Pathologies that arise after tooth extraction are treated differently
Complications after removal of wisdom teeth on the upper and lower jaw
Also look: Dental treatment under a microscopeTreatment of dental cariesEndodontic dental treatment Any type of dental treatment
acrylic dentures
Recovery after removable dentures: lifestyle and rules for caring for new teeth
May 3, 2019 When the question arises about how to restore a large number of teeth, many
how to properly care for your teeth
TOP 24 best electric toothbrushes: 2022 rating (including regular and sonic) by quality and price
Many consumers believe that, compared to conventional brushes, electric brushes have more advantages: they
how quickly does the hole heal?
How long will it take for a hole to heal after tooth extraction?
Usually, the healing of the hole after tooth extraction occurs painlessly and does not cause any sensations in the patient.
bleeding gums when brushing
Treatment of gums during pregnancy: diagnosis - gingivitis
If your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, you don’t need to put up with this problem. It's pretty
Neurosis of the pharynx and larynx
Why do throat ulcers appear and how to treat them?
Neurosis of the larynx and pharynx does not exist as a nosological unit. This is what persistent sensations are usually called:
Damage to the sensory nerve. Post-traumatic neuropathy. Part 2
What is damage to the mandibular nerve? By this concept, dentists mean injury to one of the nerves:
oral burn
Chemical and thermal burns of ENT organs: danger, first aid and treatment
A burn of the oral cavity is damage to the oral mucosa through exposure to high
Bubbles in the mouth on the mucous membrane: where is the problem and what to do?
Quick navigation Bubbles on the outside of the lip Bubbles on the inside of the lip Features of the appearance of white
jaws go numb
9 Most Common Reasons Why Your Jaws Go Numb
May 15, 2020 If the lower or upper jaw is numb, then this may be natural
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