistry is focused on comprehensive patient care, which begins with the diagnosis of the mucous membrane
How veneers are placed and installed on the front teeth: how dentists make a smile beautiful
In what cases are veneers placed, and who can do it? Microprosthetic surgery is suitable for older people
In what cases is Chlorophyllipt used for gargling?
From this article you will learn: what Chlorophyllipt helps with, how to dilute it for gargling,
Baby Doctor
4 secrets of Cholisal gel that helps with teething
Inflammation of the gums is accompanied by a number of painful symptoms that not only affect your well-being, but also
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