How to properly make a soda solution at home - for inhalation, rinsing, baths, lotions, slime: recipes, instructions

Sodium bicarbonate is most often used in the form of a soda solution. Humanity became aware of the beneficial properties of soda not so long ago, but soda solution is already actively used in many areas of human life, once again demonstrating its positive effect.

Recipes for soda solutions that help overcome illnesses are very simple and accessible to everyone

Modern methods of producing soda

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an acidic salt of carbonic acid, a white, finely crystalline powder with a salty taste. Chemical formula – NaHCO3. This powder does not explode, does not burn and is non-toxic.

Currently, the production of purified sodium bicarbonate is carried out by two methods: “wet” and “dry”. The general process is based on a carbonation reaction where the solution is saturated with carbon dioxide. Thanks to this, recrystallization occurs; the methods themselves differ only in the preparation of the solution. So, with the first method, prepared soda ash is taken and dissolved with water, while with the second method, technical bicarbonate is used.

How to prepare a 2% soda ash solution at home is of interest to many.

How to prepare a 2 percent soda solution: recipe, dosage, application, properties

In this article we will look at how to prepare a 2% soda solution.

A solution with soda is widely used among the population, as it is a fairly cheap, accessible and simple product, used in various fields, for example, in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, medicine, cooking, and as a household antiseptic.

The essence of the method

Nasal rinsing came to us from India. They used a teapot with a narrow spout, pouring the solution into one nostril and releasing it out of the other. The basis is the cleansing of the maxillary sinuses from dust, pathogens and purulent secretion in the case of inflammatory processes.

These days there are three ways to rinse your nose:

  1. Using a teapot with a narrow spout. The downside is that not everyone has such a device at hand in their home.
  2. Using a specialized washing kit or Dolphin. People suffering from chronic sinusitis have such a set.
  3. Using a wide container, such as a plate. Close one nostril with your finger and inhale the solution with the other. Then tilt your head towards the pinched nostril - the liquid will come out on its own. Doesn't require any cost, just skill.

It makes no difference which tool you use to clear your sinuses. Specialized kits are good because they come with 20-30 bags of ready-made solution, but these kits are not cheap. The washing device is a plastic bottle (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Sample of a nasal rinsing device.

Cost from 350₽ and above. For “Aqua Marisa” the starting price is 439 RUR. You can also buy a bottle on Ali Express for 200-250 rubles (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Sample bottle for washing with Ali Express.

The healing effect of soda

Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent disinfectant that helps completely get rid of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Regular baking soda is a good pain reliever and relieves inflammation.

The fact is that the nasal sinuses are a kind of filter in which pathogenic microorganisms and dust accumulate. In an acidic environment, they thrive and multiply, causing an inflammatory process.

Soda solution for rinsing the nose is an alkali that inhibits the development and activity of microbes; they simply do not survive in such an environment.

The benefit of the method of rinsing the nasal passages with sodium bicarbonate is that it:

  • softens crusts formed in the nasal sinuses;
  • reduces swelling;
  • the tone of small vessels in the nose increases;
  • reduces the formation of mucus in the nose;
  • promotes its rapid release;
  • cleanses and increases the protective function of the epithelium inside the nasal sinus;
  • heals small wounds.

Ancient Indian yogis constantly used the washing method; for this they had a special teapot with a narrow spout. With its help, they poured the soda solution into one nostril and released it out of the other. That's why they never suffered from sinusitis.

Is it possible to rinse your nose with baking soda?

Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! This procedure is especially important at the initial stage of manifestation of colds, because early prevention is more effective than active treatment.

Doctors agree that it is better not to use a pure soda solution, although it is effective, it dries out the nasal mucosa and can upset the pH level, which only provokes inflammation and the formation of crusts.

It is best to prepare a solution from soda and additional ingredients that soften its effect.

During an epidemic, it is recommended to rinse your nose with a soda-based solution in the morning and evening, which helps strengthen the immune system and helps avoid infection.

Indications for use

It is advisable to rinse your nose with soda in the following cases:

  • if a runny nose appears, which indicates the onset of a cold;
  • allergic rhinitis caused by contact with an allergen;
  • for the prevention of colds in the autumn-winter period and during epidemics;
  • if the maxillary sinuses are inflamed;
  • when signs of sinusitis and tonsillitis appear.

It is important to understand that this procedure of rinsing the nose with soda solution should be regular and systematic. Only then can a positive result be achieved - nasal congestion will go away in a matter of days.

At the same time, the effect of the medications will only increase.

To prepare the solution, only boiled or purified water at room temperature is suitable.


The chemical properties of soap and soda make it possible to use the solution for household and cosmetic purposes, as well as in folk medicine.

Useful properties of the solution:

  1. Has an antiseptic, antibacterial effect.
  2. Copes well with pathogenic microflora, infections, fungi.
  3. Cleans various contaminants without destroying the structure and pigment of the material.
  4. In cosmetic procedures it is used to remove dead particles of the epidermis, soften the skin, and accelerate renewal processes.
  5. Has hypoallergenic properties.

Read more: Properties and formula of baking soda.

Baking and pharmacy soda

Pharmacy products differ in composition from food products, and therefore the methods of their use differ somewhat. Baking soda includes:

  • sodium bicarbonate as the main active ingredient;
  • iron;
  • soda ash;
  • arsenic;
  • sulfates;
  • insoluble salts (as additional impurities);
  • chlorides.

It can be used externally to rinse the mouth and throat, but you need to be careful when using it internally, since frequent use may cause problems with the deposition of phosphate stones, blood pressure, intestines and stomach.

It is important to find out in advance how to prepare a 2 percent soda solution.

The pharmaceutical product is more strongly purified from impurities, and therefore it can be used externally, orally, and intravenously. How to properly use intravenous solutions, powders, rectal suppositories and tablets is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Depending on the scope and method of using sodium bicarbonate, you must choose pharmaceutical or baking soda.

So, how to prepare a 2 percent soda solution?

Is it possible and why?

Yes, you can, there are situations when an alkaline solution used internally in the morning and on an empty stomach has a beneficial effect on the body.
However, soda should not be consumed uncontrollably and in large quantities .

Doctors' opinions about the pros and cons of using simple white powder for medicinal purposes are quite contradictory. This is due to the fashionable trend of using soda for weight loss and prevention, and sometimes treatment of cancer.

Quite dubious recommendations, not confirmed by scientific research and applied without the appointment of qualified specialists, often lead not only to the exacerbation of chronic diseases, but also to irreversible consequences.
The effect of using H2O soda for weight loss is short-term and dangerous .
Weight loss occurs due to a decrease in the volume of fluid in the body. And this is fraught with dehydration and all the negative consequences of this process. Proper use of a substance, taking into account the general condition of a person and the presence of certain diseases, really becomes a prerequisite for recovery or prevention of certain pathological conditions.

It is important to familiarize yourself with reliable information on the topic under consideration, find out at what time of day and in what proportions it is more advisable to take an alkaline solution. This will avoid causing irreparable harm to health.


A more intensive method to reduce the temperature is rubbing with soda. To do this you need:

  • prepare a small bowl with warm water, capacity 200 ml;
  • dissolve 1 tsp. baking soda;
  • moisten gauze or a small piece of cloth;
  • wipe the child’s skin with gauze, namely the back, chest, stomach, rub the soles and palms especially well;
  • After the procedure, the child needs to put on pajamas;
  • put to bed.

Expert opinion


You should not wrap your child warmly, as this may cause the temperature to rise again.

Recipe, dosage

To prepare a two percent soda solution, you need to use a universal formula: take 98 parts of ordinary water to 2 parts of soda.

When you need to make 100 ml of solution, you should mix:

  • 98 ml plain water;
  • 2 g soda.

A teaspoon contains approximately 7 g of the substance without a slide. But modern spoons have differences in volume (depending on the manufacturer), and therefore it is advisable to measure the amount of soda using scales.

Knowing how to prepare a 2 percent soda solution will definitely come in handy in practice.

Does baking soda help you get pregnant: douching solution

Soda helps you get pregnant
Soda really helps you get pregnant. The thing is that the environment in the female vagina is acidic. Soda will neutralize excess acid and it will be easier for sperm to survive, which means they have a better chance of reaching the egg.

Here is the recipe for douching solution:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small amount of boiling water ( 100 ml ).
  • Then add water to make 1 liter of solution. Its temperature should not be higher than 37 degrees .
  • Do douching half an hour before sexual intercourse.

A good period for douching for pregnancy is four days before and 2 days after ovulation.

Important: Do not douche too often so as not to harm the vaginal microflora. Before undergoing the procedure, be sure to consult with your gynecologist.


The manifestation of symptoms depends on the toxic substance. The symptoms are always similar, the difference is in the degree of severity.

  • constant feeling of nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • change in skin tone.

Food poisoning manifests itself quite quickly. Symptoms of poisoning occur 1.5 - 5 hours after eating food. It is important to provide timely assistance and neutralize the toxic substance.

Causes of acidosis

Why does an imbalance of acid-rich hormones towards oxidation (acidosis) occur? The causes of the pathology may be:

  • preservatives and pesticides;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • drug abuse;
  • emotions of fear, anger and anxiety.

Why does a disturbance in the emotional sphere lead to acidosis? Because with negative emotions, the activity of the kidneys is disrupted, which are unable to coordinate the alkaline balance of the blood. Severe acidification of the blood leads to various ailments.

Video: life hacks with baking soda for the home

Bicarbonate solution is a godsend for those who like to take care of themselves, monitor the health and cleanliness of their home and garden, and at the same time understand that they don’t have to spend a lot of money on pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and detergents. However, when taking it orally, it is worth remembering the warnings of doctors: although soda is a fairly harmless folk “medicine”, its abuse leads to alkalosis, that is, alkalization of the body. It causes problems with the heart, respiratory and digestive systems. Everything is good in moderation, as popular wisdom says. Let's follow it!

Beneficial features

Soda is a rather weak and at the same time generally available antiseptic. Therefore, rinsing the mouth with it, when indicated for this purpose, is perceived quite favorably by doctors. Soda solution can also be used against heartburn, but this increases the likelihood of “acid rebound” - a phenomenon in which, some time after taking soda powder dissolved in water, gastric acidity sharply increases. In medicine, this is explained by the fact that when too much alkali enters the stomach, the formation of hydrochloric acid accelerates.

However, when other medications are not available, soda can be used to achieve a certain therapeutic effect. So, at home, sodium bicarbonate will help with:

  • diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums and throat (perhaps the use of soda to rinse the teeth and throat is one of the most effective and safest methods of its use);
  • heartburn (in this case, soda should be used carefully, as an “acid rebound” may occur);
  • insect bites (the affected area is smeared with a paste of water and soda);
  • cough with sputum too viscous to liquefy it (first of all, the patient needs to be provided with proper care and only after that give him a small amount of warm milk with soda and honey, but if we are talking about treating babies, this drink is allowed to be taken only in the first half of the day , it is prohibited to use it before bedtime);
  • plaque on the teeth (whitening with soda will necessarily thin the enamel, cause discomfort from cold and hot food, and can subsequently lead to damage to the teeth);
  • rough skin on elbows, feet, etc.

Soda bath for nails: recipes

Soda bath for nails
The beauty of girls is a necessary attribute of their success in society and attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

It is worth remembering: Beauty does not exist without well-grooming, and therefore it is very important to monitor not only the state of your appearance, but also the health of your hair, skin and nails.

For nail care at home, recipes for various masks and nail baths have been developed. Among them, soda-based baths are very popular. But before turning to recipes, you should consider general recommendations for preparing and using baths:

  1. Before using a mask or bath , you need to clean your nails: remove gel polish, clean regular polish, and even remove the greasy layer. The latter can be done using a special nail liquid that does not contain acetone.
  2. The water in the bath should be at an acceptable temperature . The best values ​​will be 35-40 degrees Celsius.
  3. You should not keep your nails in the bath for too long or too little . It will be enough to dip them there for 10-12 minutes. Longer periods of time can damage the nail structure. And too little time will not bring tangible benefits.
  4. After the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands in water and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream. It would be a good idea to apply a special complex nail cream, rubbing it under the nails themselves.
  5. Nail baths should not be done more than twice a week.

So, recipes for soda baths for nails:

  1. Iodine and soda. In a glass of water you need to stir one spoon of soda, and then add a couple of drops of iodine. You need to mix the water until smooth, and then use the bath, putting your nails in there for the prescribed time.
  2. Lemon and soda. Mix lemon juice, baking soda and a glass of warm water, and the bath is ready.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide and soda. To prepare the mask, you need to mix a spoonful of baking soda with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting paste should be applied to the nails for a short amount of time (10 minutes). This product helps whiten nails.

Soda-based baths help strengthen nails, enhance their growth, visibly clean and whiten. After regular use of such baths, your nails become strong, strong, shiny and beautiful. There is no need for expensive manicures or extensions.

How to drink soda solution

In addition to its ability to reduce the acidity of the stomach, soda can also have a more long-term beneficial effect if you dilute it with water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. The powder should be diluted in minimal doses of ¼ teaspoon per glass of water. This method stabilizes the acid-base balance of the blood, promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body, stimulates the process of fat burning, and stops the formation of kidney stones. Contraindications for taking soda orally include:

  • pregnancy;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tendency to edema.


There are a number of contraindications in the following situations and conditions:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
  2. Diseases of the liver and digestive system.
  3. Very low or high levels of stomach acid.
  4. Kidney pathologies.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Blood pressure instability.
  7. Pregnancy (all stages).
  8. Age up to 5 years.

The list of contraindications is quite conditional. In some cases, the attending physician allows the use of a drink with soda if the potential benefit outweighs the possibility of harm.

Use in gardening

For the vegetable garden and garden, a 2% solution of soda ash is indispensable. Thanks to him you can:

  • cope with powdery mildew, a disease of a number of cultivated plants that destroys young leaves of shoots;
  • remove small grass that grows in the crevices of paths in the garden;
  • rejuvenate rose bushes by adding a small amount of ammonia to a bicarbonate solution;
  • eliminate caterpillars that eat young cabbage leaves;
  • fertilize the tomatoes, and the fruits become even sweeter and meatier;
  • acidify the soil to grow some crops;
  • Clean your hands after work from stubborn dirt;
  • protect grape bunches from gray berries, add sugar content to the berries.

Application of the solution

Owners of their own gardens can use a cheap and affordable product to control pests that often destroy crops. In medicine, a solution of bicarbonate is also useful: with its help you can speed up recovery from diseases of the skin and upper respiratory tract, and some other pathological conditions. Knowing how to quickly make a 2% soda solution, you can sometimes do without buying expensive caring cosmetics: so, if you don’t currently have money for your favorite, but not always accessible, belongings, you can use a soda solution instead in combination with salt or other available every home components.

You can read more about the properties of baking soda here: All about baking soda

In the garden

Bicarbonate is very convenient for gardeners: it is prepared instantly, does not require financial investments, and helps in the fight against various misfortunes. In dry form, soda can be stored for as long as desired; if necessary, you just need to open the pack and pour water into a large container.

Many cultivated plants are at risk of contracting powdery mildew. Dew “loves” young leaves. Sometimes it destroys the entire harvest. It can often be seen on bushes:

  • blackberries;
  • currants;
  • raspberries;
  • gooseberries;
  • honeysuckle

To prevent the loss of the crop, the leaves of shrubs should be treated with a two percent solution. It is worth planning the procedure for the evening - then the effect will be better.

You may be interested in: Soda as the best way to get rid of ants in the garden and in the apartment

If grapes are planted at the dacha, the plant must be carefully monitored in order to eliminate powdery mildew and gray rot in a timely manner - this attack can negate all the efforts of the gardener. Treatment with soda solution should be carried out at intervals of 10 days if signs of the disease are not visible, and more often if the disease has already overtaken the ripening bunches.

It is advisable to treat grapes with soda solution once every ten days.

Aphids often appear on plants. This pest is also familiar to owners of indoor flowers. In order to prevent small insects from causing irreparable harm to carefully protected flowers and fruits, you should spray the plants with a soda solution. The best time for this operation is after sunset.

The solution is also good in cases where it is required:

  • rejuvenate rose bushes;
  • feed the tomatoes;
  • get rid of caterpillars attacking crops;
  • remove weeds between the slabs on the path;
  • Wash your hands from heavy contamination.

Soda prevents soil acidification. Therefore, a bicarbonate solution can be used to alkalize the soil. In this case, it is not even necessary to dissolve the hydrocarbonate - you can directly pour the dry powder into the soil. Gradually, the pH will shift from acidic to neutral, as a result of which the plants will feel better.

Read more about soda for the garden and garden here: Baking soda for the garden or garden is an indispensable lifesaver for a summer resident

Soda solution can be poured into the pool. A frame or inflatable pool at the dacha doesn’t really matter: in any case, the water will bloom after a while. Bicarbonate will help prevent blooms.

One of the greatest pleasures of the countryside is evening gatherings on the veranda with a cup of tea or a glass of wine. The joy is overshadowed by mosquitoes and midges - their bites itch for a long time and painfully. You can get rid of itching faster with the help of lotions made from soda solution. It will relieve irritation and soothe the skin.

After evening gatherings, lotions with soda solution will save you from mosquito bites

In medicine

People suffering from heartburn attacks have long learned to alleviate the condition by drinking a soda solution from time to time. The method is effective, but should not be abused: frequent use of soda leads to increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. As a result, the attacks will constantly recur.

If you have a sore throat, the solution should be used as a gargle. The procedure must be carried out 5-6 times a day to achieve the effect. Important: do not use the method for more than 4-5 days, as soda dries out the mucous membranes. As a result, irritation may occur. In addition, if a sore throat is diagnosed, it cannot be cured by rinsing alone: ​​antibiotics will be needed.

On our website there are articles about soda for coughs: about inhalations with soda and about treating coughs with soda and milk

Thrush often torments both women and men, especially during hypothermia or after experiencing stress. You can use a solution of bicarbonate for washing - candidiasis quickly recedes in an alkaline environment.

You can read about treating thrush with soda here: How to cure thrush with soda - an effective treatment

Baking soda can be a good remedy for coughs and runny nose

Sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water helps relieve pain and irritation from burns. Lotions can be used for psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis. It will not be possible to cure diseases with soda alone, because the causes lie in metabolic disorders, but it can bring relief to the patient.

A pinch of bicarbonate, if mixed with warm milk, will help transform a dry cough into a wet one. This medicine works especially well in combination with honey. A wet cough goes away faster, the bronchi are cleared.

If you have a runny nose, you should try replacing pharmaceutical drops with a soda solution - you can drip it into each nostril several times a day or rinse your nose, after which you must carefully remove the mucus.

Smokers who want to give up the bad habit can be advised to rinse their mouth with a 2% solution of bicarbonate with water. The desire to smoke a cigarette will be less frequent.

Article for smokers here: How to quit smoking with baking soda at home

In cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, you can prepare the product a little stronger. So, a couple of teaspoons of soda added to 3 tablespoons of shampoo is a folk “cure” for dandruff and to strengthen hair follicles.

For normal and oily facial skin, periodically (2-3 times a week) you can, for preventive purposes, to prevent the appearance of acne, wipe your face with a swab soaked in a bicarbonate solution.

There are many recipes for soda-based scrubs and face masks.

A pinch of baking soda plus shower gel when mixed becomes a good scrub that gently exfoliates dead particles.

Read in detail about soda for the face: Cleansing and caring for facial skin with soda: advice from a cosmetologist

Puffiness under the eyes, which occurs when excess fluid is abused, especially in adulthood, is well eliminated by lotions with bicarbonate.

If you suffer from corns and calluses, you should take baths with soda in the evenings. They soften the skin and eliminate pain.

Baking soda can be used to clean cosmetic brushes and sponges. It removes bacteria and is easily washed off with plain water.

You might be interested in: What are the benefits of a baking soda foot bath and how to prepare it

Fungus treatment

A soap-soda solution is used at the early stage of the disease. The product allows you to get rid of unpleasant odor, itching and flaking, and restore the integrity of the skin.

Solution recipe:

  • Pour 3-6 liters of water into a clean basin, add 20 g. soap shavings or the same amount of liquid laundry soap;
  • add 30 gr. soda You can use 4-5 drops of tea tree oil to enhance the healing effect;
  • Immerse your feet or hands in the bath.

For sensitive skin, use category III laundry soap (64%).

The procedure lasts 10 minutes. This should be repeated every evening after basic hygiene procedures. Treatment will take from several weeks to 6 months, depending on the area of ​​the lesion.

Read more: Foot baths with soda for fungus.

How to make a soda compress, lotion - for insect bites, for swelling of the legs: instructions

A soda compress helps with insect bites.
Compresses with baking soda help very well in many situations in life. This is a natural and safe remedy that will definitely help.

Instructions on how to make a soda compress for insect bites (mosquitoes, midges):

  • Take 2 g . (about 1 teaspoon ) baking soda and stir in a glass of hot water.
  • Moisten a cotton wool or gauze swab and apply for 15 minutes . to the site of the bite.
  • If swelling occurs, then you should drop a little water into the baking soda to get the consistency of porridge, and apply it to the swollen bite area. This remedy is more effective.
  • Together with cabbage leaves, soda helps against the bites of bees, wasps, and bedbugs.
  • Baking soda helps relieve swelling at the site of the bite, itching and redness.

Soda lotion for swelling of the legs:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in hot water - 2 cups .
  • Cool the water to 40 degrees .
  • Soak gauze in it and wrap your feet. Place polyethylene on top and wrap your calves and feet with something warm: a light blanket, a blanket.
  • The lotion needs to be kept on for half an hour. The swelling will go down within an hour.

Baking soda for feet:

  • 1st recipe: 4 grams (2 tsp) in a liter of boiled hot water . Cool to 38 degrees and use before bed for 15 minutes .
  • 2nd recipe: a bath prepared from 10 grams will give an even more positive effect. mustard , 10 gr. baking soda and a glass of juniper fruits.
  • 3rd recipe: mix 2 l. water, 2 tbsp. soda and 2 tbsp. Yoda _ This bath will relieve sweating and fungus.
  • 4th recipe: 2 l. water + 2 tbsp. soda + 2 tbsp hydrogen peroxide - this bath is for disinfecting and eliminating wounds and cracks on the legs.

Such baths can be an addition to the main treatment. They are great for helping with tired legs.

Remember: Swelling of the lower extremities can be a symptom of various serious diseases. Therefore, consult your doctor first. Don't self-medicate!


How to properly prepare a soda solution


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Precautionary measures

It is possible to prevent the harmful effects of a water-alkaline solution if simple rules are followed.

Experts recommend strictly following the general requirements for using a medicinal drink:

  • exclude the simultaneous use of soda solution with medications to relieve heartburn attacks;

  • do not drink the drink in combination with alkaline mineral water;
  • do not take sodium bicarbonate simultaneously with infusions of plantain, wormwood, hemlock, and viburnum, used to reduce stomach acidity;
  • Do not under any circumstances drink water with soda during meals;
  • Be sure to drink the drink warm to prevent diarrhea.

Compliance with these recommendations will allow you to get the desired result from a therapeutic or preventive course. An important condition is the mandatory agreement of the therapeutic regimen with a doctor.

Baking soda to suppress nausea

Baking soda not only induces vomiting, but also effectively suppresses nausea. For these purposes, you need to mix 15 grams of soda and 1 glass of water. The resulting solution must be drunk within 40-50 minutes. You should not eat food while taking it.

Doctors do not recommend long-term and regular use of soda solution to reduce acidity. According to doctors, baking soda should be used for treatment once, when there are no other first aid remedies at hand.

Soda lotions after vaccination: how to make and is it possible to do them?

Soda lotions after vaccination
After vaccination, the child may have a fever, the injection site may turn red and begin to itch. To prevent your baby from scratching the subcutaneous seal, make a soda lotion. Many parents doubt whether this can be done. In any case, you need to consult a doctor, and often you cannot do without such help.

Here's how to make such a solution:

  • Boil one glass of water. Cool to 36 degrees .
  • 1 teaspoon of into a glass .
  • The soda should dissolve almost completely. All is ready.
  • Moisten a piece of gauze and apply it to the vaccination site. Leave it like this until the fabric is completely dry.

Usually such lotions are given 24 hours after vaccination.

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