Strengthening teeth in children and adults: vitamins, gels, fluoridation

Why teeth and enamel are destroyed - possible reasons

The tendency to carious processes may be due to genetic prerequisites, disruptions in the endocrine system, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and other internal factors. But these are not all possible reasons that provoke the rapid destruction of enamel and even dentin. The following phenomena contribute to pathological processes:

  • heavy plaque, supra- and subgingival deposits as a result of insufficient and irregular hygiene, violation of teeth brushing technique,
  • caries and non-carious lesions,
  • malocclusion and, as a result, pathological abrasion,
  • unbalanced diet, namely abuse of sweet and carbohydrate foods, foods high in acids,
  • sudden temperature changes in food and drinks,
  • frequent drinking and smoking,
  • mechanical damage,
  • long-term drug therapy.

There are many factors that affect the condition of teeth.
Does enamel often weaken due to sudden hormonal changes? for example, during pregnancy. During this period, it is extremely important for expectant mothers to pay close attention to the health of their teeth and gums, ensure a constant supply of beneficial vitamins and microelements to the body, maintain hygiene and not skip visits to the dentist for preventative measures.

How does calcium deficiency manifest itself?

An irresistible urge to chew chalk is a classic symptom of calcium deficiency. But even if you don’t think about anything like that, your body can still send appropriate signals.

The following symptoms will help diagnose a deficiency: increased bone fragility, caries, periodontitis and crumbling of teeth, muscle spasms and cramps, numbness of the limbs, a feeling of “crawling” in the fingers, back and neck pain, abnormal heart rate, difficulty concentrating.

If one or more of these symptoms is detected, you should consult a doctor: he will help you adjust the diet of the expectant mother.

The recommended daily intake of calcium for a pregnant woman is 1300 mg, and for a nursing woman - 1400 mg. The absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine is facilitated by vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of sunlight and can also be obtained from food. Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate, in addition to daily walks, the doctor may prescribe medications containing this vitamin to a pregnant or nursing mother.

Read our article for useful information on preventing calcium deficiency.

When is it time to start strengthening your teeth and gums?

Maintaining oral health is necessary throughout life, and care must begin from a very early age, and in many ways this is the responsibility of parents. But there are situations that literally leave no choice. In such cases, additional measures cannot be avoided to prevent complete destruction or loss of teeth. The following are the main indications for strengthening teeth and gums:

  • the smile has noticeably turned yellow, a plaque has appeared,
  • discomfort or even pain occurs when eating,
  • enamel reacts sharply to mechanical stimuli, temperature changes in food, sour, salty and sweet - the main signs of hyperesthesia,
  • crowns are visible along the cutting edge line,
  • visible defects appeared: chips, scratches and microcracks,
  • all signs of carious processes are present.

A sharp reaction of teeth to cold and sweet foods may be an indicator of their strengthening.
Procedures aimed at restoring and strengthening the hard tissues of the oral cavity are also prescribed as part of the complex treatment of a wide variety of dental diseases. These include inflammatory diseases of the gums and periodontal tissues (gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease as its complication), and neoplasms in the thickness of the mucous membrane, and many other pathological conditions that require full attention.

When all your teeth are loose – what to do?

In cases where there is mobility of almost all the teeth in the mouth, it is necessary to urgently contact a dentist so as not to lose them. A comprehensive examination will help identify the cause of mobility and, if possible, eliminate it. To limit mobility and prevent further loosening and loss of teeth, the dentist will perform splinting. Further treatment tactics will depend on the cause of mobility and its degree - most often such mobility is provoked by periodontitis or periodontal disease, so it is necessary to eliminate these diseases whenever possible.

It also happens that the lower front teeth become loose, what to do in such a situation? Find out whether the patient suffers from bruxism (uncontrollable grinding of teeth during sleep), since this pathology can cause just such mobility.

Foods that are good for enamel and gums

One of the main conditions for oral health is proper nutrition. It is important to diversify your daily diet with foods rich in healthy vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. As for strengthening enamel, experts strongly recommend the following products:

  • seafood is the main source of fluoride,
  • dairy products high in calcium,
  • nuts, in particular pine nuts, almonds, cashews,
  • kiwi with a high content of vitamin C - unlike many citrus fruits, kiwi is less chemically irritating to the enamel, but saturates it with beneficial vitamins,
  • fresh greens as another powerful source of vitamin C, which also helps strengthen the oral mucosa,
  • raw fruits and vegetables - at the moment of biting into the fruit, a natural cleansing of bacterial plaque occurs. In addition, these products are rich in beneficial vitamins and microelements,
  • Honey is a natural antiseptic and a source of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Proper nutrition is an important condition for oral health.
It is equally important to give up bad habits such as smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is better to limit sugary sodas and sour foods. To keep your teeth intact and healthy for as long as possible, it is recommended to give up the habit of gnawing on seeds and nuts.

Causes of the problem

Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, which is continuously exposed to mechanical, thermal and chemical stress. There are many reasons for its destruction and they can all be divided into two groups: carious and non-carious.

Carious causes

Most often, it is caries that destroys teeth, and in children this happens very quickly - in a few months, snow-white milk teeth can turn into black “stumps”. Bottle caries is a problem in the first years of life, when the use of a bottle with formula or sweet liquids at night creates a favorable atmosphere for an increase in the number of bacteria, leading to the development of caries and destruction of tooth enamel.

Non-carious causes

Often teeth are destroyed due to a lack of minerals in the enamel: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, which enter the body with food.

The main non-carious reasons why baby teeth crumble:

Enamel hypoplasia is a serious problem in which the enamel layer on a tooth may be completely or partially absent due to abnormal processes that are formed during the formation of the rudiments of teeth. The reason is a difficult pregnancy, stress, bad habits and a lack of vitamins in the body of the expectant mother.

Visually, enamel hypoplasia looks like grooves on the enamel, through which dentin shines through. Such teeth are not protected and are more susceptible to physical and chemical stress.

Fluorosis is a disease that develops due to excess fluoride in the body. The child's teeth are covered with bright white spots. This problem is caused by drinking water with high levels of fluoride content.

Non-carious lesions also include:

  • poor nutrition (lack of important substances);
  • lack of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • high levels of phytic acid;
  • excessive sugar consumption;
  • excess fluoride in the body;
  • enamel defects or absence;
  • heredity;
  • taking antibiotics during the mother's pregnancy;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • the habit of chewing on everything - pencils, pens, toys, nuts, candies;
  • problems of intrauterine development;
  • low quality of drinking water;
  • jaw injuries resulting from a fall.

Oral hygiene rules - recommendations from experts

To strengthen the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity, it is important to ensure a high level of hygiene. Preventive measures should be mainly aimed at combating thinning and hyperesthesia, mobility of elements and inflammation of periodontal tissues.

Thus, regularity in daily cleaning is not the only condition for maintaining health. It is equally important to perform the procedure correctly and use the correct brush and paste for this. It is better to consult your dentist on this matter, since only a doctor will be able to give an accurate assessment of the current state of the oral tissues, and therefore choose the right direction in prevention.

Proper dental hygiene is important to maintain your smile.

As additional measures, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory rinses, soothing and strengthening gels for gums, the use of floss after meals and an irrigator as part of daily hygiene are often recommended. Once every six months, you must visit a dentist for a preventive examination and a hygienist for a comprehensive professional examination. hygiene: removing plaque, supra- and subgingival deposits, mineralization of hard tissues and strengthening gums.

Procedures to strengthen enamel in dentistry

In dentistry, special concentrated formulations with a high mineral content are used for this purpose. As part of complex treatment and recovery, special fluoridated toothpastes are often prescribed, recommendations are given regarding the permissible hardness of a toothbrush and adherence to a certain diet. Popular procedures aimed at increasing the density and strength of enamel are described below.

Remineralization procedure

An integral and very first stage is prof. hygiene – this procedure involves removing plaque and subgingival deposits, as well as strengthening the gums and hard tissues. For the latter, fluoridation and remineralization are required - this can be a one-time procedure or a course of 3-4 sessions, depending on the condition of the enamel. Compositions saturated with calcium, fluoride and other beneficial substances are applied to the surface of the teeth. Remineralization can be prescribed for both adults and children from 6 years of age - according to indications.

How is fluoridation carried out?

This procedure is often carried out simultaneously with remineralization, since fluoride promotes better absorption of calcium. In this case, it is assumed that hard tissues will be treated with special fluorine-containing compounds that nourish the enamel and saturate it with the mineral necessary for strengthening. In regions where there is a deficiency of fluoride compounds in tap water, this procedure is especially necessary.

Fluoridation will help strengthen tooth enamel

“After whitening, my enamel became very sensitive. It happened that I was brought to tears if I took a sip of hot tea. I couldn’t stand it then and, on the advice of a friend, went to her dentist. He immediately told me that, apparently, they had gone too far, and now the teeth need to be restored. He prescribed special rinses and performed fluoridation. Soon it all went away, but I definitely won’t dare to bleach again...”

MargoFil, from correspondence on the forum

As a preventative measure, fluoridation is carried out every six months. If necessary, the procedure is repeated more often. There is a simplified home version - surface fluoridation without filling the tubules. It can be carried out every month, and special gentle compositions are used for this.

Treatment and prosthetics

To treat pathological conditions that have led to a weakening of the enamel layer, along with fluoridation and remineralization procedures, special gels, pastes and rinses are prescribed. If you have specific symptoms, it is not recommended to choose such remedies on your own; you should definitely consult your dentist about this.

In some cases, not only restoration is required, but also covering the resulting defects. Such measures are necessary when there is a risk of damage to the dentin of the incisors or molars. To do this, they resort to composite building using the direct method (artistic restoration), to the installation of veneers or lumineers. In the most advanced cases, it is necessary to grind down the living tooth and install a crown.

You can strengthen your teeth with veneers

Fluoridation of enamel

The procedure is safe and allows you to strengthen the enamel even for children aged 1.5-2 years, and also copes with superficial caries at the spot stage. Carrying out this procedure annually significantly reduces the risk of caries and further tooth destruction, eliminates the development of inflammation on the mucous membrane, and preserves baby teeth until a permanent bite is formed. Tooth enamel is completely painlessly coated with a special transparent fluoride varnish. The preparation for children contains a minimal amount of fluoride, which will not harm the body.

Review of gels with remineralization effect for home use

Today, pharmacies have special gels in their assortment - to strengthen teeth, gums, get rid of hyperesthesia, inflammation and bleeding. It is better to start using such products after consulting with your dentist. Below is an overview of popular products for strengthening enamel and gums.

Gel ROCS Medical Minerals

A product with a remineralizing effect. Helps nourish the protective layer of dental tissues, saturating it with phosphorus, calcium and magnesium ions. After application to the enamel, it forms a kind of protective coating that prevents the negative effects of external aggressive factors. Xylitol in the composition normalizes the balance of microflora in the oral cavity. There is also a product designed specifically for use in children. The gel does not contain fluoride and is approved for use immediately after the appearance of primary incisors.

The cost of a 45 g tube will be about 400-450 rubles.

LACALUT fluor Gel

Regarding what else can be used to strengthen the enamel, many experts agree on the high effectiveness of LACALUT fluor Gel. The product contains sodium fluoride and amino fluoride. The combination of these substances promotes the formation of a protective layer on the surface of the crowns, stimulates restoration processes in the presence of chips and microcracks, as well as signs of pathological abrasion. Effectively fights hyperesthesia and also removes bacteria and plaque.

Price for a volume of 30 ml – 300-350 rubles.

GC Tooth Mousse

The mousse contains beneficial minerals and casein. By reacting with saliva, the active components are activated, forming a protective film on the surface of the enamel. It is not recommended to wash off the product for at least 7-10 minutes after application. The drug helps compact the surface layer and at the same time provides an excellent antiseptic effect. Recommended for use in combination with gum products of the same brand.

The approximate cost of the product (35 ml) is 1300-2000 rubles.

Protefix dental gel

According to the manufacturer, the product has a complex effect, promotes the restoration and saturation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The active components of the gel stimulate the regenerative properties of living tissues, effectively relieve inflammation and disinfect. Recommended for use if there are signs of inflammation in the gums.

Approximate price for 10 ml – 220-250 rubles.

Gel "Apident Active"

The domestically produced drug is not inferior in quality to its foreign analogues. It contains only natural plant ingredients, in particular propolis, bee venom, extracts of calendula, yarrow, sage, chamomile and fir. The product has a pronounced bactericidal effect on mucosal tissue, promotes their restoration and strengthening at the cellular level.

The cost of gel in a volume of 30 g will be about 200-250 rubles.

Which vitamin complex to choose?

At the present time, it is quite difficult to ensure an uninterrupted supply of vitamins and micronutrients in sufficient quantities through nutrition alone. To maintain immunity and prevent any pathological processes in the body, you have to periodically take a course of vitamins. To do this, you should choose only high-quality and proven complexes. According to expert reviews, the following two drugs, described below, have worked well.

Complex "Calcium D3 Nycomed"

The drug contains bioavailable calcium and vitamin D3 - cholecalciferol. These substances are virtually indispensable for the formation of healthy bone tissue and, accordingly, tooth enamel. The product ensures the formation of a kind of membrane that stimulates cell regeneration and renewal. The complex ensures mineralization of dental tissues from the inside, helps restore gums, nourish them and increase elasticity. Recommended for periodic use from the age of 5 in the dosages specified in the instructions.

The cost of packaging (60 pcs.) is 330-350 rubles.

Vitamins "Centrum Silver"

The multivitamin complex offers a whole range of macro- and microelements beneficial to the body with high digestibility rates. These include substances such as betacarotene, retinol, colecalciferol, ascorbic and folic acids, B vitamins, biotin and other elements important for health. The drug helps restore mineral metabolism in the body, including strengthening hard tissues and the oral mucosa.

Approximate price (30 pcs.) – 500-550 rubles.

Review of strengthening toothpastes

In some cases, experts recommend using strengthening pastes. They are offered as maintenance therapy or prevention of caries and other pathological conditions related to enamel health. The products presented below have proven themselves excellent in this regard.

LACALUT Aktiv and Sensitive

A popular brand of quality oral care products. Thanks to the wide range, everyone can find a suitable product for themselves. Pastes from the Aktiv and Sensitive series contain aluminum lactate, which stimulates the restoration and strengthening of hard tissues. These products are classified as preventative, but the company also produces a wide range of medicinal pastes designed for different clinical cases.

Approximate cost (75 ml): Aktiv – 200 rubles, Sensitive – 220 rubles.

Silca, Herbal Complete paste

The product is focused on restoring gum tissue and supporting enamel health. An excellent option for high-quality caries prevention (due to the combination of sodium fluoride and urea), as well as for those who suffer from hyperesthesia. The active components of the paste reduce sensitivity and provide surface remineralization. It contains natural extracts of calendula, chamomile, sage, yarrow, as well as vitamin E, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The price of a 100 ml tube is 100 rubles.

SPLAT "Lavandasept"

Preventive paste with natural ingredients: essential oils of lavender, thyme and rosemary. The product has excellent antiseptic properties and provides good prevention of caries and inflammatory gum diseases. After its use, a thin protective film is formed on the teeth, preventing the intense formation of bacterial plaque.

The cost of 100 ml will be approximately 150 rubles.

Silvering of teeth

Baby teeth are susceptible to caries and, when damaged, are destroyed much faster than adult permanent teeth. Children are often prescribed a procedure such as silvering of enamel - silver nitrate is applied. The procedure is effective not only as a prevention of caries, but also in its initial manifestations, since the active substance actively destroys bacteria and creates a strong protective film around the tooth. The only drawback of silver plating is that the baby’s teeth may turn black, which will lead to aesthetic problems.

Traditional medicine tips

To prevent caries and non-carious lesions, you can from time to time resort to traditional medicine. But before you try another recipe on yourself, it is better to consult a dentist and rule out possible contraindications. The most effective and safest tips are described below.

Saline solution

Mix one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting solution. The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect, helps to relieve acute inflammation and reduce pain in pathological conditions.

Oak bark decoction

An effective remedy for restoring gums is prepared using oak bark - it can be purchased at any nearest pharmacy. It is advisable to add linden blossom to the crushed bark in a ratio of 1 to 1. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for about an hour. After this time, the broth should be filtered and used for its intended purpose up to three times a day.

Gargling with a decoction of oak bark will help in treatment

Propolis tincture

For preventive purposes, you can use an aqueous solution of propolis tincture - for rinsing and applying to the brush. Propolis balls are perfect as medicinal chewing gum. The product has a pronounced bactericidal effect, helps reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and restore the balance of microflora.

The photo shows propolis balls

Beeswax gum

To prepare this product, mix honey, beeswax, lemon juice and peppermint oil in a glass container in a water bath. Next, you need to let the resulting mixture cool until it hardens a little. Then the chewing gum should be cut into small pieces and used for its intended purpose several times a day. An additional effect is pleasant fresh breath.

Medicinal salad recipe

First you need to soak the seaweed in warm water and squeeze it out a little. Next, add basil seasoning and chopped sage. The salad should be chewed thoroughly for 15 minutes, and then it can be swallowed or spat out. This is a great alternative to cleansing after eating or consuming highly acidic foods.

Seaweed is a great alternative to brushing your teeth

How to prevent tooth decay

What to do to prevent chipping/decay of teeth:

  • ensure high-quality oral hygiene;
  • limit the amount of sweets in the children's diet;
  • teach your child to brush their teeth and rinse their mouth after eating;
  • take your child for preventive examinations to the dentist.

Expectant mothers need to eat well, take vitamins, and treat all their teeth that need it - after all, a child’s teeth are formed in the early stages of pregnancy. Vitamins that a child should receive from food:

  • Group A – butter, yolk, offal, fish, fish oil;
  • Group D – pork, salmon, yolk, beef liver, fish oil;
  • Group E – meat by-products, nuts, seeds, green vegetables;
  • Group K – liver, yolk, butter, nuts, seeds, broccoli.

As for babies, it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate night feedings and teach them to drink water at night. You can also use xylitol - containing wipes for treating teeth, if such feedings are still present.

What do doctors think about home remedies for strengthening teeth?

Dentists have always been approving of home methods for preventing thinning enamel and gum inflammation, but only if they take a reasonable approach. Before starting any manipulations, you need to visit a doctor and make sure that you do not have any pathological phenomena that require professional help. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the situation with your own hands and leading to the development of even more serious complications.

To strengthen your teeth and gums, it is important to follow the recommendations of your dentist, maintain hygiene, use toothpastes, gels and rinses prescribed by a specialist, eat right and try to lead a healthy lifestyle. But it is better to give up alcohol and tobacco forever. Maintaining the balance of oral microflora and the health of the body as a whole is the main condition for strong teeth and a beautiful, healthy smile.

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