Causes of boils on the genitals of women - signs and treatment regimen

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Furuncles of the labia, or as they are popularly called “chiria,” are inflammation of the hair follicle, close to the sebaceous glands and surrounding tissues. A common disease of the intimate area that can have serious consequences if left untreated. It’s a pity that not everyone immediately goes to the doctor with this problem. Treatment must be carried out to avoid complications and side effects. Especially when a boil appears inside the skin of the labia. This can occur anywhere on the vulva (labia majora and minora), pubis, perineum, or closer to the anus. A boil in the intimate area may have the term “boil”.

If the process is characterized not by a single formation, but by multiple rashes on the external genitalia (from three units), then this is called “furunculosis.” This disease should not be confused with carbuncle - a purulent inflammation that affects the inner layers of the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Pustules on the labia with syphilis

Pustules on the labia appear as a result of infection by the pathogen Treponema pallidum.
Upon examination, they look like acne.

Diagnosis is difficult with syphilis, without a laboratory base.

To confirm, a blood test is most often taken.

When pustules appear, be sure to check when the last time you had sexual intercourse.

Syphilis is accompanied by enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Syphilis rashes are not accompanied by itching and pain.

Characteristic will be the absence of clearly manifested inflammation at the site of the abscess.

How to properly treat a boil

Before touching the abscess, as well as after touching, you must wash your hands well with soap or some other antibacterial agent.

If, after touching the formation, you are faced with the process of preparing food, you must wash your hands very thoroughly so as not to introduce infection into the food.

During the course of this disease, carefully monitor hygiene. Shower regularly.

During removal of ulcers, local anesthesia is used. After opening, a swab with an antiseptic is applied. In order for the wound to heal faster, the doctor may prescribe UHF, irradiation with infrared light, or electrophoresis.

Local treatment includes compresses that soften purulent formation, reduce pain symptoms and promote rapid maturation of the boil. After applying the compress to the abscess, you must apply a dry, clean bandage in the form of gauze. The boil cannot be squeezed out; you need to wait until it opens on its own. This type of wound care is carried out until it is completely healed.

At the first manifestation of a boil, you must go to the hospital; you cannot self-medicate. Because self-treatment can only worsen the condition. To avoid this disease, you need to monitor genital hygiene.

Depilation of the intimate area should be carried out correctly and carefully. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well and strengthen your immune system

Pustules on the labia with molluscum contagiosum

A small nodule is formed, dense to the touch.

The formation has a depression in the middle.

Infection with molluscum contagiosum occurs through the use of other people's personal hygiene items, close contact, and sex.

Molluscum contagiosum can cause formations that look like pustules.

When squeezed out, the contents are whitish in color.

HPV provokes spontaneous cell division at the site of infection by the virus.

Characteristic formations begin to appear in this area, but no pain occurs.

Over time, the formations grow and resemble cauliflower in appearance.

At first they can be confused with pustular elements.

Remember! If pustular rashes appear, you should visit a doctor.


There are many types of genital rashes.

Below are the most common cases.

  1. bartholinitis - compactions under the skin, accompanied by painful sensations and resulting from inflammation of the Bartholin gland;
  2. boil - a large purulent pimple on the genitals;
  3. papillomas and condylomas - slightly elongated watery pimples with a pointed tip;
  4. genital herpes is accompanied by an itchy rash in the intimate area;
  5. molluscum contagiosum manifests itself as rashes of various sizes and shapes;
  6. small wounds on the genitals, which over time turn into pimples;
  7. painful red purulent acne;
  8. Seborrheic cysts, otherwise called sebaceous cysts or Fordyce granules, appear in the form of a light-colored rash.

Pustules on the labia: tests

When rashes appear, many women are interested in the question, “which doctor and where should I go?”

If a pustular rash forms, you should see a gynecologist.

You can consult the following doctors:

  • Dermatologist
  • Venereologist
  • Urologist
  • Virologist

During the consultation, the specialist conducts a full examination of the genital organ and studies the nature of the rash.

Laboratory tests will be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.

They help differentiate the diseases that caused the rash.

For research, a smear and blood are taken.

will help make a diagnosis .

This method allows you to detect the DNA of the causative agent of a particular disease.

The doctor takes the material for the study during the examination.

The manipulation is carried out using a special spatula.

The material is collected from the genital organ.

The contents of the abscess can also be taken for research.

A sample of the material is placed in a sterile tube and sent to the laboratory for further study.

blood tests on an empty stomach, from a vein.

Research can be carried out using several methods:

  1. 1.ELISA
  2. 2.RPGA
  3. 3.RIF

With the help of serological reactions, not only the presence of the disease is established, but also the stage of development of the pathological process.

If syphilis is suspected, the Wasserman reaction or rpr test is performed.

This diagnostic method allows you to diagnose the disease at the initial stages.

The result form will contain a mark indicating a positive or negative result.

Taking out! If a positive result is obtained, the study should be repeated.

Violation of the rules for preparing for analysis may cause an unreliable analysis result.

After the diagnosis has been completed, based on the result, the doctor will prescribe an effective course of treatment.


It is extremely important not only to cure the patient of purulent acne in intimate areas, but also to prevent relapses in the future.

Prevention of acne formation on the genitals is quite simple:

  1. maintaining personal hygiene using baby soaps or gels that do not contain fragrances, dyes or fragrances;
  2. wear exclusively classic cotton panties of the appropriate size;
  3. do epilation correctly - if you have acne, it is better to abandon the razor and replace it with a good depilatory cream for sensitive skin;
  4. wear unscented panty liners;
  5. refuse self-medication - let the doctor identify the cause of your illness and prescribe appropriate treatment;
  6. strictly adhere to the course of treatment and subsequent recommendations regarding prevention prescribed by your doctor.

In addition to the above general rules for preventing acne on the genitals, the doctor will supplement them with special recommendations in each individual case.

After completing the course of treatment, all patients should remember that now prevention should become a way of life.

Ulcers on the labia: treatment

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Remember! Self-medication leads to the development of complications of the disease.

The treatment regimen depends on which flora contributed to the appearance of pustules.

Conservative therapy is used as treatment.

If necessary, surgical removal is prescribed.

Pustules on the labia, what to apply?

There are a wide variety of creams and gels available to remove skin rashes.

They can be easily used at home.

It should be noted! The dosage and frequency of application should be prescribed by a specialist.

Ointments may have antiviral or antimicrobial effects.

To eliminate a viral infection, Viferon, Acyclovir or Panavirin are prescribed.

It is recommended to lubricate the rash for two weeks.

The frequency of application is up to 5 times a day.

For a bacterial infection, antibiotic ointment is prescribed.

Sometimes a complex drug is recommended, for example Triderm.

Pustules on the labia, what pills to take?

If there is an infection, antimicrobial drugs should be taken.

As a rule, antibiotics with a broad spectrum of action are prescribed.

They are a universal remedy against sexually transmitted infections.

The following groups of antibacterial drugs can be prescribed for treatment:

  • Penicillins
  • Tetracyclines
  • Fluoroquinolones
  • Macrolides

Tetracyclines are prescribed in an amount of 250 milligrams per day.

The duration of treatment will depend on the degree of damage to the body.

Penicillins are drugs that are used in the fight against the causative agent of syphilis.

The drug can be used in the form of tablets or intramuscular injection.

Macrolides are prescribed in an amount of 500 mg 2 times a day for 5-10 days.

This group of drugs is used in cases where there are allergies to other antibiotics.

If the pustules are caused by fungal flora, antifungal agents are prescribed.

For the treatment of candidal diseases, local drugs are prescribed.

Vaginal suppositories can be used as therapy.

In case of severe damage to the body by the fungus, general medications are prescribed in the form of tablets.

The type of medication is selected by the attending physician.

To combat the fungus, Diflucan, Polygynax, and Pimafucin can be used.

Important! Self-treatment can lead to a deterioration in well-being, so you should entrust the appointment of therapy to a specialist.

At the end of the course, it is necessary to pass control tests.

This will allow us to determine the effectiveness of drug treatment.


This disease is sexually transmitted and can be present in the female body unnoticed. Causes:

  • venereal diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor immunity;
  • intoxication in the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Those who are sexually promiscuous and often change partners are at greatest risk of getting sick. You should use contraception to protect yourself from this type of infection. The following symptoms are observed:

  • the presence of pointed, hanging growths;
  • pain at the site of localization, with papilloma injuries;
  • bleeding;
  • redness;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor.


Treatment can be medicinal and surgical. When treated with medications, the following occurs: suppression of virus activity, necrosis of papillomas, stopping inflammation, pain relief, blocking and suppression of new papillomas and stimulation of the immune system. The following drugs are used:

  • "Kondilin";
  • cream "Imiquad";
  • gel spray "Panavir";
  • "Podophyllotoxin";
  • gel "Epigen Intim";
  • ointment "Veregen";
  • "Cycloferon".

If the situation is hopeless and drug treatment does not produce results, then the doctor advises resorting to surgery. There are several options for such treatment:

  1. Laser method. Cauterization of damaged tissue.
  2. Operation. Removal in the presence of large formations.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Cauterization of papillomas using electric current.
  4. Cryodestruction. Impact on papilloma by low temperatures. A special feature is the presence of liquid nitrogen.


With furunculosis, the gland and hair follicle become inflamed. White, purulent formations appear at the base of the labia.

When bacteria enter the body, then an inflammatory process begins to appear. Most often, staphylococci are these pathogenic microorganisms. Causes of boils:

  • severe and frequent hypothermia;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards;
  • inflammatory process in the Bartholin gland;
  • reduced immunity;
  • excessive sweating;
  • razor cuts;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • metabolic disease.

This disease has 3 stages.

  • Stage 1 - swelling and itching appear. The boil thickens, swells and begins to pulsate. It can reach three millimeters in diameter;
  • Stage 2 - characterized by the appearance of a purulent core, and bubbles appear on the surface. At this stage, body temperature may rise, headache and enlarged lymph nodes may appear;
  • Stage 3 - the boil begins to open and its contents come out.

This disease can be treated using various means that help draw out the pus. These include: Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, and Ichthyol ointment. In severe cases, you will have to use ointments based on antibiotics: Tetracycline, Erythromycin or Dicloxacillin ointment.

If the boil cannot be cured with medication, then you have to operate. The surgeon performs the operation under local anesthesia. The pimple opens and the pus is removed. Afterwards, a special tube is placed through which the pus will drain. Physiotherapeutic procedures are sometimes used.

With furunculosis it is prohibited:

  • be sexually active;
  • touch the infected area with dirty hands;
  • press or open suppuration;
  • scratch a pimple;
  • treat furunculosis yourself;
  • cancel the doctor’s treatment at your own discretion ahead of time.
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