“Babkina’s porridge” and “spoon on a tooth.” Russian traditions associated with children
There is an opinion that in the old days no one took much care in raising children. Like, they grew up
What are the dangers of premature removal of baby teeth?
Treatment of caries and pulpitis in primary teeth Treatment of caries and pulpitis in children and adolescents up to
Vasiliev Yu.V. “Internal runny nose” and GERD: etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment of patients // Experimental and clinical gastroenterology. -2011. - No. 8. pp. 80-85.
Purulent sputum Purulent sputum is a mucopurulent substance consisting of white blood cells, dead
What is the human pharynx and oropharynx: structure, functions
Anatomical structure of the pharynx The pharynx, another name is the pharynx. It starts at the back of the mouth
Indications for installing Mini Diamond braces
Features of bite correction using Mini Diamond braces
5322 Braces are the most common bite correction device used in orthodontic treatment.
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Various types of anesthesia in children using xenon
Types of anesthesia in pediatric dentistry Modern dental technologies are very diverse. As an anesthetic for
Tooth on a string
Features and timing of complete replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones
In children from the age of 5, temporary milk teeth begin to fall out and are gradually replaced
How to care for children's teeth: infants, toddlers, schoolchildren
From the moment children's first teeth appear, they need care. Dentists recommend teaching
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Ambulance for children: 8 (812) 327-13-13 More details High temperature is the most common
Asphyxia, lack of air
Tongue retraction: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment and prevention
The unconscious state always contains a certain danger. A person who has lost consciousness does not feel anything,
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