The effect of tobacco smoke on the oral organs, or another reason to quit smoking
Most people are not even aware that they have bad breath. IN
papules on the tongue
Lesions of the oral mucosa in syphilis
Oral syphilis The diagnosis of “oral syphilis” is based on the patient’s complaints, data
Dental implantation for oncology
Oncological alertness of dentists. Interdisciplinary approach to pathology of the oral mucosa. Prepared by: dental school intern. - presentation
Complex implantation RUB 29,900. Professional dental treatment of any complexity, scientific approach, modern technologies Oncology
Review of the Glister line from Amway for oral care
Last updated January 2, 2022 A smart toothbrush is an innovative hygiene device designed
Teething cyst in children
Black plaque on a child’s teeth - Priestley’s plaque
The problem occurs several weeks before the eruption of a baby or permanent tooth. About the appearance of a cyst
DIY mouthwash
How to make your own mouthwash
Daily hygiene of teeth and gums includes rinsing the mouth with special solutions. Rinse aids can be purchased at
photo Klindovit®
How to get rid of acne on your face
Suspect No. 1 - herpes Cause. When pimples appear on the lips, the cause may be
gap between the gum and crown with an extracted tooth
How should the implant fit to the gum? Is it acceptable if it moves away and a gap appears?
12/01/2019 Single crowns and bridges are permanent prostheses that can hide significant deficiencies of natural,
Osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
Answers to government questions / 6 Oncology / 88 Sarcoma of the jaws
Osteosarcoma (or osteogenic sarcoma), which is sometimes not quite correctly called bone cancer, is
What to do if an allergy occurs after dental prosthetics
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
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