Boils in a child: what is extremely important to know about this
Stomatitis in a child is a very common occurrence caused by an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa,
Clinical gnathology - Khvatova V.A. - Tutorial
Rozhkov I.A. Dental units “ANTOS” - a new model range of the “A” series are already in Russia! Problems
Teething symptoms
A baby tooth has fallen out, but a new one is not growing.
Timing of teething The wait is especially long after the removal of chewing temporary teeth, which are usually
Temperature due to teething in a child - what to do
The appearance of the first milk teeth in an infant is a difficult period both for him and
A child has tremors
How to correct trema and diastema with aligners?
Trema - spaces between teeth - are normal in preschool children due to the natural
How long can teething cause snot and cough?
How long can teething cause snot and cough?
Teething in children is accompanied by various painful conditions, one of which is cough. Note that
Pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.)
A sore and dry throat, pain when swallowing, weakness, and fever signal a disease.
positive aspiration test
Aspiration test: types, purpose and features of implementation
Physics and medicine Without air, a person cannot live for even a few seconds. This natural
How to plan a pregnancy after an x-ray?
Often the cause of female infertility lies in pathologies of the fallopian tubes, and all women who are planning
Candidiasis in infants: causes of development, nature of manifestation and general principles of treatment of the disease
Thrush or candidiasis is a well-known disease, the development of which occurs due to the activity of yeast
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