Types of braces - we figure out which ones to put on adults, teenagers and children

Braces are the best way to correct bite anomalies of varying complexity in adolescents and adults. Many companies produce such equipment. To understand which design is suitable for the patient, it is important to know the features of brace system models. Implantmaster dental specialists have the skills to work with a variety of systems and select the best option for each specific clinical case.

Braces systems are designed to correct the position of teeth and jaw closure in adolescents and adults. Each age category has its own characteristics of the structure of the jaw bone and the time required to correct the position of the teeth. It is also important to consider the patient's psychological comfort. For some, the aesthetic qualities of systems are important, for others, the speed of achieving results or the material component.

The installation of various systems that correct the bite is carried out by our orthodontists. Doctors often improve their skills by attending training seminars and lectures. For successful work, the clinic has all the necessary high-tech equipment. We provide services at reasonable prices.

In this article you will learn when braces are installed and what types they are. Let's compare the characteristics of various braces systems and their costs. Let's determine what equipment is used for different ages.

When is it necessary to install braces?

A bracket system is an orthodontic device consisting of a bracket plate with a recess for an arch. The main tasks of the orthodontist are to make the physiological closure of the jaws, return the units to anatomical positions, and give the smile a natural and beautiful appearance.

Standard system includes:

  • Bracket. A plate fixed to the coronal part of the unit with specialized material.
  • Wings or castle. A recess is formed for the passage of the orthodontic arch.
  • Arc. A horseshoe-shaped wire made of an alloy of various metals, along which the teeth are directed.
  • Ligatures. Rubber bands or wire connecting the braces and the arch.

The purpose of this treatment is to straighten teeth and correct jaw abnormalities. An improvement in the bite can be noted after 6-8 months.

Indications for therapy with braces:

  • malocclusion;
  • violation of the symmetry of facial features;
  • large gaps between units;
  • lack of space in the dentition;
  • injuries of the maxillofacial area or TMJ disease (pain, crunching when chewing or closing the jaws);

Restrictions on the use of equipment:

  • many non-removable orthopedic structures;
  • in women, pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • lung pathologies;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • inflammatory diseases of the extremities (rickets, arthrosis, arthritis);
  • cancer.

Which braces are best for different age categories? Teenagers and adults are fixed with equipment of different models. It is important to choose systems with the attending physician, taking into account age, the anomaly itself, etc.

Tape arch

Continuing his research, Engle replaced the tube with a rectangular groove. Now the design looked like this: a ribbon arc made of gold alloy was installed in the grooves and was secured with pins. This system became quite widespread in the world, as it had undoubted advantages over the one that existed before:

  • small in size;
  • quite elastic;
  • provided a visible effect.

But this design of braces also had its weak point: with its help it was impossible to influence the position of the tooth root precisely because of its good elasticity.

Types of bracket systems

Before installing braces, it is important to understand which plates, taking into account their properties, are best to choose. Designs are distinguished according to certain criteria:


  • metal;
  • ceramics;
  • sapphire;
  • plastic;
  • combination of materials.

Arc fixation method:

  • ligatures;
  • non-ligated.


  • straight;
  • indirect.

Tooth surface for installation:

  • vestibular (visible when smiling);
  • lingual (from the side of the tongue).


Korean brands will not leave indifferent those who want to save money on installing braces, but at the same time become the owner of a high-quality and pleasant-looking orthodontic design. The long-awaited golden mean? Maybe.

HT Corporation

A South Korean company that appeared on the orthodontic market 15 years ago. It produces a wide line of brace systems, but its calling card is MISO sapphire braces, which look like a stylish accessory, but at the same time successfully cope with the elimination of various bite defects. In addition, HT Corporation offers all the necessary consumables for orthodontic treatment. Compared to German and American analogues, the cost of products of this Korean brand is quite affordable due to the current strategy of reducing the cost of production.

Our team of doctors

Maxillofacial surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Experience: 11 years

Dental surgeon, Implantologist

Chernov Dmitry Anatolievich

Experience: 29 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilievich

Experience: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Alexandrovna

Experience: 22 years

Orthopedic dentist

Tsoi Sergey Konstantinovich

Experience: 19 years


Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Experience: 3 years

Metal braces

Standard and reliable equipment for correcting jaw and dental disorders of any complexity. There is little aesthetics here because it stands out against the background of the teeth enamel. The lack of aesthetics of the design is compensated by the quick and high-quality achievement of the result. Implantmaster uses self-ligating metal plates from the Damon model range.


  • correct pathologies of varying severity;
  • daily hygiene care is very simple;
  • reasonable price;
  • strength (the highest among orthodontic plates);
  • the color of the equipment does not change under the influence of food;
  • short treatment periods.


  • Injury to the soft tissue structures of the oral cavity and tongue is possible.
  • Noticeable when smiling or talking. Some patients refuse this model due to aesthetic discomfort.
  • Allergies may occur.

Ceramic braces

The shade of such equipment matches the enamel of the teeth and is almost invisible during conversation. For the smile zone or for all units, taking into account the opinions of patients, Implantmaster specialists can offer a self-ligating system made of Damon Clear ceramics. She is in great demand.


  • Productivity. Installed to correct severe pathologies of jaw closure.
  • Does not stain when worn for a long time, taking into account all the rules of hygienic cleaning.
  • Few doctor visits are necessary.
  • Resistant to loads.
  • Aesthetics and comfort throughout the entire course of treatment.


  • Therapy takes longer than with metal equipment.
  • The cost of the system is several times higher than that of a metal structure.
  • The need for thorough cleaning of equipment and the oral cavity. It is not advisable for children and adolescents to record.
  • An allergic reaction may occur.

Sapphire braces

Which braces are better: sapphire or ceramic? When choosing between these two categories of wafers, sapphire wafers are the best option. They perfectly combine aesthetics and durability. The components of the bracket system are made of artificial sapphire - a very durable, non-toxic and biocompatible material. The plates do not change color when exposed to food or drinks, tobacco, coffee or wine.

Recommended for installation when there are wide gaps between units and lack of space in the dentition.


  • Highly aesthetic (matches the natural shade of enamel).
  • Does not stain.
  • Does not cause discomfort.
  • Does not damage soft tissue structures of the oral cavity.
  • The pronunciation of sounds is not affected.


  • The material itself is durable, but the plates can break due to crackers or chewing gum.
  • Unpleasant sensations may appear when the gums are sensitive.
  • Effective only in simple deviations.
  • The course of treatment lasts longer than usual.
  • Need special care

Invisible (lingual) braces

Fixation is carried out on the enamel of the teeth from the oral cavity (lingual). It turns out that the main positive feature of such systems is their concealment from others. The plates are invisible when talking and smiling.

Additional positive characteristics:

  • Small size. Throughout the course of therapy, the patient does not experience discomfort, because adaptation to the plates occurs quickly.
  • Application of 3D technologies. When installing the system, it is more convenient for a specialist to fix the plates and control the movement of units, as well as the correction of general pathology. Already when planning a treatment regimen, a doctor with extensive experience can imagine the step-by-step movement of units along the jaw model.


  • Compared to other equipment, pain is higher when moving units.
  • Problems arise when speaking and pronouncing sounds. Logoneurosis may develop due to worries about speech disorders.
  • There is a high risk of injury to the soft tissue structures of the oral cavity and tongue.
  • The treatment period is much longer than that of the vestibular systems.
  • Expensive.

Ligature-free braces systems

What are the best braces? Most specialists and patients consider self-ligating systems to be the best choice, regardless of their high cost. They do not include additional fasteners, which makes them more discreet when talking. Self-ligating equipment is universal and suitable for all patients with clinical cases of varying complexity.


  • various plate materials (ceramics, metal, plastic, sapphire);
  • quick addiction;
  • effectiveness;
  • comfortable course of treatment;
  • smooth movement of units due to the use of small forces from the arc;
  • resistance to color change;
  • visit a specialist once every 2 months.


  • lack of results in severe pathologies of the maxillofacial area and temporomandibular joint;
  • high cost.


In a country where almost every activity is turned into an art, even metal braces are made attractive and very comfortable. And if we take into account the love of Italian manufacturers for the use of the latest technologies in the manufacture of orthodontic structures, then a rather attractive image emerges of a braces system that will make your smile perfect without causing much inconvenience.

SIA Orthodontic

The company began its activities in 2000. Many models of this manufacturer of brace systems are distinguished by innovative elements that provide patients with increased comfort while wearing corrective devices. For example, Evolution metal braces have a rounded shape and low profile, which minimizes discomfort during treatment and shortens the period of adaptation to the system. And Crystal ceramic devices have a special mesh base, which ensures a tighter fit of braces to the surface of the teeth. The prices for SIA Orthodontics braces are reasonable, but so far the products of this brand are not so often found in Russian clinics.

Comparison of performance of different braces models

To make the right choice - which braces are best to install to straighten teeth - it is recommended to find out the characteristics of various systems and their varieties.

By type of fixation:

SignVestibular bracesLigature
Efficacy of therapyHigh performanceTo have an effective effect, you need a suitable clinical situation
Duration of treatment, yearsTreatment periods take up to 2 yearsTreatment takes from 2 to 3 years
Design reliabilityHigh structural strengthStructure and appearance depend on external stimuli
PopularityThe choice of many specialists and patientsRarely fixed due to inappropriate cost
Aesthetic componentAverage aestheticsInvisible to others
Difficulty of fixationEasy to installInstallation difficulties
Hygienic careStandard hygiene products requiredDifficult to maintain hygiene
Adaptation periodGetting used to it takes 2 weeksAdaptation can take up to 3 months; it happens that the patient needs to install another system
Wearing comfortConvenienceInconvenient
Presence of painPainless when wearingSoreness

By comparing the characteristics of equipment made from different materials, you can understand which braces are better: ceramic or metal.

Metal plates start at a cost of 80 thousand rubles, show high results even with severe deformations, but they are difficult to clean. The main disadvantage is that they attract attention when communicating.

CharacteristicClassic self-ligating bracesInvisible (lingual) braces
VisibilityVisible due to the contrast with the enamel shadeInvisible to others
ConvenienceMay damage soft tissuesCauses diction problems

The cost of ceramic systems starts from 110 thousand rubles. Such plates are very fragile and require careful hygienic cleaning.

CharacteristicClassic self-ligating bracesInvisible (lingual) braces
VisibilityInvisible in conversation and when smilingInvisible to others
Result in severe casesEffective in a large number of pathologiesCoping with even the most severe clinical cases
ConvenienceDiscomfort occurs only in the first 7 daysAfter the adaptation period, you can avoid injury if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations

Fact #10 - One in four million

Going through a big change, such as getting braces, can sometimes make people feel lonely or self-conscious. Although there is nothing wrong or awkward in taking care of your smile. Why ? Because FOUR MILLION other people are wearing braces right now and that's just in our country!

The American Association of Orthodontics reported that four million people also have braces this minute. Not only are millions of people in search of a healthier, more beautiful smile, but about a million of these orthodontic patients are adults over the age of 18.

Be healthy, destroy bad myths and smile at good ones!

Prices for braces

Consultation with an orthodontist

  • X-ray panoramic image
  • Oral examination
  • Drawing up a treatment plan with costs

Price : 2,000 ₽
*if treatment continues in the clinic according to the plan, the consultation is not paid

Self-ligating metal braces Damon Qfrom 250,000 ₽
Self-ligating ceramic braces Damon Clearfrom 250,000 ₽
Aligners - trays for straightening teethfrom 350,000 ₽

Prices for system components vary and depend on a number of factors:

  • plate material;
  • fixation method;
  • dental surfaces for attachment;
  • dental clinic level;
  • the tools used;
  • having its own dental laboratory.

By comparing the characteristics , you can determine which braces are best for a particular clinical situation, and which ones are suitable for the patient. The most affordable models are metal ligature models; without ligatures they will be more expensive. The highest cost is for aesthetic systems made of ceramics, sapphire and internal (the most expensive).

The total cost is the fastening mechanism, installation and removal, corrective visits to a specialist, and fastening of retainers. At Implantmaster, the cost of installing the Damon Clear and Q systems, subsequent appointments and corrections will cost around 250 thousand rubles. When choosing orthodontic therapy with the help of aligners (transparent aligners for moving teeth), the price will start from 350 thousand rubles. Diagnostic x-rays, model calculations for the formation of a full course of correction, with further therapy with us, will amount to 2000 rubles, the consultation will be free.

Ligatures and thrusts

Other components of braces: ligatures and traction. Both of these parts are made of rubber, most often for rods. They help create even greater tension on the arch, making bite correction faster.

Ligatures can also be made of rubber, but such material is not durable and can quickly become unusable. In addition, it will not have the necessary strength characteristics, so you will have to visit the dental clinic and change them too often.

It is best to use the same metal alloys for the manufacture of such parts; this will guarantee that the elements will not have to be changed until the end of the entire treatment period. Common metals: aluminum, silver, steel, etc. The doctor will choose the appropriate option depending on the complexity of the pathology and the presence of allergies in a particular patient.

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Effect of braces

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Which braces are better for an adult and which for a child?

In “Implantmaster”, to clarify whether the system is suitable for age, Rg diagnostics are performed (panoramic image (OPTG) and teleroentgenogram (TRG)).

The following points will help determine which braces are best for a certain age.

  • Convenience during the entire course of treatment, duration of adaptation, ease of cleaning. The faster the adaptation period passes, and the easier it is to clean the equipment, the easier and faster the therapy will be.
  • Price. You can immediately ask the clinic to calculate the full cost of fixing the turnkey system. But you should understand that additional ones will appear. costs of hygiene products and concomitant therapy.
  • Time costs and success of correction. Systems with metal ligatures most effectively and quickly achieve the final goal - straight teeth. When choosing more aesthetic systems, the treatment period increases to a year.
  • External characteristics of braces. For some patients, it is important whether the system is noticeable when talking and smiling. Then the emphasis is on aesthetics, and not on the speed of achieving results.

An alternative to correcting malocclusion at Implantmaster is a replaceable system of invisible aligners. They are removed for eating and cleaning. 3Shape Trios scans the entire oral cavity (a modern version of taking impressions), and then the software displays a 3D model of all changes on the path to improving your smile. Such innovations are only for aligners.

Braces for adults

What braces are best for adults? The most effective and common design suitable for adult patients is a self-ligating metal system. Also, this course of orthodontic therapy is affordable for most.

But which braces will still be better? Plates made of ceramics or sapphire will look more aesthetically pleasing and solid, but you will have to reconsider your diet and exclude coloring products. A language system would be an ideal option, but it is not suitable for people who, due to the specifics of their work, talk a lot. Soft tissue injury may occur.

Braces for children and teenagers

The result and speed of correction of bite anomalies very much depends on the age category to which the patient belongs. The most suitable period for orthodontic therapy is the period of growth of the jaw bones and the formation of a permanent bite (from 12 to 14 years). If it is necessary to be treated with braces, it is important to figure out which plates are best for children, taking into account their growth characteristics . It is better to start orthodontic therapy at a young age, but plates are best used from 12 years of age. The units and jaw bone are affected, so it is worth waiting for its full formation and using gentle techniques.

The equipment is used in children for a shorter time than in adults. It can be different in type, material and method of fixation.

What braces are best for a teenager? Most often, the plates are fixed on the outside of the enamel of the units. Such systems are more convenient to install, adjust at the reception and carry out thorough hygienic cleaning. Lingual plates are much more expensive and have an impact on spoken speech. And for teenagers, the attractiveness of the equipment and the ability to pronounce words normally are very important. After all, various comments from peers about the structure in the oral cavity can influence the decision of a young patient to get a beautiful and healthy smile.

Which braces are better to choose: ceramic or metal? Modern orthodontics can provide equipment to suit every taste and budget. But it is also worth taking into account the clinical situation and recommendations of specialists.

Parents should help their child prepare psychologically for long-term treatment. Especially talk about all the points relating to external systems and the reactions of others. It is important to warn that the discomfort that arises in the first weeks will pass, and further treatment will be easier.

How to choose the best braces?

Which braces are best for an adult, and which ones are more suitable for teenagers or young patients? All these nuances should be worked out together with a specialist, taking into account diagnostic calculations, the clinical situation itself, the individual characteristics of the body, concomitant diseases, financial capabilities, etc. It will take more than one year to walk with such a design, so it is worth thinking through all aspects of the course of treatment in advance.

At Implantmaster, our specialists will help you determine which bracket system best suits you and your clinical situation. Orthodontists have the skills to fix various systems, and services are provided at a reasonable price. Sign up using the phone number on the website, or leave a request for feedback.


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