Russian – Latin dictionary
A | |
acromion, humeral process | acromion, in |
alveolus | alveŏlus, im |
alveolar | alveolaris, e |
anatomical | anatomycus, a, um |
aorta | aorta, ae f |
aortic | aorticus, a, um |
aperture, hole | aperture, ae f |
aponeurosis | aponeurosis, is f |
appendix, appendage, appendage | appendix, ĭcis f |
arterial | arteriōsus, a, um |
artery | arteria, ae f |
atlas | atlas, antis m |
B | |
drum | tympănum, in |
drum | tympanĭcus, a, um |
hip | femur, ŏris n |
bifurcation | bifurcatio, onis f |
block | trochleāris, e |
side | lateralis, e |
tibia | Tibia, ae f |
tibial | tibiālis, e |
large (half st.) | magnus, a, um |
big (comparative) | major, jus |
big brain | cerebrum, in |
large molar (tooth) | molaris, e |
furrow | sulcus, im |
eyebrow | supercilium, in |
peritoneum | peritonaeum, in |
tubercle | tuber, ěris n |
tubercle | tuberclum, in |
tuberosity | tuberosĭtas, ātis f |
IN | |
impression | impressio, ōnis f |
eyelid | palpĕbra, ae f |
vein | vena, ae f |
coronary | coronarius, a, um |
venous, venous | venōsus, a, um |
spit | trochanter, ēris m |
maxillary | maxillaris, e |
upper | superior, ius |
upper jaw | maxilla, ae f |
apex; tip (of nose, tongue) | apex, ĭcis m |
branch | ramus, im |
temporal | temporalis, e |
vagina | vagīna, ae f |
interior | internus, a, um |
water pipes | aquaeductus, us m |
elevation | jugum, in |
gates | hilus, im |
gates | porta, ae f |
tenderloin | incisūra, ae f |
projection | protuberantia, ae f |
neck | nucha, ae f |
G | |
ganglion, ganglion | ganglion, in |
pituitary | hypophysis, is f |
eye | ocŭlus, im |
eye socket | orbita, ae f |
orbital | orbitalis, e |
pharynx | pharynx, yngis m |
pharyngeal | pharyngēus, a, um |
deep | profundus, a, um |
shin, leg | crus, cruris n |
head, head | caput, itis n |
brain | encephalon, in; cerĕbrum, in |
horizontal | horizontalis, e |
larynx | larynx, yngis m |
crest | crista, ae f |
sternal | sternalis, e |
chest, chest | thorax, ācis m |
chest | pectoralis, e |
chest | thoracĭcus, a, um |
lip | labium, in |
spongy | spongiōsus, a, um |
D | |
deltoid | deltoideus, a, um |
gum | gingiva, ae f |
longest | longissimus, a, um |
long | longus, a, um |
bottom | fundus, im |
additional | accessorius, a, um |
lobular | lobātus, a, um |
share | lobus, im |
slice | lobulus, im |
dorsal, dorsal, dorsal | dorsālis, e |
tree, wood | arbor, ōris f |
arc | arcus, us m |
AND | |
chewing | masseterĭcus, a, um |
gland | glandŭla, ae f |
yellow | flavus, a, um |
stomach | gaster, tris f |
stomach, ventricle (heart) | ventriclus, im |
gastric | gastrĭcus, a, um |
belly, belly | abdōmen, ĭnis n |
life | vita, ae f |
fatty, fatty | adipōsus, a, um |
Z | |
rear | posterior, ius |
anus | anus, im |
damper | valvŭla, ae f |
occipital | occipitalis, e |
pharynx | fauces, ium f (pl) |
visual | optĭcus, a, um |
tooth | dens, dentis m |
wisdom tooth | dens sapientiae (dens serotĭnus) |
dental | dentalis, e |
serrated | serrātus, a, um |
AND | |
And | et |
bend | flexūra, ae f |
or | seu (s.) |
TO | |
rocky | petrōsus, a, um |
channel | canālis, is m |
tubule | canaliclus, im |
capillary | capillaris, e |
capsule | capsŭla, ae f |
cystic | cystōsus, a, um |
chest cavity | thorax, ācis m |
sphenooccipital | sphenooccipitalis, e |
wedge-shaped | sphenoidalis, e |
clew | glomus, ěris n |
fang | dens canīnus |
leather | cutis, is f |
cutaneous | cutaneus, a, um |
collateral, lateral | collateralis, e |
annular | anularis, e |
end, end | terminatio, ōnis f |
limb, body member | membrane, in |
constrictor (squeezing muscle) | musculus constrictor (ōris m) |
coccyx | coccyx, ýgis m |
coccygeal | coccygēus, a, um |
bark, cortex | cortex, ĭcis m |
root | radix, īcis f |
short | brevis, e |
oblique | obliquus, a, um |
bone | osseus, a, um |
bone marrow (ossium – bones, r.p. plural) | medulla ossium |
bone | os, ossis n |
edge | margo, ĭnis m |
red | ruber, bra, brum |
sacral | sacrālis, e |
circulatory | sanguineus, a, um |
blood | sanguis, ĭnis m |
round | rotundus, a, um |
round | teres, ětis |
circular | orbicularis, e |
wing | ala, ae f |
pterygoid | pterygoideus, a, um |
wing | alāris, e |
roof, cover, tire | tegmen, ĭnis n |
L | |
labyrinth | labyrinthus, im |
palmar | palmaris, e |
lateral, lateral | laterālis, e |
left | sinister, tra, trum |
lung | pulmo, ōnis m |
pulmonary | pulmonalis, e |
staircase | scalēnus, a, um |
lymphatic | lymphatĭcus, a, um |
line | linea, ae f |
facial | faciālis, e |
face | facies, ēi f |
frontal | frontalis, e |
spatula | scapŭla, ae f |
bulb | bulbus, im |
radius | radius, im |
M | |
fibula | fibŭla, ae f |
peroneal | fibularis, e |
peroneal | peronaeus, a, um |
small | minor, us |
small | parvus, a, um |
small molar (tooth), premolar | praemolāris, e |
weight | Massa, ae f |
uterus | utěrus, im |
medial | medialis, e |
interalveolar | interalveolaris, e |
interlobar | interlobularis, e |
interroot | interradicularis, e |
interosseous | interosseus, a, um |
interspinous | interspinōsus, a, um |
intercostal | intercostalis, e |
interball | interglobularis, e |
little finger | digitus minimus |
meninges | mater, tris f |
medulla | medulla, ae f |
cerebral | cerebrālis, e |
cerebellum | cerebellum, in |
horny | callōsus, a, um |
breast | mamma, ae f |
baby (falling off) tooth | dens deciduus |
molar, molar | dens molaris |
wisdom | sapientia, ae f |
muscular | muscularis, e |
muscle | musclus, im |
rotator cuff | muscle rotator |
tensor muscle | muscle tensor |
depressor muscle | muscle depressor |
abductor muscle | muscle abductor |
levator muscle | musclus levātor |
adductor muscle | muscle adductor |
extensor muscle | muscle extensor |
dilator muscle | muscŭlus dilatātor |
corrugator muscle | muscŭlus corrugātor |
soft | pius, a, um |
N | |
adrenal | glandŭla suprarenālis |
adrenal | suprarenalis, e |
Name | nomen, ĭnis n |
greatest | maxĭmus, a, um |
highest | suprēmus, a, um |
least | minimus, a, um |
outer | externus, a, um |
palatovaginal | palatovaginalis, e |
palatine | palatinus, a, um |
sky | palātum, in |
nerve | nervus, im |
nervous | nervōsus, a, um |
mandibular | mandibularis, e |
lower | inferior, ius |
lower jaw | mandibŭla, ae f |
leg, foot | pes, pedis m |
nail | unguis, is m |
leg | pediŭlus, im |
nose | nasus, im |
nasal | nasālis, e |
region | regio, ōnis f |
colon | colĭcus, a, um |
shell | tunĭca, ae f |
general | communis, e |
oval | ovalis, e |
ending | terminatio, onis f |
base | basis, is f |
spinous | spinōsus, a, um |
axis, 2nd cervical vertebra | axis, is f |
awn | spina, ae f |
hole | forāmen, ĭnis n |
falling off, milk (tooth) | deciduus, a, um |
shoot | processus, us m |
P | |
sinus, sinus | sinus, us m |
finger | digitus, im |
partition | septum, in |
front | anterior, ius |
cross | chiasma, ătis n |
membrane | membrane, ae f |
membranous | membranaceus, a, um |
rooster | gallus, im |
liver | hepar, ătis n |
cavernous | cavernōsus, a, um |
pyramid | pyrămis, ĭdis f |
nutritious | nutricius, a, um |
esophagus | oesophagus, im |
plate | lamĭna, ae f |
pleural | pleuralis, e |
brachial | humerālis, e |
shoulder | Brachĭum, in |
flat | planus, a, um |
surface | superficialis, e |
surface, face | facies, ēi f |
chin | mentalis, e |
iliac | iliăcus, a, um |
mobile | mobilis, e |
pancreas | pancreas, ătis n |
sublingual | sublingualis, e |
sublingual (bone) | hyoideus, a, um |
vertebra | vertebra, ae f |
vertebrate | vertebrālis, e |
late (tooth), wisdom tooth | serotĭnus, a, um |
cavity | cavĭtas, ātis f |
semilunar | semilunaris, e |
hollow | cavus, a, um |
transverse | transversus, a, um |
renal | renālis, e |
bud | ren, renis m |
belt | cingŭlum, in |
lumbar | lumbalis, e |
right | dexter, tra, trum |
vestibule | vestibŭlum, in |
atrium | atrium, in (cordis) |
prostate | prostata, ae f |
premolar, small molar | dens praemolāris |
pyloric, pyloric | pyloricus, a, um |
longitudinal | longitudinalis, e |
pronator | musculus pronator |
simple | simplex, icis |
space | spatium, in |
duct | ductus, us m |
rectum | rectum, in |
straight | rectus, a, um |
R | |
extensor (muscle) | extensor, ōris m |
bifurcation, bifurcation | bifurcatio, ōnis f |
sink | concha, ae f |
costal | costālis, e |
edge | costa, ae f |
cutter | dens incisīvus |
incisive | incisīvus, a, um |
ciliary | ciliāris, e |
lattice | ethmoidālis, e |
horn, horn | cornu, us n |
mouth | os, oris n |
hand (hand) | manus,us f |
WITH | |
sagittal, sagittal | sagittalis, e |
free | liber, ěra, ěrum |
vault, arch | fornix, ĭcis m |
bunch | ligamentum, in |
flexor (muscle) | flexor, ōris m |
saddle | sella, ae f |
spleen | lien, ēnis m |
cordial | cardiăcus, a, um |
heart | cor, cordis n |
retina | retĭna, ae f |
net | rete, is n |
sympathetic | sympathicus, a, um |
synovial | synovialis, e |
sinus, sinus | sinus, us m |
sinusoid | sinusoideus, a, um |
synchondrosis | synchondrōsis, is f |
system | systēma, ătis n |
skeleton | skelěton, in (scelěton, in) |
fold | plica, ae f |
zygomatic | zygomatĭcus, a, um |
tearful | lacrimalis, e |
mucous membrane | mucōsa, ae f |
slimy | mucōsus, a, um |
difficult | composĭtus, a, um |
layer | stratum, in |
canine, canine (tooth) | canīnus, a, um |
own | proprius, a, um |
carotid artery | carōtis, idis f |
sleepy | carotĭcus, a um |
nipple, papilla | papilla, ae f |
vessel | vas, vasis n |
mastoid | mastoideus, a, um |
opener | vomer, ěris m |
back | dorsum, in |
spinal | cerebrospinalis, e (spinalis, e) |
plexus | plexus, us m |
average | medium, a, um |
trunk, torso | truncus, im |
glassy | vitreus, a, um |
wall | paries, ĕtis m |
pillar | columna, ae f |
foot, leg | pes, pedis m |
sagittal, sagittal | sagittalis, e |
stroma, skeleton | stroma, ătis n |
string | chоrda, ae f |
bag | bursa, ae f |
arch support | musculus supinātor (ōris m) |
joint | articulatio, ōnis f |
articular | articularis, e |
tendon | tendo, inis m |
sphincter | musculus sphincter (ēris m) |
T | |
pelvis | pelvis, is f |
talus | talus, im |
solid | durus, a, um |
body | corpus, ŏris n |
parietal | parietalis, e |
thymus, thymus gland | thymus, im |
trapezoidal | trapezoideus, a, um |
trachea | trachēa, ae f |
trigeminal | trigeminalis, e |
dorsal, dorsal, dorsal | dorsālis,e |
U | |
corner | angŭlus, im |
holder | retinaclum, in |
node | nodus, im |
nodule | nodŭlus, im |
snail | cochlea, ae f |
snail | cochlearis, e |
compacted | indurātus, a, um |
mouth, hole | ostium, in |
ear | auris, is f |
ear | auricularis, e |
F | |
fascia | fascia, ae f |
fibrous, fibrous | fibrōsus, a, um |
X | |
move, passage | meātus, us m |
cartilage | cartilāgo, ĭnis f |
C | |
central | centralis, e |
H | |
part, side | pars, partis f |
scull | cranium, in |
cranial | craniālis, e |
scaly | squamōsus, a, um |
wonderful | mirabĭlis, e |
Sh | |
cervical | cervicalis, e |
neck | collum, in |
neck, cervix | cervix, īcis f |
wide | latus, a, um |
widest | latissimus, a, um |
suture (bone suture) | sutūra, ae f |
seam (on soft tissues) | raphe, es f |
SCH | |
gap | fissūra, ae f |
crevice, crevice | hiātus, us m |
thyroid | thyreoideus, a, um |
I | |
gluteal | glutaeus, a, um |
core | nucleus, im |
language | lingua, ae f |
lingual | lingualis, e |
pit (roundish in outline) | fovea, ae f |
fossa (elongated) | fossa, ae f |
dimple | foveŏla, ae f |
jugular | jugularis, e |
Latin pharmaceutical terminology and formulation
Introduction to Latin pharmaceutical terminology. Rules for the design of pharmaceutical terms in Latin | Class |
Human incisor anatomy – information:
The incisors, dentes incisivi , four on each jaw, have a crown shaped like cutting chisels that cut food into inappropriate sizes. The crown of the upper incisors is wide, the lower ones are twice as narrow. The root is single, compressed from the sides of the lower incisors. The root apex is deviated somewhat laterally. The upper medial incisor is the largest of the group of incisors. The labial surface of its crown is convex in the transverse and longitudinal directions. It has 3 small longitudinal ridges, each of which ends at the chewing edge with a clove. On both sides of the median ridge there is one longitudinal depression. The lingual surface of the crown is concave in the longitudinal and transverse directions. In the cervical region it has a tubercle, tuberculum dentale, from which ridges extend along the distal and mesial edge of the lingual surface to the chewing edge of the tooth.
Of the 3 signs of a tooth, the sign of crown curvature is the most pronounced. The root is conical and longer than the crown; the lateral grooves on it are weakly expressed. It has 3 surfaces: labial and two approximal. The upper lateral incisor is smaller than the medial incisor, from which it differs in the following features: on the labial surface of the crown there is often a median longitudinal groove, on both sides of which there is one small tuberculate prominence on the cutting edge of unworn teeth. On the lingual surface, the lateral ridges are usually better defined than those of the medial incisors. Often on this surface there is a depression located occlusally (below) from the dental tubercle.
The mesial surface is longer than the distal one and meets the cutting edge almost at a right angle, while the distal surface forms a significant rounding. The sign of the crown angle is well expressed. The root is shorter than that of the medial incisor, compressed in the mesiodistal direction; in most cases it is straight and has lateral grooves.
Its distal surface is more convex than the mesial one. Medial and lateral lower incisors. The lower incisors are the smallest in both jaws. In this case, the medial incisor is smaller than its distal neighbor. Both teeth have characteristics characteristic of all incisors. Their crown has the most typical chisel shape. On the front surface it is slightly convex in the longitudinal direction and flattened in the transverse direction, on the rear surface it is concave in the longitudinal direction and flattened in the transverse direction. The ridges are weakly expressed and sometimes absent. The root is significantly flattened. The medial incisor has no signs of angle or root curvature. To distinguish the right medial incisor from the left, a better defined lateral longitudinal groove on the root is important. The lateral incisor has a wider crown than the medial one, and the root is more massive. At the same time, this tooth has quite clearly expressed signs of angle and root and weakly - curvature.