Zirconium crowns: types, pros and cons, cost
Stages of manufacturing zirconium crowns: installation stages, care features, service life
Without exaggeration, zirconium crowns are a universal and technologically advanced orthopedic design. Strength and durability like
Rating of the TOP 10 electric toothbrushes Oral B for children and adults. Tips for choosing and characteristics of models
Electric toothbrushes are designed for high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity, removing tartar and plaque. Today
Metal-ceramic crowns on teeth - disadvantages and advantages
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
White teeth
9 modern types of teeth whitening: benefits and harms
Types of teeth whitening in dentistry Professional teeth whitening involves performing procedures in a dental office
where to get dental implantation
Bridges: types of prostheses and materials of manufacture
About guarantees What affects the cost? What do clinics save on? Importance of diagnostics Qualification of doctors
Removable dentures: types, features, reviews, prices
Losing even one tooth in a row can lead to serious negative health consequences
Removable dentures: types, features, reviews, prices
Losing even one tooth in a row can lead to serious negative health consequences
Sinus lifting during implantation - open or closed?
From this article you will learn: how a sinus lift is performed - reviews, videos, open and
Nylon dentures: lightness and comfort guaranteed
Material For the manufacture of orthodontic structures, dental nylon is used, endowed with some useful properties. Eg,
Review of removable veneers with before and after photos: expectations and reality
From this article you will learn: what veneers are in dentistry, before and after photos,
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