Skyces have gone from being a dental decoration for adults to becoming a common hobby for young people.

Skyes are decorations in the form of rhinestones and other small objects that are attached directly to the surface of the tooth, are removable and do not require surgical intervention for installation. Such jewelry can be made from a wide variety of materials: metals (including precious ones), glass, precious stones, plastic, etc. The average size of such jewelry varies from 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter. Skyes can have almost any shape: diamond-shaped, square and oval.

It is important to understand that such decorations are installed for a long period of time, so they must be certified. Skyces are installed for a short or long period of time, therefore they are made from 100% biocompatible materials, the most common of which is zirconium crystal .

Skyes - dental jewelry

Who set the fashion

It is believed that pop singer Madonna gave life to the fashion trend. After she appeared in public with a radiant smile, many Hollywood stars adopted the fashion for beautiful enamel stones. At the moment, this method of decoration is no longer uncommon among ordinary people. Photos of skyce on teeth can be seen everywhere, and even other types of jewelry do not compete with rhinestones that have become classics.

Tips for parents

The desire to stand out among the crowd and emphasize individuality is inherent not only in adults, but also in children.

Parents should not dissuade their children from the new dental trend. Installing rhinestones in a good clinic will not only not cause harm, but will also bring several positive aspects:

  • Before installing the decorative stone, the dentist will sanitize the child’s oral cavity, which makes it possible to identify and treat existing diseases.
  • To maintain shine for a long time, the child will have to more carefully monitor the condition of the dentition and regularly perform hygiene procedures.

What are skies

Skyces are dental decorations that were first developed by Ivoclar Vivadent. The manufacturer patented the name of its product - Skyce, which later became a household name and today even other manufacturers' products are called that way.

Such jewelry is classified according to two main parameters:

  • size: 1.8 or 2.5 mm (there are also 5 mm models),
  • material: usually crystal or blue sapphire is used, but modern technologies also allow the creation of gold and platinum models of various shapes and sizes.

In essence, these are special flat rhinestones made from crystals, usually Swarovski. They have an impeccable appearance - they do not lose their shine over time, they resemble a real diamond. The bottom layer of the stone is a mirror surface. Thanks to this, the light falling on the jewelry is reflected, providing a glowing effect.

A precious stone can also serve as a decorative element. Its difference lies in the installation features: it involves inlaying, that is, the pebble is attached inside the tooth, and is not fixed on the surface. To do this, you must first drill a small hole in the enamel. It is important to remember that its restoration will not occur, and after the decoration becomes boring, you will have to resort to filling. In addition, a tooth with a intact nerve can react acutely to temperature changes.

Gemstone inlay

In the recent past, there was a fashion for inlaid teeth with precious stones, however, such a procedure is traumatic for the enamel - it is necessary to drill a hole for the stone.

Therefore, you should immediately abandon the implantation of precious crystals into the enamel structure. This causes irreparable damage to the tooth - the enamel layer does not grow after removal. Instead of inlay, you can try the appliqué method - applying a decorative element to the surface of the enamel without puncture.

The application can be removed at any time, while the surface of the crown remains intact and healthy. After removing the built-in element, you will need to put a seal.

If the desire to be encrusted with precious stones is irresistible, then you should decorate the tooth with the nerves removed. A common problem with inlaid living teeth is pain when eating hot food: the stone expands under the influence of high temperatures. The same applies to visiting steam rooms. A tooth without a nerve will not respond with a painful signal to the brain.

Veneers and overlay crowns can be encrusted with precious stones - the best way to decorate your smile with precious radiance.

How do skyces differ from ordinary rhinestones?

Rhinestones and skyces on teeth are not the same concept. Ordinary rhinestones that we are used to seeing on clothing and accessories are not suitable for use in dentistry. The adhesive surface allows them to be glued only to fabric. In addition, they are not suitable for long periods of exposure to humidity. If you install regular rhinestones, the top part of the decoration will come off very quickly, and an unaesthetic mark will remain on the enamel. In addition, it can be accidentally swallowed.

The second difference lies in how these decorations are made, that is, in the technology of their manufacture. Rhinestones do not have that unique shine and are not able to convey the iridescence of shades for which they are fixed on the enamel.


Despite the high-quality processing of stones used to make rhinestones and the absence of the need to grind off the enamel, the products have several significant contraindications:

  • significant carious lesions on the tooth surface;
  • presence of tartar;
  • pathologies of the structure of the jaw row;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • thinning of enamel;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • allergic reaction to the materials from which rhinestones are made;
  • inflammatory periodontal diseases.

Installation process

Installing a skyce on a tooth is a fairly quick procedure. It must be performed by a doctor in a dental office, for which only professional materials are used. The procedure itself takes no more than 15 minutes, does not cause pain and does not require damage to the enamel (with the exception of crystals that are implanted directly into the tooth).

The installation steps are as follows:

  1. professional cleaning and cleaning of the surface of the tooth on which the jewelry will be installed,
  2. drying the surface using a jet of air,
  3. application of special dental glue or light-curing composite.
  4. skyce fixation,
  5. polishing the enamel surface around the rhinestone.

If desired, professional whitening can be performed - this procedure is carried out before installation of the jewelry.

Installation of skys

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of decorating teeth with skys and what are the disadvantages?

The positive points include:

  • masking the imperfections of the enamel coating - cracks, chips, stains;
  • dental glue used for application strengthens the enamel and protects against caries;
  • the cost of decoration is not high, it is available to everyone;
  • The period of fixation of the application on the enamel reaches five years, provided that it is treated with care.

The negative points include the following:

  • necessary food restriction - you cannot eat solid foods;
  • the impossibility of installing the application yourself - only in the dentist’s office;
  • requires special careful oral care.

If, after installing the accessory, you do not take care of your teeth, plaque will begin to accumulate around the sky, which threatens to develop into stone. Dentists recommend using an irrigator - a directed stream of water - for care.

Who is contraindicated from using skys?

It will not be possible to place a skyce on a tooth if there are dental diseases or hard deposits. The main contraindications include:

  • some malocclusions, which may cause damage and peeling off of the jewelry,
  • hyperesthesia or increased sensitivity of the enamel - in such a situation, even fixing the product will cause pain,
  • caries at the place where the decoration is installed,
  • enamel cracks, chips.

Tartar is a relative contraindication - it is removed using ultrasonic cleaning and the use of Air Flow technology. In other cases, it is necessary to clarify further actions with the attending physician. Cavities may need to be removed and filled with fillings.

Caries is a contraindication to the installation of skyes

This is interesting! Fixing a skyce onto a tooth can be carried out before changing teeth to permanent ones, i.e. for dairy. Often the decoration covers a certain enamel defect. But crowns or veneers are not the best surface for installing rhinestones.

Life time

Decorating your smile is a temporary measure. According to statistics, such stones last from one to four years. After removing the element, you need to make sure that no caries has formed under it.

It is also advisable to undergo professional oral hygiene. After all, while wearing a rhinestone, you have to very carefully clean the decorated unit and its neighbors, which means that tartar forms faster at their bases.

Features of caring for decorated teeth

Placing a skyce on a tooth is accompanied by a detailed explanation of the care features.

Important! There is no additional need to take care of the area of ​​the mucous membrane in contact with the jewelry: the jewelry does not have sharp edges, so it will not be able to injure soft tissue.

You can extend the wearing period by following simple rules:

  • You should avoid chewing hard foods on the side with decoration - nuts, vegetables, fruits,
  • do not drink drinks and food that are too hot or cold, especially at the same time, as this may cause the decoration to come off,
  • it is necessary to pay enough attention to hygiene - brush your teeth regularly (with less pressure in the area of ​​​​the installed jewelry), use dental floss, and mouth rinses.

Professional teeth cleaning can be performed as usual - twice a year.

Professional teeth cleaning


The main goal pursued by fans of rhinestones is to improve the appearance of their teeth.

Most often, such decoration is preferred by teenagers who want to express themselves, public figures and people who, due to their occupation, have to communicate a lot.

In addition to the desire to attract attention, rhinestones, skyces and other dental products are often used to hide visible enamel defects in the smile area - cracks, chips, pigment spots.

What is an open bite and methods of its treatment. This article is all about teeth whitening using activated carbon.

Follow the link if you are interested in reviews from dentists about Lakalyut toothpaste.

How to remove skyce

In order to find out how to remove a skyce from a tooth, you need to contact a specialist. It is not recommended to do this on your own - there is a risk of damaging sensitive enamel, because the bonding material adheres tightly to the surface of the tooth. The doctor will remove the rhinestone and polish it - remove any remaining material, and also coat the tooth with a fluoride-containing product to prevent weakening of the enamel.

Photos before and after installation of decoration


In addition to the undoubted advantages, there is also a serious disadvantage that arises when using precious stones.

When a diamond or other stone is inlaid into the tooth surface, the integrity of the enamel is damaged, which can subsequently lead to increased sensitivity of the incisors, especially when eating cold and hot foods.

In addition, after removing the jewelry from the tooth, a hole will remain in its place, which will have to be covered with a composite material in order to avoid the development of caries and restore its aesthetic appearance.

Recommendations and tips on how to properly care for teeth for adults and children. Read here about the diagnosis and treatment methods of pericoronitis.

At this address you will find real reviews about laser dental treatment.

Is it possible to install skyse yourself?

How to install skyce yourself, without the help of a dentist? In fact, this is a very dangerous idea. Firstly, the decoration must meet serious requirements:

  • have a relatively smooth structure without sharp edges and corners, so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the lips,
  • be resistant to moisture, dyes, i.e. maintain the original shine for a long time,
  • have a special structured base that will ensure strong retention of the product on the tooth enamel.

Important! Ordinary rhinestones should never be used: this may damage the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue, enamel, cause inflammation or an allergic reaction. Moreover, you cannot use ordinary glue to fix them - it is toxic!

Secondly, at home it is impossible to use professional materials, namely, composites on which the decoration is fixed. The use of glue, chewing gum or other sticky materials is strictly prohibited - this is hazardous to health.

Watch a video about installing skies


The main advantage of installing dental rhinestones is that it gives the smile additional aesthetic appeal, as well as masking some enamel defects that cause a person to feel insecure.

The variety of materials and shapes allows you to choose the best option, taking into account a person’s age, his financial status and existing enamel defects.

Thanks to the use of precious metals and biologically inert materials, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is observed in exceptional cases, with increased human sensitivity.

Another important point is the reliable fixation of jewelry on the tooth surface. If you follow the rules of oral care, the stone will not fall out; a visit to the dentist is necessary to remove it.


The cost of dental jewelry can vary greatly. It depends on the type and shape of the stone used:

  1. Glass rhinestones will cost 1000-1500 rubles.
  2. The cost of a sticker on teeth is 500-1000 rubles.
  3. When using rhinestones from Swarovski, the price rises to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Skyes with precious stones and metals can cost up to 10,000 rubles.

The video goes into more detail about installing and wearing dental jewelry.

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